Show I Milk Firms Must Use Own Bottles I Judge Decides By fly Purchased botties from rom junk an n X used them the In tit th retail milk trade ot of Salt alt IC Lake City Judge Jud William S. S Marks d decided tl Wednesday In district court that thai the Clover r I leaf eaf and eight oth other r dairies bad had sinned greater tr than the tho defendant Meadow rm Dairy D which it was wu sought to restrain re- re strain trIn from using the plaintiffs plaintiffs' trademarked bottles bottle I In deciding the case caM Judge Marks retrained restrained both parties front from using each others other's bottle to deliver de dt liver milk mUk in but permitted both parties the privilege to pick JIlek ick up UI each Mch others other's bottles bottle No 0 mention was Vas made ot of tho the conditions condition under which tho the parties may effect olle-cl an nn exchange of bottles bottle after having barIng collected bott bottle oe other than their own o Those dairies aN associated with the Clover lr I eaf 1 Dairy in th the case were Harris Bros Dros Maple Ix f. f Hatch Farm rm Mutual Creamery com company p D Wasatch Gold Medal Nibley Park and Moss More Uros Bros dairies He Heber r C. C Sharp Shari James C. C Sharp C. C Sharp Jr and Anthony Anthon Sharp doln doing n. n as J tho the Meadow Mea Olea dow View Satin Kann Dairy and A. A llon- llon klASOn n were mado joint defend defend- ants |