Show REBEL OUTPOSTS OUTPOSTS' GIVE AY BEFORE MARINE MARIN BOMBING District in Nicaragua Nicaragua Nica Nica- Now Quiet Pa troIs Report GARRISON INCREASED Sandino F Followers Flee Into Honduras WASHINGTON Jan 18 AP APAn AP An n investigation of the Nicaraguan situation will be recommended by bythe bythe bythe the senate for foreign ign relations committee com corn mittie Chairman Borah forecast today after the que question had d been discussed in the committee MANAGUA GUA Nicaragua Jan 18 AP Harassed AP-Harassed Harassed by three days ys of persistent and heavy bombing from marine corps corps' planes Ianes r rebel b outposts today had fled from San n Albino regon re region re- re gon gion marine headquarters an ao The announcement em nt was made upon he r return turn of of airplane p patrols rol arol from rom the e where the he m a tl n t Io fI IS ng f against the rebel general Aug Augustino oA o. o A A combat patrol aim aiso rep reported t there was vas no evidence in tho the Qui Qui- lali aU district t of rebel activity It was believed that SandinO's SandinO forces had retired to El EI which he made his lila headquarters after the marines took toot A company of ot marines went to Matagalpa to strengthen the garrison garrison garrison garri garri- son there EXPLOSION WARNING The explosion of ot two bombs I j thought to have warned Sandino's followers to leave Jinotega Sun Sun- day It was reported th that t Sandino Sandin left El stating he would go to Jinotega and that IrIs his arrival would be announced by the explosion explosion sion of ot two bombs The explosion took place as forecast When Sandino San dma dino did not appear it was believed that this was a a. warning to his cohorts With the arrival al of ot Major General John A. A Le Jeune commander of the tho marines land Brigadier General Logan Feland eland and und with United States ships dally disembarking marines marines marines ma ma- rines and supplies airplanes and ammunition at Corinto Nic Nicaragua lr gua guais is assuming the military appearance which it had bud last ast February when more moro than and marinos ma- ma rin ss s occupied all the Important cities clUes o of ot Nicaragua and guarded the National railway PACT PACT- SIGNED Last year General Moncada was leader of or the rebellious liberal forces and at the tho head of ot 2000 well-armed well soldiers and was making his way slowly In the interior his objective being Managua Manag 1 Moncada ronca down his his' arms at tho the r request quest of Henry Henri L. L Stimson the representative of or PresIdent President President Pres Pres- ident Coolidge and a pact was signed whereby tho the United St States tes was granted supervision over th the 1928 presidential elections election I Today Sandino formet former liberal linera general und under r Monc Moncada da has hag as assumed assumed as as- tire leadership of or a a tl strong group of at atm m men n in the We almost inaccessible region of ot Nueva Sego Sego- via His Ills resistance to the United States has brought many malcontents malcon makon tents and adventurers to his ranch inch American officials had believed el ev d' d that when Moncada surrendered the country would at once return return to to normalcy Such was was was' the case case where marines were located but the great greater eat eat- I e er Cr part of the tho area of or Nicaragua Is made up of ot unexplored tropical j Jun Jungles n- n glee forest and mountain and Itis ItIs it itIs Is Impossible to patrol and garrison Continued on page 5 6 I REBEL OUTPOSTS GIVE WAY BEFORE MA MARINE NE BOMBING V Continued from page pago 1 all alJ sections section unless thousands of marines marines marines ma ma- rines are utilized A small email national guard has been en organized and trained but shortage of funds Iras has not permitted the government to increase the tile force as desired Failure to quell Sandino whose strength is unknown has caused general uneasiness throughout the tho country Small groups of outlaws roam in certain districts at will committing depredations of all aU kinds Crimes have increased Partisan Partisan Partisan Par Par- papers are blaming the other side sido for pre present ent conditions The Tile conservatives assert that Sandino is a liberal carrying on liberal policies pol pol- pol- pol kits s the liberals assert that Sandino San San- dino is not recognized by the liberal party since since- his hs failure to lay down arms L In accordance with with- the tile Stimson Stirn- Stirn son on pact and that he ho has received aid from rom the in conservatives order to keep country in a state of turmoil In the the- hope of vitiating the 1928 1128 ele elections Sandino's policy y Is to strike and harass the marines at every every opp opportunity 1 never fighting In the open Withdrawing to a remote and Inaccessible in inaccessible inaccessible In- In accessible region he gath gathered red to together together together to- to gether more than guerillas well arm armed d and mounted Santino's followers followers followers followers' fol fol- fol- fol lowers lowers' consider their lea leader er a There Thera are few cases of desertion n. n SAN SALVADOR Salvador Jan IS 18 AP Advices A-Advices Advices from the port of La Union on the Honduran border state followers ollow rs of the Nicaraguan guan rebel general Sandino have fled into Honduras I ROUTED BY MARINES Tire The rebels were routed by American Ameri Amen can marine detachments at Somotillo Somotillo Somo- Somo tillo tIno recently and tried to escape in a 3 northerly direction This failIng failing fail fail- Ing they crossed into Honduras and fled the tho Rio Negro in canoes to th the tilO Gulf Gule of Fonseca Several ot of the rebels ebels some seine of or them wounded i reached ach d Mapala Honduras s. s and aid La Ln Union t WIo V. V V |