Show Jordan or an e T TA a A a to toen Open en Its Annual Meeting Friday The Jordan Teachers Parent association as sedation will wUl hold i its Ita annu annual roundup at t th the th Jordan Jordn high school Friday FrIda and Saturday It was WIt announced announced an an- noun Tu by J J. J Stocking Stocking- L Among Amona the topics to b be discussed are art homo home improvements Improvement school chool luncheons luncheon and nd the tho economic value of schools choo New officers will wll be elected on Saturday Dr Or O org Thomas Thom president of the Ura University of Utah D. D C. C Jensen Jen- Jen sen n. n su of the tha Jordan school 1 trial and aad Dr Fig F F. S. S liar liar- n ria a of Brigham Yount university have been Men Invited to pk speak at the meeting I |