Show U. U S. S Now Recognizes 3 Ten Goal Stevenson Is I. Third Thin NEW Jan 18 12 i tAP AP- AP Three ten goal polo player players are no ion JIOW recognized reco by the United Polo Poll association with tho the addition of ot Malcolm Stevenson to the rating rating- At M the annual me meeting tin of the as as as' hero yesterday was elevated from a 11 handl handicap ap ratIng ratIng rat rat- Ing InK of eight goals to the ten at which Devereux Thomas Hitchcock Jr have been bee rated Stevenson who figured In America victory over ove Great Britain in the International match last Jut a September r. r was AS the only member of the big blo four to havo hi his handicap p chanced J. J Watson Webb continues at the goal eight handicap handi- handi cap Robert nobert B E. E Jr na was at advanced from eight goal goala to io nine Louis H. H Stoddard of or New York lork was wa reflected reelected chairman of or the as u- u for or 1929 1921 |