Show 4 i Livestock Markets I I 0 4 NORTH MOUTH SALT HALT LAKE NORTH SALT LAKE Jan IS 15 USDA Hogs Receipts Including Inched Inched- lag ing 87 57 head for the local market 87 In transit to South San Francisco market 91 to San Diego packers to Los Angeles An An- gales geles market and to San Francisco packers market steady to weak a load pf medium weight butchers 8 50 few lighter weights at thiS odd lots lotsof lotsof of packing tows sews at Cattle Receipts Cattle Receipts 98 Including CO 60 head bead direct to local packers and 38 In transit to Los Loa Angeles market No sales Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts 2540 Including 33 35 head for time the local market In transit to Utah breeders 1428 1425 to Colorado breeders and 1242 to Los Angeles pa k- k ers era No early sales OGDEN OGDEN Utah San Jan 18 AD UP USDA Hogs Receipts Including tog ing market and direct load good medium weight butchers at and few pound at He and higher than Tuesdays Tuesday's packing sows about steady few heavy weights Cattle Cattle Receipts Including market 56 Denver and 29 Modesto steady to strong pound 1040 steers late yesterday 1175 with two out at 1075 today good heifers halters upward to part load good cows few cutters 1400 Sheep Sheep Receipts all market nine sold early KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY Jan 17 Sheep Sheep Lambs generally strong to lOc bc higher sheep 15 to lIe higher few lightweight lambs Iambs to shippers other fed lots to packers mostly yearlings shorn lots top ewes Cattle Fed Cattle Fed steers slow weak to Ho lower shipping orders order for better grade steers limited she ehe stock slow clow steady bulls weak to lower and calves unchanged stockers and feeders firm bulk fed steers eligible to sell around 1175 1400 good weighty steers held considerably higher short fed heifers upward to 1135 butcher cows medium bulls mostly down veal top 1100 few stockers stock dock ers era and feeders Hogs Active 10 to lOc higher mostly mostly most most- ly 15 to lee higher than Tuesdays Tuesday's average stock pigs strong top on to pound bulk desirable pound up to pound packing sows stock pigs average cost Tuesday weight pounds SOUTH SAX SAN FRANCISCO SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO Jan 1 18 IAP I IAP AP USDA Hogs Receipts di di- di reel holdovers slow nothing scaled late Tuesday four loads N Ne- Ne braskas seven eve loads 10 to pound on sale packing saws cow Cattle Receipts Cattle Receipts 85 35 holdovers slow little scaled two loads 1000 pound California steers 1225 1221 loads oada medium to good grades on sale late Tuesday pound 1140 California 1225 load pound Utah fed year lings 1200 1300 load medium pound 1175 two loads common Mexicans good grade she stock absent odd odi head medium cows cutters 10 bulls none Calves Calves Receipts none choice veal err era 1300 to pounds 1250 Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts none holdovers 1000 good lightweights 1375 1175 84 81 to 93 01 pounds 1200 1100 eight deckS deck heavyweight on sale yearlings 1000 ewes i 9 OMAHA OMAHA Jan 18 United Press Press Press- Cattle Cattle Receipts market slow slob weak yearlings 1000 0 1550 steer cows and heifers 1250 stockers and feeders 1335 calves bulls and stags western rangers blank Hogs Receipts Hogs Receipts market active steady to higher bulk 25 top Sheep Sheep Receipts market fat fa lambs strong to 10 3 higher year year- lings feeder lambs 1100 1300 fat lambs ewes 0 74 0 COLIC CHIC GO CHICAGO Jan 18 USDA V Cattle Receipts better grades fed steers deer almost at a standstill lower grades about steady sIte she ck and hulls bulls vealera SOc higher largely low putter gutter cows leep Receipts market marlet fairly active fully steady choice 69 to 72 round pound lambs choice 05 pound yearlings around 1150 good gool pound ewes up to Iambs scarce few packages good feeders jJ 1250 Hogs lIngo Receipts generally ete dy to ng top 5 34 40 bulk desirable desir able hogs all weights pounds pound upward up up- ward at LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES Jan IS Hogs Re Receipts Estimated supply just ar arrived ar- ar rived flOn none sold undertone steady Cattle Receipts Cattle Receipts generally steady car pound 1120 California fed fd steers late Tuesday 1011 pound pound Utah 1260 1280 four cars pound 1225 1233 two cars pound 1007 Colorado cows 03 other Sils h stock mostly Including leo short load light Arizona nil cli cutters bulls calves steady car pound Arizona 1100 ear car mine Arl Alnea na tin tr Receipts 1000 including decks Arizona and two decks California Califor pies nia mostly lambs with light sprinkling I of ewe choice light lambs quoted to 1350 good and choice lightweight ewes |