Show I Jury Chos Chosen n for Kangaroo Court Suit for Injuries ies Impaneling of ot a jury Jn Jared W. W damage suit against Benjamin R. R Harries former former for for- mer sheriff of Salt Lake county the Maryland Mary and Cas Casualty alty company and W. W J. J Irvine former deputy sheriff was completed Wednesday W in Judge Ephraim Hansons Hanson's divIsion division division divi divI- sion of bf the district court and trial begun alleges th that t the he was severely beaten by prison prisoners rs In a kangaroo l court at the county jail March 8 B Before ore he could arrange for or bond and obtain his lib lib- lib liberty liberty erty after being confined to the jail on a liquor charge Summer- Summer hays declared he was hauled before beCore the mock court and ordered to pay into nto the prisoners prisoners' toba tobacco co fund When he lle refused to comply with the order he said h he was wasi i f forcibly placed across and beaten across the back and legs with a piece of 01 wide leather belting beltins Irvine was turnkey at the jail jall when the tile Incident occurred and made no effort to interfere with the alleged assault It is charged I I |