Show I z ta and Idaho News H f f. f RI RICH H iMD MED TO 10 HEAD kHO H W lM IELLO ELLO Idaho Jan 18 4 H oscoe E. E Uch of ot Burley Ung the younger element of ot of the state was choice for president lay at the close of ot their fth annual convention held s with the the Idaho r. r nd Cattle Growers' Growers r. r session was featured i l of ot officers and a number of ot eby SJ by men prominently the livestock Indus- Indus je which was about a thousand men Imen n of this state as well vell as Montana Utah f eve ve v of ot the National Wool Wool- open opening ng In w. w tali Thursday The meet meet- e was as regarded as as one ot of ott t t. t successful sta state conven- conven 1 jer er held by the livestock k In In- e west BARTH TALKS t F. F Hagenbarth president association gave a ato to the of ot the his address Is the Sheep Sheep- p Date to-Date In this thiS' the thel gin l tariff and the actions of rn- rn bankers with their toward t vard the wool try U by the speaker Other Others s sat st t tb closing session were fard ard of ot Portland upon Nao Na jool o ool l Marketing Council Humphrey of Boston who Conditions in At the morn- morn slon John A. A Welch com corn er of agriculture spoke on of the Activities of the of Agriculture ir Relation to the tue Livestock s. s stand sand and W. W A. A Denecke su- su Ident of the United States lent erit station at Dubois Dubols on onni ing ni j Sheep on Dry Range 1 Ill Il of the Wyoming expert expert- told o of ot the growing of t td nd d dJ better wool S the resolutions Adopted J I purging the t continued Joint ons oIls of the sheep men and se and nd cattle growers glOWers of the theOther theOther Other resolutions were In- In of LS-of the movement for the thed d sd di stabilizing of of the tho lamb state stale chamber of ot commerce fabric act and others adopt adopts com com- ii favoring an eral government to the tle for continuation ight for eradication of ot pre- pre The the wool m marketing com com- orl orthe the organization of ot wool the tate state was SELECTED Y ELECTED V Is s S. S Gedney of Mountain ln I lva's vas as d vice president dent di- di ry and three district will be appointed by the It it- it on and nd Boise eV- eV invitations to the tho the 1919 convention ast night there was a gendus gendus gen- gen fedus dus of the tho delegates for Where they will attend Wed- Wed the sessions of the wool and a d the national conven- conven Inning nning Thursday Jot o ot the problems that ar arthy are July thy arising before the tn ln President Hagenbarth re not only in the l t but Its h marketing as previewed reviewed the work the na na- Is carrying on onel el wool marketing committee committee- I eat cat more mor lamb campaign the formation of the in the states and com- com I. I erring fring to the tile action o of ot the lonal tonal bankers bankers' loan J plan lan lant t Hagenbarth criticized the thc armed camps ca of Europe E ro e ehe tie he armed camps of Europe ultimate plan for tor the 0 to repay the loans an the markets large or orI I st gt the tariff tart Doing said would see sec an invasion jeans eans eans of the tho American marh mar- mar h hc speaker touched upon 1 ol ot of the national association rk of securing the wool and iff Hf safeguarding the freight frei h t credits credits' for forIT forer IT- IT er RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTIONS t f the Important r solutions ns invention were those upon and predatory anI V Oy latter the association an appropriation of than than annually rome frome from rom e Pral ral government for tor the of 0 predatory animals r Copies of ot the resolutions to be bo sent to the and secretary of a of woo wool pools pi ut tho the state the a board of ot diecI diec- diec I they will wUl make a n. survey oi points then local com committees forward forward to the secretary Secretary secre- secre Secre tary of ot the association reports reports- a ot of sales and the bids and by him circulated circulated cir cir- cir cir- to all aU sections of the state It It was suggested th that t uniform effort ef effort ef ef- fort be adopt adopted d by all aU pools to in- in l ence the growers to improve the grades rades o of their wool and methods of ot handling handling- |