Show Mystery Blast Breaks Door In Belgian Palace BRUSSELS SIS Jan 18 AD Con l' Con Considerable bo excitement tits tats hero here over O a a. my mysterious explosion C which occurred at t palace lace Monday Monday Mon Ion day morning Th The explosion h. h has been variously ft rlou II reported as M a a. bomb attempt lt on the life lite of ot Crown Cron Prince Leopold and attain again as two the mere bursting of ot an nn ano o overheated o rhet d ornamental copper COPl r ball twit adorning a fire fir dog dOl Despite formal denial the tM impression im im- pret prevails that the explosion sion slon tae connected with a it plot Th The Tho prince was waa at work ork In the tho room when the fire dog doC burst smashing a a. large plate platt glass ghee door The debris Imbedded itself In the Ulna ceiling and 1 furniture The Tho prince was not Injured Last year r palace which hleb M le the residence of ot Prince L Leopold an and Princess Astrid und underwent r a a. reconstruction and one possibility II It U is suggested that om someone ne managed manaM to enter the palace In tho the guise ofa ot of ota a 1 worker and placed an t i. i machine |