Show IMAN ADM ADMITS lIS f M UNDER IN mAH HB Wife and Three Children hildren lii dren Here Are AreK K Destitute ess n On that he had Iad been mar mar- ree times times the last time biga- biga to Miss Esther Hooper 17 in Falls on November 23 as o obtained Wednesday from Bradley 29 of SouthEast SouthEast South SouthEast East East street by officers in Iio Bradley was wag arand arand ar- ar and fand and held for tor Investigation inS inS' to an Associated P Press Ii h. legal wife wiCe and three small condition n arc In a destitute t ike l e and are dependent societies for food anc and ring rains to Mrs Bradley Bradi Brad- Brad i d' d her heC in 1922 when ihen his m his first wl wife wf became Il eft Salt Lake Lake November 7 telling 7 her he lie was yas going I Ifor for work she he sai said and she sue ard fro from him sinT-e. sinT CHILDREN I Bradley idley Uey is 24 ears old andre and re Perry Perry Charles lene e c When Wh n she first met net him posed as a single man Mrs 1 y said and it was not u until 15 the mother of 01 ono one child he l I arned he was pot not di- di from froin his lila first wife Bradley in Salt Lake Lk as as BertY Bert Y she he said must have posed as ns a single Ringle l also Mrs I the Hooper looper gI girl I said Her br brother ther came to toI I sli shortly after Bert w went v nt to toa In a November Novem er after the Hoop- Hoop run awa away with Bert Sect and andr other r had learned who the the- Ji I told him then that we but either the girls girl's Jid not Snot believe it or just rd i d it ARRANT AR RANT and Mrs Hooper I 3 Esther and the brother u see ee her on Monday of this Irs Urs Bradley s said id and stated time time that they were ere going Joing get a no warrant arrant for his ar- ar forget ISal Lake to avoid the dis- dis itt Idaho Apparently they succeed here or were told rant would have to be he issued offense ense was committed f- f t she will do if It Bradley and sentenced to pris- pris I radley hasn't decided vent thought about 1 I im for I dont don't know v who who- e care re of or the children then d. d The baby is too young to leave or I would woul find Isel I 1 dont don't think I want ck after this and if I do aCk it will Just be the hing over again with some He lie started going out a. a after the baby w was born I 1 UI as as never nover strict enough J |