Show 1 T C CAll All All Is IS Well VV eu Endurance Plane Says bays After First 29 Hours of Flight SAN FRANCISCO Jan 18 AP Tim The Tho Fokker monoplane monoplane mono mono- plane piano the tho Spirit of which took the air yesterday at a. a m. m on a flight for tim the endurance rec- rec arc old oid was still aloft at 1 p P. P in m. m to toda to- to da day It was v over the local airport airport air nil port at that time and reported by radio that alls aUs well SAN FRANCISCO Jan 18 18 AP AI Just Just 4 Just 21 24 hours after taking off oft on the tho f fourth attempt to make malo a a. worlds world's record for sustained flight the the- Spirit of California reported by radio to Mills field here at a a.m. a.m. a. a m. m that all Is well Tho The giant slant Fokker monoplane was running smoothly with her motors doing 1390 revolutions revolutions revolutions per minute and radioed the message while flying over the field During the tho night the tho ship fl w ver a a. largo area of northern central California The Tho Spirit of California formerly was was was' the Southern Cross but was for the tho nonstop at at- at tempt It is piloted by Captain Charles Kingsford aviation ace and Lieutenant George R. R Pond navy aviator detached for tor forthe tho the experiment When they took off tho the fliers said they would try to stay in the theair theair theall air all 60 hours severn several 1 hours more than necessary to break breal the worlds world's ds d's endurance record |