Show Mining Oil Qi and Financial Notes DE BEESON SOX TO J J. J J J. J Beeson Salt Lake Lake consulting en engineer engineer en en- will 1 be the speaker r at t the h meeting meeting meet meet- f ing of u the t Utah a section A A. A I I. I lIt 31 t and td M. M E. E Thursday night in the Newhouse hotel cafeteria His paper will wl be bo on Topics of General Genora Interest In Jn the Republic Republic Re Re- I public of Colombia South America Ills His o tal tall talk wilt will wil be bo illustrated with lantern slides Richard Richad N. N Hunt chief geologist of the United States States Smelting Refining an and Mining Ining company will wi speak on and Tile The he Geology of Bingham A report of the committee on revision of the as associations association's as- as 1 constitution and bylaws willbo will willbe wi be bo pr presented 0 TO ADDRESS W. W Ray nay Granvie treasurer of the Central Trust company company and on one end of the tle leading authorities In Salt Sal Lake on real rea t real estate e values and mortgages estate sd will address er ses the salesmen's i e division of the Salt Lake Lako real estate men Thursday night lOis His subject will wl be How Ilow low a a Salesman Can Better Deler Utilize Ills His Ils Time ELECTRIC nE REFRIGERATION A. A II 11 1 GOBS GoSs who personally tn financed and aid d developed d the company ald says lays I 1 have never lost faith in the electric refrigeration Industry or in the tho values s In Electric Electrio Refrigeration corporation corpora tion lon and still have havo my original holdIn hold hold- In inca 8 Orders Order being received for products at a this time timo Indicate a demand for tor 1828 of 50 60 per cent to per par pel cent cent over oer 1927 1027 12 If It the corporation is pos possessed Os- Os d of tf sufficient m manpower and capital capi t tal to swing such an Increase in bu bUsi- bUsi I- I ness nes This demand la Is coming from all al quarters of the globe I 1 hope our stockholder stockholders will wl study the annual report of the corporation Just issued and will wll not be misinformed by a a too hasty reading reading of 0 the figures presented I TEXAS OIL on ACTIVITY More Mor than w was s spent In drilling ui wells wels Jn in Jt Texan rexal during 1927 1027 ftc i to gas division of ot railroad railroad rail rail- rai- rai road commission Number of or wells wels was Wid II a ot of which were producers and 36 dry holes Total application application ap ap- ap- ap for tor permits to drill were to shoot 2434 to plug plugged and gassers gasser I Severe weather In fn December reduced oil 01 operations operation There were applications tons to drill against 71 In November November Novem Novem- ber but 36 wells els were brought In ln against 08 In November RANGELY R. DRILLING The crew of the tho Midwest oil 01 test at Rangely Is engaged In fishing for tor a string of tools lost at a feet recently when the tho gas In the became too active The crew had cemented cement el G 6 Inch pipe and then thOu made open holo hole to feet teet running 41 inch 4 Inch ripe After ten feet additional hole had been made mado below the pipe a a heavy flow fow of gas was struck In a a sand The Tho tools were blown 1 up Into th the pipe and bridged lifting the pipe several feet The line on the tools broke the tha line coming out of ot the hole The gas has been lubricated with extra heavy heavy mud lud to make possible the fishIng fishing fish fish- ing lag operations the gas ras encountered hayIng haying hayIng hay- hay Ing a rock pressure of 1480 USO pounds This test has ha had no trouble with wih Its Is waterline water line lne from the White river four and one- one half halt mies miles distant The line Jn Is burled buried the tho entire entre distance and has successfully withstood a a temperature of 20 degrees below zero DUCHESNE TEST At the Duchesne Midwest test tho the er crOw crew w was wa drilling at 2950 2960 feet teet depth on Monday evening the Tho bit then va was In Ina Ina ina a a hard ud and and dark sandy 1 lime lne The pipe leini helf carried in is eight and one fourth Inches In diameter ASILI Y V. L VALLEY y TEST The rho crew of the Ashley Valley Valey structure atrue- atrue lure ture tUle test teat of the tte Midwest made a a formation forma forma- Hon tion shutoff at 1465 feet and on Monday was rearming at 1530 1120 feet The Inch 10 hole will wi be bo carried to the top of the big gas gaO gal sand at 1655 feet The pipe will wil then b be bB picked up and carrl carried d to that depth to bo ho cemented During the thelast past last four weeks below zero temperatures on the A Ashley Valley structure have been beta In 11 evidence but no trouble was wa oc occasioned occasioned oc- oc to tho the water line lino from A Ashley hley creek three quarters of or a 0 nub mile In length A gas ga line has been laid alongside the water pipe the tho gas line lino Ino being equipped with wih burning gas ga from the old gasser The Tho water watEr pump on tho the creek heretofore operated with wih gasoline Is now I being op operated rated with wih n natural tural gas gs from front the tho old gasser b |