Show II IL NEWS BRIEFS FUEL EXPERT LEAVES I C. C V. V McIntire of New York STork representative representative representative rep rep- of 01 the Consolidation Coal Products company has re returned returned re re- turned turner to New York where he will confer with his hla business associates before submitting a proposition to the Utah Coal Producers' Producers association association tion for tor the processing of coal for or elimination of smoke Mr tire Just completed a study of ot the smoke situation and made tests with Utah coal WILL CONTINUE FIGHT Members of ot Salt Lake SLake post No 2 American legion decided Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day night to continue efforts to se secure secure secure se- se cure the franchise from tt tl city cUy c commission to sponsor bong boxing In Salt Lake The commission is scheduled to vote Tuesday on the awarding a of ot the franchise DINNER PLANNED Missionary societies of ot the Third Presbyterian terlan church will wll hold a dinner in the dining room of the church Wednesday evening at 6 Members of ot the Third church will wUl be guests After Arter the tile dinner a social hour will be spent In honor of at the Rev Mr Ir Alfred Alred M. M I. I Williams D. D D. D pastor-elect pastor of the Third church COLLEGE GETS GIFTS Westminster c college students and members of the faculty are ex expressing expressing ex- ex pressing appreciation for the many gi gifts ts which have been received during dur dur- lag ing the past few days from f friends of t the institution The gifts g are of I 1 wide variety Among the tile list of ot i donors are Mrs Grant Hampton Mrs Josiah McClain Dr Ma Belle True of ot Topeka Kan the First Presbyterian church hurch of Sharon Pa and Bethany Temple church of ot Philadelphia ESTATE TAX PAID The attorney general received inheritance tax on the estate es estate es- es state s- s I tate of 1 Mary L. L Jones late of ot New NewYork NewYork NewYork York state Tuesday TEACHER RESIGNS Mrs 1 George Scott part time In Instructor Instructor instructor In- In in Latin and English at Westminster college has given up her work In anticipation of the tile transfer of ot her husband n t government government government govern govern- ment official to California M. M I. I A. A TO GIVE GIVE- BALL Members of the Mutual Improvement Improve Improve- ment meat association of Pioneer stake will vill hold a ball at the Odeon hall January 20 SUES FOR DIVORCE May Burrell Sisson filed tiled suit for divorce from Harry Sisson on grounds of 0 failure to provide MAN BOUND OVER I Edward Astin 23 was bound over oyer to the district court Tuesday to stand trial on a charge of stealIng stealing steal steal- Ing a cow valued at 75 belonging to George E. E Reese PLAN MASQUERADE The annual masquerade of the West Vest HI High h Athletic Girls' Girls tion HOn will be held beltS I February 17 in iii inthe the tle school cafeteria Com Committees mitt in charge of arrangements follow Entertainment l t Rose Cohen Lines Lines- sa Blanche Lees Melba Holberg prizes Rose RosO Cohen Virginia MacDonald decorations Ellen Ja Jackson Vivian Pierce Phyllis Prater refreshments refreshments refreshments refresh refresh- ments Fawn McMillan Beth Smithers Margaret May and Gladys Huber ENGINEERS ELECT H. H S. S Kerr chief engl engineer er for the tile state road commission was elected president of 0 the engineering council coun coun- cil dl of ot Utah to succeed Leonard Cahoon Cahoon Ca Ca- hoon at tt a meeting Tuesday night at the tho University club Louis T. T Cannon was elected vice president and Professor Protessor A A. Leroy Taylor Talor secretary The Tile annual banquet wilt will be held January 28 at atthe atthe the Hotel Utah RELIGIOUS MEETINGS 1 Annual religious mee meetings ings will be beheld beheld held at Westminster college during th the week of February 14 to 19 it i. i Is 18 announced Dr Robert T. T Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Cald- Cald well pastor of the First Presbyterian Presbyterian Presby Presby- terian c church of Cheyenne Wyo will be the tho speaker at the meet- meet Ings Professor Harris Pillsbury Instructor In Bible at Westminster will vill conduct a special week of ot re religious religious religious re- re meetings at Wasatch academy academy academy acad acad- emy at Mt l Pleasant the week of February 7 to 14 TO GIVE CONCERT A concert will be given Iven in irs the Emerson ward chapel at 8 o'clock Wednesday night at which time a anew anew anew new pipe organ will be dedicated Frank W. W Asper will preside at the tho console |