Show DAILY 28 1896 JOBS 0 ghanam Gu AnAM manager tag number ia 27 local mention in mis coimin 30 beats par line each insertion ins and changes ant b ent to office not later than 10 a m to diw bame day awarded highest honors fair MOST PERFECT MAD A pure grape cream of tartar funder fret from ammonia alum or any other adulterant 40 YEAR THE the modern beauty on good food and with plenty of exercise in th open air her torm glows with health and her face blooms with its heaney if her system need the cleansing action of a laxative remedy ehe uses thi gentle and pleas ant liquid laxative of figs JEle cinc bitters electric bitters ia a medicine baided bailed tor any season but perhaps more gen ephy needed in the spring whan the languid exhausted feeling prevails when tha liver is torpid and and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt A prompt use of this medicine has often averted lone and perhaps fatal bilious fevers ho medicine will act more surely in counteractive counter and free iny the the malarial poison headache indigestion constipation dizziness yield to hectric bitters only fitly cents per bottle at excelsior druz paint go the U S reports show royal baking powder superior to all others paines celery compound A sure specific the disease no longer an incurable one greatest of all remedies Eem edies prescribed by doctors A Loii Bf brilliant record of lie hable curea neuralgia Neur aleia and two di orders no longer incurable today get rid of rheumatism and they neffe melancholy by eteria and other results of nervous exhaustion by build ida up the system and purporting ita delicate nerve parts by the celery compound fames celery compound attacks he disease bv bettini get tini the batem back to ita properly nourished condition it acanda alone in iha history of icino it is a certain specific for the cure not only of rheumatism but aleo of all dia babb due to nerves and blood the close connection of well fed and brain with health is tha aclid rone upon celery compound ataras the thousands of men and women all over he country who have been cured of rheumatism once and for all by paines celery compound have made gold all the medical fraternity first predicted for it that it reB torea healie and strength to the body made weary listless and despondent spon dent from nervous debility needs no proof today in thoa Binda of home the list of those it has freed from rheumatism is s lone one it contains a boat of well known apu and women at home and abroad every city and town in the united states and canada is represented celery compound was first prepared by prof elward E E phelps MI LL D of Dai month college ever since ib first appearance it baa been the once recognized nerve and bhain invigorator among medical men ite constant by charo an nativo nutriment is needed speaks for its efficacy in die earea of nervous strength buoyant spirita and freedom from pain cornea with its ue dr priced cream baking bowd a pair medal aad first ward primary the republicans of the first ward held their primary last night at the county court house committeeman B bachman jr called the meeting to order and R anderson was elected chairman and B bachman jr secretary delegates to the county convention were elected as follows S S jones peter stubbs B bachman jr R anderaon And ereon thos H sutherland mrs laura foote silas al alred M M woolf sirs annie atkins L holbrook mrs bells bachman willis Sp atford alternates were elected as follows mrs 0 D glazier S K king mrs martha strong jas stubbs J J knight john N strong silas allred and mrs laura foote were elected as members of the county committee miss sarah stubbs and eugene jonea were elected members of the committee on decoration and mra S S jons and mrs reed smoot on reception and entertainment tor county convention was rick we gave her when he was a child aha cried or catorina Cato when she became miss abo dune to cittoria Cot toria when she had children sha gave them Cui attention there will be a special meeting ot garden oita lodge no 10 of pythias this saturday everine sept 28 1895 at 8 0 clock to arrange for funeral af bro john oldfield attend by order of H Q 0 0 J L FLORA K of B 8 A sure cure for atle ar known by foletar mo letar lae perspiration intense when warm this form na well aa blind bleeding or protruding yield at oc to dr pile remedy which mtr direct lr on parts affected enmor aila TB it chini w affect 60 to Dr ngut ox bail free dr Bof lanko pa sold by excelsior arnz paint co good advice to farmers do not contract conr potato crop ohp pirth contracting same pava bliwn at tha time the agreement ie anale at leaca ten cents per bushel cal on us and we will tell yon why utah fru t and ocie iv P J rhe worlds fair tests showed no baking powder so pare or so areat la leav power as abo rayah cven ins writing ciale prot V M pratt of salt lake now engaged in tho B Y academy will conduct an evening writing class for the benefit of those who cannot attend the charge for forty two leeanna is only prof pratt is a kra enate of the Z iberian aft oolie lege ohio hii specimens of penman hip took he first ariza at abo terri fair last fall arrance with prof young academy L 1 OUR MOTTO STILL IS and our zittle factory Is running I 1 till blast ON SATURDAY SEPT 7 WE SHALL MAKE A SPECIAL SALE OH 1000 at 25 cents each pairs no i pants all shades aad colors at each A SINGLETON suot H SINGLETON CO 0 now wade right in and read it a few of our ains come in our store and see the rest 50 pcs wool delaine worth 20 now lc 20 pcs cashmere double width worth 30 now 1 scotch plaids in cotton and wool at 12 to all wool brocaded brocades bro cades 38 in wide nice fall shades only all wool broadcloth two yards wide worth now two toned brocaded brocades bro cades all wool per yard only canton flannels worth now lie quinea hen flannel worth now chevious cheviots Chevi and 8 10 12 15 and ladies momie cloth wrappers worth 50 now ladies wrappers in outing flayfiel flan fiel and lwills twills worth going now for ladies heavy fleece lined union suits worth offered you as a bargain just to gatt you to come and see our immense line of underwear for childrens underwear from up bolts of all silk n worth yard now kg lace curtain woi th 1 yd now only 25 37 and when we gaze in delighted wonder on the exquisite creations in dress good that so enhances the loveliness of woman we little think of those who toil so deftly to produce these elegant fabrics but you can some and enjoy yourselves by examining our stock for it is a treat come while the stock is complete and make your selection for conr new fall suit mesdames COLEMAN and of our DRESS MAKINO and MILLINERY parlors are always anxious to meet the ladies and talk styles and prices with you call and take a rest when you are down town whether you want to buy or not acme manager ai 4 ak raj clothing stores have come and and still gone we continue to in grow sales in popularity in everyday Every way season after season a larger and larger portion of male population turns its eyes Schwa bward for what is best best in to clothes every possible way in ready wear and season after season we continue to furnish it at prices that simply competition proof are THE FALL AND OF will find us another notch higher on the ladder of fame our largest ever shown by assortment will be the clothing any store our styles workmanship fit with the lowest price will satisfy you coupled ON PLATFORM our business methods have of stood the scrutiny of thousands customers and we solicit your patr mage this fall inkins vre have you we AT yoo icv wool hack chevi ote and casi grey meres never before equalled equal led for AT mene dickey casin sere suits in large less than 15 00 variety vanecy of or corois not ani sold M anywhere i for i AT kilsoo Oil SOO the famous baim cinta n k i j our stock calces near exiled aal so we S on all throngs |