Show qualifications to register must ha 21 of a muss have boan B citizen of tho for ninety reedil J in this territory on year prior lu november 6 1895 f nr months in the county and sixty adasii tle precinct salt lake trib una there is nothing said about three months citizenship in either of the this year the state constitution provide that a pernaa shall aavo been a citizen ninety days in order to vote but ai we understand it that is not in force antil the constitution ution is ratified PROVO cannot vote for county superintendent erin of schools this is a city of the second claas and has its own school system and ita own superintendent the real of the county will have the most to aay on the question 0 and he should be a resident of the county outside of this city THE fight between prove butchers ought to convince the city council of the urgent necessity of a meat inspector if half that has baen insinuated in the libal case be true the public of this city has been gross ly imposed upon A meat inspector donld make lees liable impositions now comes the park acord with the intimation that democrats enst have dropped a wad in the the arna office to pay that alleged lican paper to split the republican party in summit they all seem to have the same opinion of the wort the arans is doing or the WE hope all those ahu have not yot registered will baar in mind that commencing monday and one wees the registrars will be at their offida prepared to all who can take the oatha this is positively your last chance unless you are a democrat to get to vote at the first yate election ay iy salt lake it haa been discovered that hundreds of names of caus have been atri of the registration ciata likely the eama mistakes oa a lesa magnified occurred icher precincts throughout tha territory yea that your dame isoo the registration list |