Show AT mn ILL place of the mormon massacre HOW IT TODAY the old laud marki are nearly all iiona Is mow a cornfield correspondence j hanrick co ill sept 25 at penca on the morning of the oar party bottled oar bills ad a d than visited the hauna mil which in on shoal creek brunty cru nty missouri this bad mistake on the part of the missouri mob is upon now differently from that it was in the time of the creat excitement of those frontier times the old would be glad to cioe out from thir history the sad tale of ing upon a little of cormons mormons and messa crina them they took in a blacksmith shop where seventeen abie unceremoniously murdered even two little boys were shot while taking refuse under the bellows one man trying to was snot just below the mill dam and was chocked hocked to deb with H corn cutter the murdered were all thrown in a well in great haste just as they were ela out ceremony or funeral rights covered up and left in this silent graae the grave is now a plowed field and even the mill atone which marked the spot in removed the lacast treen are also rooted up this makes thinas boak very lonely as we walk over rha cinders yet remaining with the soil which ia stained with innocent blood yet baat med for the blood binden and innocently produce wonder fallt large etalka of corn that we push out of our way as we crowd through the dense corn forest bunting the dam by which bouce aboid haags mill af ter bunting a short time alone shoal creek the remains of the dam arre found in the shade of some trees there are a few of the dam now bidden irom view by an under it near this dam that elder mcbride 1 I believe that waa his name waa to piece with con tere we took a photo of the dismal place from the dam we climbed l back into the forant of corn to the ayot where the well is which contains the seventeen martyrs the mill was aone that oace marked the latal spot the best we could du waa to take h photo of the house of our and him included and the ganve cover ed with weeping bowed down heads of corn we in the presence pree ence of our bang hox many on massouris Mis souris plains were left in deaths embrace pure in auch a wicked place ah I 1 tell me are they alc epina I 1 bear them ear chaile are bursting tia the day y EDWARD |