Show REGISTER register register 1 fail to rea rieter monday next car of furniture received by the mercantile co Ampi ican fork ia dandy ahe cheapest and best line I 1 baye seen basw FALL wraps a choice assortment just in at 8 8 jones company tf FAMILY washing 5 cents par pound at the troy steam laundry of t britannica Bril annica agency at skelton gos free to the public for examination 2 aks iv you are not registered register at the county court house any day next week taft carry the moat complete line of fancy and staple in provo we will be pleased to have the public and our old patrons call and see us 60 DOZ denb heavy suspenders at the extremely low price of 10 centa per pair at the chipman mercantile co american fork daw last chance to register will be during the week commencing sept basl aagaat while working in the harvest field I 1 became overheated was suddenly attacked with cramps and was nearly dead mr cummings the drug gist gave me a dose of chamberlains colic cholera and Darr hoea remedy which completely relieved me I 1 now koep a bottle of the remedy bandy A centerville Cent erville wash for sale by smoot drug co JUST received a large and varied stock of aenita ladies ani childrens shoes at bed rock prices for cash call and be convinced 6 doors west oftay lor G chouler Ch oulea d BW you ought to ees immense eatock of clothing clot ning that the chipman mercantile ci american fork has received mena auita panto coat and vest for worth 6 anywhere daw who have been in the territory one year and the precinct thirty days can register on monday next and every day during week FOB rent A aix roomed house enquire of the A 0 smoot lumber co tf D L DEAN has borne fine improved farms in utah county and residence properties in provo city listed for sale price and terms cheap and acae doable office in swanay martins bank opposite t TUB mcbeat and cheapest lamps I 1 i have been this fall can be had at chipi mans american fork daab SNAP WO affer for sale resia enco property formerly owned by jaffs E west of the railroad depot at 00 terms to ault purchaser address western loan havinga P 0 box 1537 salt lake city utah gnoss having barley or wheat for cale can find a market by sending a sample to the utah county fruit and agricultural society F J covert tol AT the opening of abo chapman mercantile C american fork they are selling pint fruit bottles 75 cents per doz quarts 8 and half bailous at now ia jour abw ane ball at the opera bouse wag wil attended last evening the music was excellent and everybody deemed to have a good time go to G for bofto and shoes repairing neatly done d BW I 1 HAVE good lucern field pasturage to rent for horses by the week or month for further particulars enquire of A E bigelow ward I 1 m das THE chipman mercantile co 0 american fork are baying their fall opening of cloaks rapes and jackets one whole week basw ROCK canyon orchard is famous for choice fruita consisting of bartlett peara orange peaches brunea plums grapes etc 2 mile from poat office would be pleated to fill yom order sW 0 Bee aloy WM no session of the first district cobit today judge king is ic salt lake attending a cession of supreme court THE clodman mercantile co 0 american fork are wrapping all parcels in scarlet ec arlet it looks like ar painting the town red basw H brimhall and abel J avaca will oa tha of mutual in the ward meeting house tomorrow evening at 7 THE assessor collector probate judge and recorder went to thie morning clerk joseo ia chief mania irate at the county court conae to daiy diy up in the doorway of tb diamond arloan abia mornin were biga boarde bardar poste ale PS and other loose articles on the side walk 0 center estreet seme peem for lur bad taken lu the sidewall at an early boar this doimi i ven cven c available thing was stacked ap in r bunch there was loiue hard done by the owners the arguments in the 1 mcpherson aon case jadda klog hd occasion to alnut for e few commissioner dudley his honors chair during his absence should register daring the week commencing monday the deputy registrar will be found at the conaty court houe knight received a telegram hid morning from 0 of county doted at mt pleasant asking him to be at the provo deboot to meet the 3 59 train to nonive a sick man the name of the man was not elated TUB seal of the probate c burt of salt lake county bee been affixed to the commitment papers of jamea madsen and that person ia rov in the JOUN T camo went all aba way to saturday to tall the credulous democrats there that ha cover bluffed no ballet boxen another proof that baine ia an old woman dont be EO extravagant with those Democrat ift fajda johenie Johs nie or by the rowers hut hu t the party ae well as the borer richfield advocate davis ot ahe B Y academy ie on the dav 10 ra covery from atie effic te i of ane assault he rece ivel from will kniest ane bone of hia lafi cheek bo was struck is sunken and chiq anres of kaeting and are affected I 1 HAB in my the follow inz described pieer yearling t H crop in left ear culap brand not vi Bable crippled in letthand let ley it not claimed in fifteen dava will be aolia to affray abol to enos carter mouzli of provo i church sunday sunday babool rally at r vice at 10 a m parents especially invited deaper berkise and an address by the tiie galui of know bedge and how to obtain it at 8 p m A cordial welcome to all nineteenth century club met at the home of liaa aa usual yesterday the first for the afternoon was a sketch of frederick barbarosa Barba roea by miss moore mrs bonham read an excellent paper on frederick the second and mica french followed with a description of the german beina or court miss pemberton read a chort sketch of that most man aaron burr after recess and roll call the clab with much regret accepted the resignation of miss ida jones who goes east to pursue her musical studies although one of the clubs youngest members she was one of its most earnest workers and she will be missed by the little band A very able paper on tha crusades Cru eades which she had left was read by misa brown to complete the work of the |