Show NOTICE OF MALE OF REAL ESTATE notice is hereby given that in pursuance of au order of the probate court of th county ot utah territory of utah made on the day of ber 1895 in the matter of the estate of and guardianship of fredrick Wa ilesa minor the under ahn of eaid minors person and ea ate will bell at private hale to abo bidder tor cash and subject to co by bald probate mccurt on saturday the day of october at 12 M att the private nce of abid in lehi city in iha county of utah all aba title interest anil eddale ot the said fredrek wannees and all the liht title and interest that the eaid minor has by operation of law or otherwise acquired in and to all those certain lota pieced or af land eit aate lying and bing b ing in the eaid utah territory of utah and bounded and described as follows and beina a 1 6 interest therein cowit be sinning one cha E ol 01 ahn N E corner of block 29 lebl oita faryar thence N 88 deer E 5 achs thena S 1 deg E cha thence K 8 deg 5 U achl thence N 1 deisa 5 97 acta in place of beginning also iota 1 aad 2 in block 42 plat alibi city of building IOB also lota 3 nj 4 in boak 28 plat A ahi city survey of building lota also commencing 26 ads E 61 ada rda N from the S W crauer of the 8 E quarter of sec 20 tp 5 S K 1 I E thenan N 40 ada rda thence E 24 ada rda thence 8 40 ada rda theunes W 24 ada rda to of bengnina benn nina area 6 acres also commencing 61 rde N and 50 rdse freoa the S W corner of taft SE baar ter ot sec 20 tp p 8 R 1 E thence N 40 adel thence E thence fc thence W 20 tda to place of beginning area 6 acrea also conn ins 2769 cha N and 50 cha E of the S W corner of the S W quarter of bee 16 tp 5 8 R 1 E thence E lance N 1216 achs thence S 84 dee W 1 60 as thelca 8 88 dee WS fi 2 deg E 5 96 cha 8 83 dez W cha 8 2 deg W to place of be ginani area 7 75 acra N and 50 cha E of the 8 W corner of 8 W quarter of sec 16 tp 6 S R IE E cab thence N ul chenco W Q ol 01 aba cba thence B 1 31 cha to place of beginning area 1 40 acres also a one sixth interest in au undivided interest in the following pace aud unreel of land cowit 60 ads E of the 9 W borcer of tha 8 E quarter of sec 19 8 R 1 E thence E 60 ada rda N fia ads thence W 50 ada rda thence S 50 rd to the place of beginning area 17 acres also all the im aud a certain 40 acre piece of school land in sec 16 tp ah R 1 E and occupied by william wanless at the hind ah conditions of sale cash tea per cent of the amr laae money to ba bairt on ho day of aba sale balacco in of eale by said probate court dead at expense ol 01 K CUTLIR of tha estate of WANIK 83 deceased september |