Show effects of free wool we dj not hear the democrats saying mach this year about the rood results ol 01 free wool the official figures show that tha sheep industry of the united santes wai worth in under the mckinley Mo Kinley tariff while it is now worth that moana a loes to the farm ora of this country of nearly fifty millions of dollars on the capital in tested the importations show a further losa to in during the fi ical year eudia june ad 1895 we imported pounds of foreign wool being more than in the previous fiscal year ending anne amount of money paid for foreign wool for tha lugt year wab being more than in the preceding fiscal boar these mil liona of dollars democrats would rather aeo go abroad under a tree trade policy than to remain at home for the farara far mra in many of the eastern have been accustomed to deping a few sheep on thair them in the fall and selling the to good advantage wool has made this part of their business unprofitable and tha sheep have been killed off in the arid west chero is practically free to the flock masters they find themselves scarcely able to pay running and to compete with other countries choro wages are low some of out cheep men have gone of business and many more donld do ao thair sheep for mutton were it not for the hope they have of republican in the near future and a restoration of the duty on wool utah ia much effected by free wool ane wilson tariff has caused an an anal loss of about half a million dollars on wool in many of the sett lemonta of utah the people had no other moans of raising cash than on their wool and the blow ia particularly heavy on them the whole business of the territory waa effected by the sudden fall m the price of wool and many country stores were driven to bankruptcy the people realize therefore the evils of free trade and vill vote this year for a return of the party of prosperity to full power |