Show Cuti cura means health and happiness to suffering thousands health because of pure blood happiness because of clear skin thousands of useful lives have been embittered by disfiguring humors remedies are the greatest grea tesi of skin purifiers As well as blood purifiers eis they are successful in and curing all forms of skin scalp and blood humors when the best physicians fail bold throughout the world price sole boston U 8 A MS how to care byln mailed free lun oo 00 farma at teu per cent per annual lone or short time write or apply in person to fork utah for charity ereth long MM janra lanra C phoenix WIs matron of a benevolent Bene volenS homa and the good or miles haa done me my wish to help others overcomes my dislike tor the publicity this letter may give me in NOT and dec 1883 the inmates had the lagrippe and I 1 was one of the first resuming duty too oon with the care of BO many aide I 1 did not regain my health and in a month so debilitated and troa sleeplessness and tho drafts made on my vitality that it was a question it I 1 could go on A dear friend advised me to try dr restorative servine I 1 took 2 bottles and am happy to eay I 1 am in bettor health than ever I 1 still continue its occasional use as a nerve fowl aa my work is very trying A letter ad to milwaukee will teach me juno amna daniu 0 dr miles la sold on positive guarantee that tho first bottle will Denof lt all beell it at fl 6 bottles for SQ pr it will be sent prepaid pre paid on receipt ol 01 urica by the dr miles medical co elkhart ind dr miles restores health for over anny years been lor ott allty years by million 0 mothers foi their children while with BUO adaa II 11 leothea the child tb flyg 11 aln cirei bouc ud lithe belt r it will the poor bold by in vor wit ol 01 the world twenty alte centt ii LoUl he bure for farmr Mr and ta kather klad dr priced cream baking powder worlds fair award oja both the method and results when syrup of figs ia taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acta gently yet promptly on the kidneys liver and bobela cleanses the system effectually dispels colds headaches and fevers and curag habitual constipation syrup of figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced pleasing to the and acceptable cep table to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commee it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known syrup of figs ia for sale in and 1 bottles by all leading druggists any reliable druggist who nay not have it on hand will pro it promptly for any one who wishes to try it do not accept any substitute california FIG CO bah ch xv bew hemr uv easily quickly restored debility and au tb train lot evils roia erty error or t later tb of overwork worry etc fud development and tone alren to orean nd portion oth body nral method immell ta improvement seen hilure 2000 references boot and proofs aued tam ERIE MEDICAL CO buffalo NY ANDREW EGGERTSEN mgr successor to provo L M B co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL dealema IN lumber doors windows blinds and Moui dings rustic siding T and G flooring alel eidal essl lenber dressed io order scroll saucing and turning daie utah valley iron paint combination wire and slat fence office and 1 ard opposite IL E depot I 1 ip o arr P 0 box telephone no 20 f v u ul 1 1 manages Manag ss at base ball is a big hit our underwear 25 on sept was truly A home run as it was the biggest kind of a hit we sold dozen pieces in one day why because we do exactly as we tany and when we say that wednesday october and 2nd wi isi deiy WE MEAN IT WE HAVE SELECTED FOR SACRIFICE ON THIS PAY ACl I 1 mis ipaola YC 0 0 CU au 0 etc ird IILO jL ADlES 1 lot each of our regular and qualities will go for 50 cents a pair 1 lot each of our regular and qualities will go for a pair ilekis MAYS r 1 lot each of mens blacas wood brown side nutria soft and stiff shape our regular price on them is broken lots ahat we sell at and they all go for one day at the low price of and a few REMEMBER sale for only one day and for cash spot come early for choice and sizes cannot last long at tho price we have the best and cheapest line of ladies aliases and childrens CLOAKS and see us LADIES HEAVY WRAPPERS at and extra values WRAPS if you want to buy 6 a clr r os ax adelb 30 AND 33 ST PROVO the burden of labor ie constantly being lightened by new inventions ant nothing new baa yet been discovered to brighten the bours of labor and make life worth living like Sima ons liver regulator does its the kin 0 liver medicines A blumich Blu gich liver depresses ones spirits and causes languor be aidea upsetting the whole bat jimmona liver regulator tones up and the body dr prices cream baking powder awarded gold medal midwinter fair sa Fru cUca highest of all in leavening power latest U S goat report |