Show SALE whereas kirkham and james kirchain Kirk hain both unmarried by their d etl of trust listed may dula acknowledged and recorded in the office of the county recorder Rt corder of utah county utah he day of may in boos 15 ol 01 ages on page 63 conveyed to the un der signed as trust ca tho following described land and premises in provo city utah coloty utne anund ed and as follows to wis 9 rods west of the northeast cornar ot block plat A provo city survey of lots thence south rods thence west 3 rods thence noth G roda chonce east 3 rods to place of cf description otherwise ab the west of lot 6 block plat A in the county and territory of utah containing contain int an araa of IS equale roda of ground in however to acure the of a certain note therein for NOO foai hundred Dit llara dated may aud delivered by james Kirk bana and benjamin kirkham to provo commercial and savings bank and payable at the provo commercial and savings bank in Provo City utah one year after date interest thereon at rate of 1 per cent permon tb axom date until paid and rees provided that in case default be made in the dav ment 0 any of the indebtedness there by either principal or interest then deed to in force and the said darty oi iha t part or in the event ol 01 the death disability or absence from city or refusing to act or other of the party of the second part anen the sheriff of utah utah or any of hia deputies then dc mav aa anc of the barty of the second part proceed to bell said described property or any part thereof at dubuc to tha highest bidder for cah either of tho carlies la paid deed being at liverty to become he an caneer at euch bale at the lian kinst houe of said provo and baukin provo city utah first eiyind twenty daya public gotico of tha time terms and placa of said pale and the property to be cold bv in some newe paper printed in the english and published in eaid provo city and upon bach eale the eald party of the second part or his shall execute and deliver a deed or deeds in fee simple of the property eod to the purchaser or purchasers thereof and cat ol 01 the proceeds of salo first to pay the expenses at annu conniel fees end compan ration ta aard trustee or eaid Bucce saor in amat for his services second to pay the amount paid by the aard carty of tho third part its successors or assigns lor taxes insurance or mechanics liens tinder tho covenants in said trust coed with one per cent per month interest thereon from the date of payment thereof third to pay the remaining unpaid on said note aboyo described ho principal and interest calculating atie interest up to ane data 0 baue and fourth in abo event ol 01 their being a of euh proceeds then to pay such surplus to the parties of the first part their representatives or assigns filth in caso of tha deficit ency ot buch proceeds to state an account credit the amount paid on said note and certify the amount of such da fici ency and whereas the said note is past due and remains wholly unpaid except the sum ol 01 00 together with the enters inters est on ane balance of 00 aa in baid i note provided bince tha day of jelv 1894 amounting amo in all to the sum of and the bolder of said note has requested the trustee to proceed to sail bald premises according to the conta aed iu eaid deed of trust e now therefore public notice ie here by riven abat ahe undersigner undersigned under signed trustee in accordance with tho terms and proal MODS of paid deed of trust to which rear ference ia hereby made and at the te anest ot tho owner and holder of said note will beell the adova described land and premises at public eveadne to tho highest biddar for cash in the babying house 0 iho baa mw ban in provo city utah on monday tha bolh day of october 1895 at 12 noon bt said day tor the purpose of the expenses of aard including inc ludine n reasonable compensation to iha aad his adorney bod for dabine eaid interest and principal and fully carrying out taft contained in eaid deed of trust dated at provo city this slat day ol 01 sept tee attorney for Tro |