Show 28 john E booth president john henry amith vich 0 D J 0 graham W D robinson A oscar willians Willi ins B MH graham manager bt the at prova BB mattory mattor 1 OF BT MAII duly edition ia advance taw parte of a yo arper conn thin advance 80 vearin advance TO CITY baily delivered deliver pd excepted exita month in advance or 25 ceata a week address oo 00 provo city utah chaie ig irregular i dif 3 at tha oace or no 27 ans Esqui ais haq a circulation bat aery week exceeds that of all chrt other newspapers in central and southern utah comb in utah county jac hs a that ex that of all tha pioppi attention democrats for th county democratic convention at kept the RG W has agreed to ruri special in both directions auml on the following leave fare lebi 8 m 1 30 Ace fork a m provo am 65 am 45 spanish fork am 39 arrive at payson ft a in train will leava kt 11 p m or later il desired 0 R ALEY abent DR GUNNS U S FOR COUGHS COLDS p AND CROUP aft remedy for children to uke ni no bold coc battla ilar by ab MI co P bold by excelsior drue paint co tor infants and children 0 of cantoria Cag toria arith the patronage of of na to of it without wit hont it is clr beat remedy for infanta aad children the world ima ever n it is harm lasa children hace it it thorn health it win save their lives in it mother hava i a and perfect M a medicine medici ae castoria bonab Caa ioria allays cantoria Cag toria euta cantoria Ca atoria aprea fand wind colio teething Tron Mea castoria carea constipation and the of carbonic gaa or air doaa not chatain pi orphine or other property tho food latea the stomach and bowel giving healthy and sleep castoria la ant ap in ona alze only it is not bold in imah pont aling any one to yon anything else oa the plea or promise that it is anat as good and will agder avery purpose see that yon get C AS T 0 BI A the fac admile iny of children Chi idren cry for pitchers are your serves shaky arent they t Is your digestion pretty poor it thin Is your blood like water eh ONE THING will make a whole kan of you that is DR selery beef and iron try a case it will tee a new woman of your wife and she ewt want to vote either vi for bale 05 smoot drag co SP bryok Ss makers of ENGINES AND BOILERS IBON AND BRASS CASTINGS MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS MADE AND REPAIRED BICYCLES STOVES AND LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED ALL kinda OF PIPE WORK DONE P 0 box 91 CITY UTAH for sale A 15 horse horizontal engine and upright boiler almost new can be purchased together or separately cheap bv applying to P 0 box provo city money to loan oa improved arm and city property pro term flaey oar privilege of pert payment of any amount before maturity loaned on mortgage only thereby granting to borrower the lawful redemption in case of foreclosure low rate ol 01 interest call on or write george A duzenberry at county recorder office provo city utah dig to the bounty committee A meeting of the county republican central committee will be held one hoar before the opening of the county convention on tuesday october let 1895 will ba held for the holding of this meeting at headquarters in the reed smoot block JOHN 0 chairman DR J H 5 BLOOD AIT ANTIDOTE FOR eo vt spirits fc sickness and dyspepsia pleaman Plea fan tto tiia tast and a ditl the ladle 1 sold by BU THE DR J H mea CO ST LOUIS avio ACS moot dror co anelli Elli damba Da moa hron 1 broyal pal la JH fInal oil only eca lilic A rc aimy giitl rii tl fi ent la tied ats adil bodei ealom etli blue ribbon take y j v rina rin 4 la fUnion lal ni for the by return MIL aarow alfr ciuc Is now being treated under the DR JOHN BY STEWART A licensed non graduate BENJAMIN and sayings bajsa PROVO CITY UTAH surplus DIRECTORS aeed smoot prest D T dark vice preat john jones A bean roger farrer E R eldredge EI dredge L J R general banking business transacted FIRST OF d bafo imm alsi directors W R 8 8 J C GEO tayloe Q CANNON E F D A SWAN D A SWAN Cae hiir exchange ET change drawn on new york chicas o francisco and the riu cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from and upwards x IS ALL OP LUMBER LATH SHINGLES GLASS OILS and BUILDERS HARDWARE ALSO DOORS WINDOWS and FRAMES ornamental CORNICE and STAIR tj TURNING and WORK telephone no 32 pool 1 invitations LEATHER Q alai i WHAT YOU is what you should always have and surely have it if you mate your purchases of stationery from ue we keep only first class goods and consequently the quality and value of aery article bought from UR cabbe depended on absolutely using class stationery will cause you more bother and annoyance than it worth jf you four times the money that you can in buying this cheep stuff alio result he worth th e trouble involved fine stationery is more than a luxury its a convenience veni ence and a necessity atee none ant ours the best PROVO BOOK stationery CO MINERS outwitting outfitting OUT FITTING DEPT AND headquarters FOR all kinds of miners supplies STORIS giant powder caps and coee fancy groceries etc special attention to mail orders P 0 kox ac aalt LAKE copyrights CAN I 1 OBTAIN A PA TENT tors prompt answer and an honega opinion alta tc MUNN Ss Cw caho ho have had nearly fafty years in the patent bubines 1 tlona strictly A handbook of information and bow to ol 01 feln them ten free so a catalogue catal of mec luu leal and books lent free taken oRli giunn co ahna are brought widely before the public knitli out coat to tha inventor this paper issued weekly elegantly has by lar the largest circulation of any work in tha world 83 a year sample copies abent free edition monthly a year sinai copies ta cents every number beau plates in colors and of new boncel with plans enabling to show the tt designs and secure contracts addre CO NEW ail Q r bae gass BANK baia 1 I sail lahe city oleu from 7 to 8 5 pe hiitt rast pit on de poa ta 0 1 CO or foar timera year tit U capital f foiw JE W S c 0 vr ep A I 1 THOMAS secretary and ca hiar THE aft yua D uin general blacksmithing wagon repairing donri cc the f eniet notice SHOEING A SPECIALTY first ciaja at living prices J street li bocka north ast 1st national city zions savings bank and trust company sail lake riby iash pays five oer cent interest wr annum on any deposits you miky write for WILFORD GEO M cassoy DOCTOR GW SHORES ca c a ca M PRICE 2 A BOX to cure CM 4 catarrh isea ii botti ocal aej treni nent or dr G W sliomo Keme Jes in all chro filc dl seas I 1 your hive catarrh isthma bronchial bronchi tl hay featt ar any affection 0 th noi throat bronchial tubes or lencs use tr G W cure coughi curt ani tonic and parl fei to curt the catarrh slop th cough cleadas aej purify atit blood improve thi poetia ppe tia ana if with kidney aver or trouble iiii dr G W shobei kidney binl curt aal la all cans on of dr G W shores antl cor pill ai it your li mil dp beatel write dr G W short symptom list ana kavc your car df alsed and fret burert advice arfe dr 0 W bhore tone bad blood and th elves st reneth and vapor cures dyspepsia aaa all carvous iliff tse price 1 per boltl dr 0 W shores kidney and lter cur cures all ils eases of the kidneys alvr aej bladd price 1 per bottle dr 0 W bhore coufa all colds and bronchial affections one dose hlll etuy ipas croup kp a bottle in th hour larz axe batlle bo dr Q W shore mountain saje oil top wont pain in one minute for toot hacha beurala cr colic use it externally abid internally ter nally prevents and cures diphtheria if used keep a bottle handy price csc a bottle dr 0 W shore pepsin destroy nd remove th lutfe round nit hr they hatch aej bared it aar fall pric be a bote dr 0 W shore save cure an of the ikan removes red spots and black pimples from the baca faca heili oid sores in 3 to 5 flay price as a box dr 0 W shores antl PHI cures chronic con sick aal kalloo attacks price a bottle tho are prepared only by doctor G W shor alon medical salt lk city utah for aale by smart co provo utah NEW gervice gERV IOE TAKE R G W ry leaving provo p m connecting at denver with the burlington ROUTE train tor omaha kansas city st joseph st louis aid chicago T bronsh pullman Blee para free reclining chair cars dining caira A la carte secure 1 l at EG edwey WEy office R F W F mcmillan arit pan ast room 11 over no 10 W hemond south at salt lake city utah fr tr 7 n r rR kroyos OyOs UTAH manufacturers of and dealers in first class flour and feed quality y guaranteed corn abad Ts dm LW HOVE m H S tt 9 jwj 7 aps illi is iqs ea 83 WESTERN COLORADO MIDLAND AND SANTA FE the calv lice rr q Sl alq oi de salt LI ity aud and palace abair jaro between salt lako city diirr and chicago THE SHORT SUPERB SCENERY EQUIPMENT unsurpassed ARE YOU GOING EAST if so be eure and ticket over ahe SANTA FE norih and gro Hil roil on cirii aien fait lake cita or provi on tho train in anler to sep the moet in Ac train loatee rio grande western depot provo at p m 00 50 W second south aber department aalt LAKE CITY af THE ENQUIRER during the past eleven years has given to every one of its subscribers who has paid for one year in advance one years free subscription to the well known THE ENQUIRER was alie first home paper to introduce this popular agricultural magazine to the people of utah and will continue con tinne to send postage prepaid pre paid THE WEEKLY ENQUIRER aud THE AMERICAN FARMER for one year to any subscriber re siding anywhere iu the united states who will forward A tisa to y M 4 we have recently introduced another feature to our premium department one that is of special interest to the ladies or only we will mail to any subscriber in the united states postage prepaid pre paid for one year THE semiweekly ENQUIRER and n entertaining and instructive monthly magazine that has already become a home necessity among abo ladies of utah |