Show LEAGUE CLUBS BOW TO A call for n within HOTT TO ORGANIZE A CLUB Cir culmo lor of many as poi po i ifa fihs ihs ful lowing paper caU iii a ineatia l of ir aba KI american prin gilck alii T licit a of the lican rv a is lor the of le IK v nd the of of bar ovis in iti american people and beia vii ihn int areata can he advanced nv the ot Renn bli au in thia local ity hereby enroll burh lf for that purpose anu ayr tu v meeting at ill the lay of for a ach an 2 A il elect a kempor ar cha rp n buiu bi cretaro cre tary adopt conf iiii iain ia herewith orb ani i iti or gubatan tle asme S ett et t as provided by the can ecat fl offitt rh only cieu who will when abe united tup port of nil he eb in the club 5 every i ff ier in the club khoum bf i ia unquestioned L it Is tant ir armint mint head qu artara bo at bouce know the rooms be accessible to the during the dav and evening 2 make tho club rooms the canter ol 01 political nativity in the neighborhood and the where the voter can hia political education 3 jakc th policy of the dab so broad thai avert republican can work under it keep out of and etna OB he graat cardinal principal of the party 4 invite to every person who with the republican publican Be party and nho intends to support ila candidates 5 see that every republican in the vicinity pins ahe club 6 HAVI regular of the club at ie al 91 once a month 7 the should see that an in tere tine pro gramme of work is prepared for ever meeting this ia es to tha existence of the club 8 the should never be made aub to the cl andl 9 tho clab aronld indorse 0 a for niada antil sit r be is by mhd baity or A fw and add lHoir will easily adapt to local mania I 1 atma t tha club ceball bs the Ke publican league of article ARTiC Lt II 11 tha object of thia lague club shall be tn advocate promote aad maintain the ale of aa hy the republican party to direct and interest in politics those who hay hitherto ticen mori or iaea indifferent to poetical duties to attona abc at the caucus v primary gB in order that bonci end capable men may ba namin cited to guard an detent the purity of the ballot box to work in harmony with and carry out plan of permanent republican leabus glab organizations through the republican of ahls state and the national league and to perform work aa may best ahe int treat of the republican party and locally thereby exerting the idoft potent in of good III 1 OT thib gibb ba used in vav to the interest of any for lie office previous jonona iu atun but ahall its forca to be in all candidate nom by republican conventions IV any person over eighteen years of aga who in a republican find in sympathy with tha of the republican party and a eu of ita candidates ahill ba eligible to of this clab annicia An Ticia V OFFICERS the officers cert nf club ahall be a president Pre eident two vico a Secret siry ft freaa ir erand an executive committee of dve members and the president and cx escio all ahall be of aad lau be elected by ballot at tim u may be prescribed in by bawa VI atma section 1 tha regular of tha ahall ba held at on th section 2 five mom ban ahall constitute a quorum at any regular cr duly called special meeting of the club ali 1 all bv law 1 and resolutions of this cub shall require a majority vote of tha present at any regular meb tins for their adoption section 2 amendments to abic ahall only be made previous oua notice of two aweeka in and chall require for their adoption an affirmative vote of two thieda of the at a afa the two thieda tion to ba not leaa than ne quartee of the ni ambera of tha blob provided that no amendment ahall at eny tinaa b made that will conflict with iab pro of the constitution of the na leadens 0 the be publican of thia state abig clah ahall ba coma and bo of he akst subh can leasca of this stata binl b ia atu imbor in bor threta |