Show city and county cottings jottings Jot tings on monday at howe tafta regail grocery acore TUB prettiest eat fall capell yon ever saw buat in at S 8 jones company tf FOB boree blankets and lap robea the chipman mercantile jo american fork ia the place to buy them dw TAK your flour to aba elite bakery in bread opposite poat office IT ia a well established fact that farmers who sold their crop leat through the ah county arnit and agricultural society got ten to twenty dollars more for each carload than those who sold otherwise be sure find boe ua this season before you aall aw THE A 0 smoot lumber yards want wheat barley and corn in ex for lumber doors baan etc A complete new stock ie carried tf mada suits at EN MILLS 00 ALL kindi of produce wanted in exchange for woolen goods PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO a aai receipts carefully compounded at smoot drug co t D L has opened a real estate loan office in martins bank opposite the post office GOOD rooms and boad at the rate of fsr week at mra snyders ite the opera house FAMILY trade solicited goods delivered promptly oy the popular grocers bogaard Bo giard headquarters for fishing tackle at provo hardware and iron company f paint I 1 paint 1 paint 1 mixed dainta at sons 1 par gallon can FROM to feet of logs wanted immediately G W mickel provo t OLD phils birthday wag presented to a large in the third ward last bight FOB dregs roods and trimmings trim minga the chipman mercantile co lead the trade dauw miss ella stickney has returned irom salt lake where sue has been studying for a couple of weeks the latest designs in millinery miss stickney will be prepared to show the prettiest and dant iest designs in the latest millinery and will be ready for tha display on tuesday and wednesday sept and sac kindly invites her friends and patrons to call and inspect her lock A carry all be leading branda of flour at lowest prices FRUIT growers and bee keepers can get their supplies at the lowest bricea at geo W mill DEALERS in building material and contractors can eave money by sending their ordera for mill work to geo W kelB provo utah go to the excelsior he use opposite the onra bobae on J street for the beat 25 bed and alie beet meals in the city A taft aro again in the whole bale and retain grocery e at their old stand 28 centre street they are reducing their large wholesale whole salo deock and it you want to set some rare bargains infancy and staple groceries call on thia well known arm A FEW democrats went to payson this nine to attend the convention at that place BUT an panh or monkey lur cape at american fort abay haye the line ANYTHING in the bakery line mada to order cake a specialty at floraa opposite PO forget thiet tha grand fall open ln takes place at 8 B jones co tf go to flora for th beat ice cream bread caked ana candy opposite post office go to the hardware iron co for hay toola etc T ana fall aryles in are beyond description but you will en pv the greatest pleasure in looking over ane many designs at 8 8 company their opening takes on sapt tf PROVO chop conae is the place exactly to get a good square meal open day and night basement of excelsior block center wm oneill THE funeral sary icea over the remains of mra mary will oe held in tha fourth ward meeting bonga sunday afternoon at frienda in hitaj mrs S A kell of pomona cal had the bad luck to sprain her ankle 1 I tried several liniments ahe says but was not anred until I 1 faed chamberian chamberia Cham beria balm that remedy cured ma and I 1 take pleasure in recommending it and testifying to iab efficacy this medicine ia also of great value for rheumatism lame back pains in the chest pleurisy and all deep seated and muscular paini for eale by smoot drui co MR james E daniels of the first ward met accident at bis residence resi dance evening last by tho use of a bajder be waa apples from ona of his treba and in eoma way the ladder and be fell to toe ground breaking his left arm just below the dr alien to the injury owing to mr danielak Danie laa advance in years it will be e inie tima before he will be able to ra saime hia antics |