Show opt s AT U ST BUILDING WITH A new and stylish line of WE ARE MAKING specialties OF res boods anad ALSO A COMPLETE LINE to F any IOB m add laces in all new styles and colors keep your eye on us we will interest you bank building PROVO UTAH X rf J J KNIGHT MIGHT LAWYERS rooms 13 14 and 15 union block PROVO CITY UTAH SAMUEL A KING AT LAW 5 and 7 bank building CITY UTAH J W H AT LAW booma 11 and 12 oom and savings bank building PROVO CITY UTAH THOMAS JOHS excelsior up stairs UTAH S K KING attorney at law looms 12 3 aad 4 martins bank ald PROVO CITY UTAH E E DUDLEY attorney at law room 9 bank building orry UTAH D D HOUTZ ATTORNEY AT LAW booms 4 and 6 bead block UTAH ROBERT ANDERSON AT law 4 and 6 reed smoot block FRO VO CITY UTAH J E BOOTH AT law 23 N J street provo city at law collection agency office bank building PAYSON CITY UTAH aam landscape ign painter UTAH comor and ath tire insurance J of new york norwich union of loncoa northern ol 01 london british american of toronto national lifa ol 01 vermont des moines office at martina Mar tinB bank prato city utah DEMOISY attorney at lavi bloom 15 bank building centre st PROVO 01 ry UTAH J M STULL ATTORNEY AT LAW 2 boora adouth of bockmill Boc khill hole UTAH E A WILSON la w ebona 6 and 7 bank building PROVO CITY UTAH attorney at law room 9 bank PROVO CITY UTAH S H ALLEN county physician E ti W no 60 office it residence smoot brick block aut of tabernacle PROVO CITY UTAH DR G H KEYSOR crown and bridge work a all work fully guaranteed oom 2 and 4 bank build lof PROVO UTAH W B CIVIL ENGINEER irrigation and water power plana city surveyor of deputy U 8 mineral office at court mouse y UTAH R G architect and superintendent corner M and ats st PROVO J F MOYES M D physician aai excelsior block over pyne malbina drag store PROVO CITY UTAH office haars hoars 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m 4 me curtain jf 2 ANO SURGEON office palace bioux residency 24 glocka eaga bank corner no 45 office so 28 PROVO UTAH a X B L knowlden jones general fire and life INSURANCE P 0 BOX 11 UTAH i av ti and J giuei it oat arri t another pata in the aut offee nd batora cobau promptly i apon receipt of diodel or of it atlon I 1 fro M t ire f abarre abar xe with raTO taws directly aaros nt bainy in there it 1 that I 1 hat for matins precipe preliminary tor ane aed ot for tor wms are n tae poi tinier f EBS xiu fani 1 vas ij R LITTELL y and attorney itt patent washington PO V bic thia water is a sure cure tsin miners leading Le adine catarrh constipation chronic palpitation of the steart and all kidney and nervous troubles kowola and suits ty empire laundry LauG dry mrs E E davis of ban Migue lOal gayb 1 I am trying in a measure to reo re o pay the manufacturers of chamberlains cough remedy for the great good their remedy baa done me for years I 1 wae a constant weak linzs and bronchial my rest at night was disturbed dia by a backing cough ao that I 1 felt miserable the greater part of the tims many remedies recommended by friends were tried none of which proved suitable to my case I 1 did not experience any beneficial until I 1 began taking chuh Ron iedy after iwo bottles ot the larke have been used I 1 am pleased to state my health is better than it bag been for veara the pore nees has left my bunga and cheat and I 1 can breatt e oi gilr lr it bardona me so much bood ti at I 1 want all who are suffering from lung troubles aa I 1 waa to give it a trial for sate by smoot drug co A ladya gold watch on sunday fore noon doir N L solsona Nol sona residence fourth ward finder will be rewarded oy leaving same at the enquirer office to lioan on farm and city property low in breet apply to B jr union block provo the annual meeting of the stock holders of the aim mining and milling company will be held in tha office of the provo commercial and savings bank on tuesday october jtb 1895 at 11 ft in for the purpose ol 01 electing officers for the ensuing year and the transacting of such other business bui iness as may be before the meeting f J B secy I 1 provo beat 17 isoo and conference bines via ilio griede grimde western for be rand welsh at sa t lake city october ard 3rd and ath and the annual conference lla and comans womans conference L D 8 at salt lahe city october ab ath anil ath inclusive tha following rates laka rt nin from lut lute lehi an fork geneva 3 50 provo spanish fork benjamin 2 25 faygon Pay gon santaquin San 2 35 goshea eureka mammoth twilver city 32 clear creek 3 05 PV junction scofield cantle gate helper price green elver thompsons Thomp sons 10 CO cisco F A general passenger Pas Benger and ticket agent arnica salve THE BEST in the world for cute brailes braises Br aises sores salt cheum fedei tetter chapped hands chilblains Chil lains coma and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or no pay required it ii to civa perfect or money refunded price 25 cents per box for sale by excelsior drug paint co USE WATER parties 0 taking the city stir will do iroll to catu on the buaer for tha coat of t abo water maia or say pertaining to acet and anso ol 01 tha city kindly by 6 era sati children cry for pitchers astori Os tori caveats maiks obtained pit 2 cat bust less conducted for MODERATE FEK OUR omec ts uis PATENT and we can secure patent ia lets time than those from 1 model or photo with de scrip aton we advise if or not arcs ot i chares our fee not due till is secured A how ta obtain patents with cost of same in tha usma foreio A ess cr MT ICE ia C v rit DR IMPROVED LIVER A PHYSIC ONE FOR A DOSS A increment ot tho bunols each day is for herlth theao pills bumpily whit the lacks to it ewul ir they core headache brighten th rea and clear the compla uon better than cooba j hey neither kape nor eicken to 0 o convince you TOH w holderer every where BOS ASiKO MED cu fifa soil lv i x ix lu west end asi ate eugine boler aad birac Bi repairs boiler welded or replaced with ona iron and brass B stagg manager provo city delivered to any oart of the city bock springs lamp castle gate lump or pleasant valley lump winter quarters lump nut leGate nut anthracite 1100 YARD TELEPHONE 17 if you use the peta liaa incubators ft broaders brooders Bro oders make money while others are wasting time by old processes Catalog tells all about gia tj iland describes every illustrated article needed for the i catalogue i poultry business I 1 FREE the ERIE mechanically the best prettiest model we are pacific coast agents bicycle cata logue mailed full description prices etc AGENTS WANTED PETALUMA BRANCH HOUSE S main st los angeles send for prices iobst FRUIT TREES SHADE TREES AND ornamentals ORNAMENT ALS evergreens EVER GREENS ROSES SHRUBS CLIMBERS LAWN GRASS SEED HARDY GARDEN ROOTS BULBS greenhouse PLANTS FANCY BASKETS FUNERAL AND WEDDING DESIGNS PAMPAS PLUMES estimates made on parka and landscape gardening part payment in trade to suit the times westa st P 0 box 39 provo city only gold medal in utah held for fancy japan foliage plants ml keeps always on hand THE maa homo cured hams add bacon bologna and pork sausage PUKE HOME MADE GASH PAID FOR FAT LIVE STOCK MY MOTTO lowest ances with best quality and honest quantity D proprietor drugs paints oils glass and wall paper largest tock south ot salt lake Cit yit eso jp ot anub 11 full line of liquors and bottled beer family t IP lic ted H S wagon and buggy wood and a large stock of iron tires drill steel etc the best cook stoves in the city m asi asni ihmels acs m m crossel Cro suel a t give us a call for anything in the hardware line PROVO HARDWARE AND IRON COMPANY ii D waters mer essiy arr ar r hiir ass syliia A sea 3 t g a s s basy 3 sa H H c as B ysa s S 8 sj y a g sj S siegi ac fF SM SiS s aisis Ji s gy ivy AT pyne drug store JE derex rex ot ario LOOK OUT FOR big stock of hew goods spec scientifically adjusted to all sights without extra charge |