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Show FIFTY LITTLE SINGERS APPEAR THIS EVENING Fifty little singers, tho members of tho junior choir of St. Mary's cathedral, will present a Christmas entertainment In cathedral hall this evening, beginning at S o clock. The s-CHts arc practically nil Mold and it Is probable that the "S R O " sign will be out before the dav Is over The entertainment will be complimentary to Bishop Scanlan and the clergy of the cathedral. A feature of the evening will be thf initial appearance upon any stage as tho press agent would have it. of tlm youngest "leading man" In America. Tie is no other than the handsome littlo 4-montliH-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel White it 1 118 rehearsals of his pari have been pronounced pro-nounced perfect and his Is expected to be ono of the hits of the evening |