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Show CARRANZA INCLINED TO JUSTIFY VILLA HERMOSILLO. Sonom, Mexico, Dec 14. Although no official report hud been received re-ceived hero today concerning tho reported re-ported expulsion of the Spanish residents of Chihuahua City, General Vcri'"sUano Carranza has asked Goneral Villa for Information In-formation as to what occurred. "I think tliat If General Villa tool: fomc action." wild General Curranza, "It would hnve been only against those Span-lards Span-lards or other foreigners who had taken part against the constitutionalist cause According to the decroo which lu8 put In forco agulnst tho law of January 25, 1BC2, the foreigner who would uphold tho so-called so-called government of Huerta will be Judged und sentenced according to this If any representations havo been made by tho state department at Washington to insurgent officials hero no comment was made on the mattor. General Carranza Issued anothor order todav that all chiefs of the revolution in Mexico appropriate no supplies during dur-ing campaigns without giving .receipts, to bo redeemed Inter by the constitutionalist constitu-tionalist government It was reported today through the American consul and Insurgent officials here that W. S. Windham and J. M. Dunn, American ranchmen of Qulmlchl, Teplc. had nevor been under arrest by the In-surgont In-surgont military authorities. Their cast-had cast-had boon the subjoct of representations to General Carranza from the stato department de-partment at Washington. |