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Show OLD d CREEK IS MERELY SLEPT Once Promising District Begins Be-gins to Resume Its Place as a Miner. STAR IS LOOKING UP Thirty Men Employed in the Mine and Property May Renew Its Production. Cherry Creek Is again, lively and tlm merchants and residents aro again enjoying en-joying a season of prosperity to their great satisfaction, according to Sheriff Craln, who spent yesterday there on official of-ficial business, as reported by the Ely, Nov.. Expositor. "Work was resumed in tho Star mine a short time ago. and tho old bonanr-a which was formerly the mainstay of the town is expected to bo pouring forth more of Its riches soon and In lai'ger vol-umo vol-umo than over. About thirty men arc at present omploycd In and around tho mino. and it is undorstood that tho number num-ber on tho pay roll will be greatly Increased In-creased beforo next spring, as the new work Is being pushed ahead In earnest. Tho Star Is a silver property and was operated for a number of years by a California company before It was sold to British capitalists. Since the Britishers havo held It tho mine has been worked from time to time, hut for a good portion of lho tlmo it was idle except for the fact that pumping was continued. For ono period of nlno yeara the pumps were knpl running, though no other work was done, and tho expense to the company during that period amounted to a large sum. A short time ago an entire change in mnnagemont of lho owning company was effected, and now it Is expected thai tho further development of the mine will bo continued uninterruptedly and that a big force of nion will bo employed. The mill at tho property is being overhauled for the purpose of handling the ore produced, pro-duced, the plant being tho fourth one that was erected for lho purpose, although al-though a great deal of the past production produc-tion was high grade ore that was shipped direct to smelters. Tho present development develop-ment of the mine shows a big, strong ledge, and nearly every miner or mining man who has Inspects it has believed that millions of dollars would yet be mined from It. Tho operation of the Star will not only bring prosperity to tho town of Cherry Crock, but also to a lnrgo section of tho country tributary to it. |