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Show WW Upper Workings of Apex Mine Are Tightly Bulkheaded; Search of Lower Levels Is Completed; Com-pleted; Use of Cyanide Considered as Means to End Life of Desperado. MEXICAN AGAIN HEARD IN MINE Posse Near Back of Tun- .1 nel Hears Unmistaka- m ble Signs of Man Mov- I ing About in No. 11 I Stope Directly Above I Them; G. W. Hulsey jl to Leave for Home. 11 By Staff Correspondent. ;l BINGHAM, Dec. 15, (1:30 a. in.) About midnight the guards at the 'fl Andy tunnel "bulkhead heard noises H on the inner side. The pounding S aud scratching continued until a late hour and was still heard in- fl tormittently at 2 a. rn. All tha guards agroo that tho noise cannot fl be caused by swelling timbers or H any Bitch natural action. No at- H tempt was mado to comniunicato fl with Lopez, though all "bellovod ho H was making the noises, The guards jH moved back some distanco for fear H that Lopez might ho placing a jH charge of dynamite under tho bulk- ',H By Staff Correspondent. H BINGHAM, Dec. 14. "Raphael Lope.-. jH will he jiven an opportunity to stirren-der stirren-der before final steps aro taken to end his murderous careor. This plan was SM announced today by Sheriff Andrew Smith, Jr., and arrangements wero mado to carry it out. Tho upper part of tho mine baa been thoroughly bulkheaded. and tho lower workings' completely Bo'archod without a traco of the bandit being found, thus definitely establishing mm his presence in the upper lovols. Lope. is entombed tonight in about Ave milcn jM of tunnel and stopes on and above tho 300 or Andy level. SmM A bulkhead was placed in tho Andv incline, about sevenry-nVo feet bolow the tunnel, thus shutting off a possiblo oscapo by the bandit to tho lowor lov els. Another bulkhead was placed in tho Andy tunnel, about 600 feet from the entrance. As provioush- reported, jH bulkheads have been placed in all the jH upper tunnels. jH Waiting for Mexican. jM Tonight G. W. Ilulacy and Bon Ca-tor Ca-tor aro sitting with their backs against tho bulkhead in the Audy tunnel. The'r .H carbide lights aro turned away from tho IH bulkhead so that no light may get through and warn tho Mexican of the JH presence of guards. The two men havo H boen instructed to sit in silence ami H listen for possiblo sounds, made by l.o H per If they hear him. after establish jH ing in their own minds that tho noise H are really mado by htm, thoy aro h- H structed to call to him. They will tell JH him that tho sheriff offers him a final H chauco to surrender, li he refuses no H ; further attempt will bo mado to do an H thing more than lo get him dead. jH Lopez told Sam ltogcrs, tho former M shift boss, that ho would never stirrer- tWM der that he would die fighting. Nevoi- jH theless Sheriff Smith considers it his SM dutv to give Lopez an opportunity to to VWM defy constituted authority before ho takes measures to kill the desperado. It Is loi thl.s reason that tho plan evolved toda M Is being carried out. Guards below lh fWM bulkhead In the Andy Incline nr0 under lH similar Instructions to those of Hulse mmM and Carter. Little hope Is entertained tWM of persuading Lopez to surrender even if imWU he docs go to one of tho bulkheads. Use of Gas Suggested. H Tho U3o of one of tho most dcadh fM gases known to science has now been suggested. As Lopez Is confined in a IH comparatively- small area, absolutely 'W known to bin pursuers, It Is thought tlm 'M cvanldo fumes could be used to end his 'WM life. Tho fumes would bo produced l IH the union of cyanide of potassium and IH sulphuric acid In sumo suitable vesuM and placed just outside the Andy tunnel WM (Continued on Pago Two,) jH WILL GIVE LOPEZ 01 ME CUE (Continued from Pago One.) bulkhead. There fumes would bo pumped through tho bulkhead Into tho mine. It would bo unnecessary to smother Ixpe with the deadly cyanide gap. One breath of It would snuff out his llfc Jt is not believed that he could entirely avoid the xus. However, tlK-ro Is Btill Komc doubt as to whether this mothod will be talten. Starvation Is considered as another possible death, as no food can possibly be taken Into the mine from now on, regardless of what supply Lopes niav or may not have had before. When tho miners who have been work-ins work-ins in the Andy tunnel went to work thin mornlne thev were informed by Deputy Sheriff AthR Wllllunls that they would nol bo permitted to enter the mine. O, Brimhnll. the shift bos;;, called Superintendent V. S. Rood and Foreman Thomas Hosklne on the telonhonc and Informf'd them of tho situation. They wont to the Andy tunnel shed and hold a short conferenco with Deputy Sheriffs Atha Williams, R. I,. Eddlncton, Jack Taylor and Dr. F. B. Straup. Tho officers refused to let- the men enter, but offered to emplov ton miners to put In the bulkheads. bulk-heads. Superintendent Rood finally consented con-sented to this plan and tho men wero put to work Installing the bulkhead in the' incline and later tho one in the tunnel. Noises Again Heard. It was discovered that thoro was a truck used for hauling' lumber Into the mine back near tho end of tho Andy tunnel, near tho No. 11 otope. ThlH Is about 600 feot beyond tho Andy incline. The miners all refused to go after the car, except one He, with Deputy Sheriff Sher-iff R. L. Eddlngton, S. S. Jones. Dr. K. R Straup, Shift Boas Brimhall and J. D. Cortello, went back for tho car. While Cortelle and Dr. Straup wore lifting the truck onto tho tracks Brimhall, Jones and the minor heard noises In the No. 11 stopc. Thev wero certain It was Lopez, and nil of them are experienced in mines. Somebody addressed Dr. Straup as "Doc," unthlnkinKly. Jones immediately rushed over and warned the men not to make such a remark, as It would Immediately Imme-diately Inform Lopez that tho party was not composed of miners and he might start shooting. After tho car had been placed on the track, Brimhall crawled up into tho stope for some axen that were needed. "When he returned ho said: "I have never heard or seen Lopes in this mine bofore, but I heard nolsca up there that positively convince mo that ho Is right up in. that stopc." Hulscy Going Home. While tho men wero putting in the bulkhead on the Andy incline below tho tunnel level. G. W. Hulsey and Bon Carter Car-ter wore stationed In tho exact spot from which Lopes shot Hulsey's brother, Douglas, Doug-las, and Mnndcrlch. Lights were pointed up the incline and the men watched in order to prevent Lopez from possibly rushing down tho Incline and killing some of tho mon working on the bulkhead. "I'm going homo tomorrow," said C. W. Hulscy after tho bulkheadlng was finished today. "There seems to be no hope now of my getting a shot at that man, tho murderer of my brother. It looks like a waiting game, and business Interests demand that I get back to California. I would stay unyhow If there was a chance to sret a shot at that Mexican, Mexi-can, but he's bottled up now and I can't sco any use In staying." . S. Jone. J. D. Cortelle and John Golden eearched tho Louisa stopo .yesterday, .yester-day, the last of the lower worklncs. They also went through tho 400 lovel. No trace of Lopez was found. This absolutely confirms con-firms the belief that Lopez Is not in, any of the lower levels, and no more guards will be kept on them as Lopez cannot now get down to them by any possibility. ! Express Satisfaction. "I feel better satisfied tonight than I have for a long time," said Sheriff Smith tonight. "The "mlno is tightly bulk-headed, bulk-headed, and we aie confident that Lopez is behind those bulkheads with cvory retreat re-treat cut off. He will be given a chanco to surrender. If ho does not hie fate will be hie own fault." "For the first timo Bince the man hunt began I am contented," 6ald Dr. Straup. who has been ono of tho most active, nnd who has generously neglected his professional affairs to assist in the capture cap-ture of the crlmlnnl. "J am morally certain that Lopes Is in the mine behind those bulkheads, and I believe that he will never escape. I can. now get back to my affairs nnd give them tho proper attention without worrying about the dantrer of losing the Mexican." Others who are prominent In tho spectacular spec-tacular hunt were all content. Bingham seemed to have settled .down, almost to routine tonight- The residents In general gen-eral seemed satisfied that the worst of the chaso was over, that It won now only a "waiting game" for tho finish. |