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Show WAITING FOR SKATING. Opening of Municipal Rink Delayed By Tardy Frost King. Special to Tho Tribune. Ogden. Dec. 14 Had It not been for tho mild temperature of Inst night the municipal skating rink at Monroe avenue and Twenty-ninth street would have boon thrown open to tho public tomorrow, according ac-cording to B. Vnndor SohuK, superintendent superin-tendent of parks. Because of this lack of low tempernluro it probably will not be able to allow skating on lho artificial lako for two more days. Several hundred expectant youngsters and not a few "grown-ups" visited the park today and ware disnppotntad upon learning that skating would not bo permitted per-mitted for a few days. Under tho direction direc-tion of the park superintendent every effort ef-fort has been made to provide an excellent surfaco on the rink, which covers an area of five acres. Four electric lights and an arc at eafh corner of lho rink will ho Installed tomorrow. |