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Show NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. SALT LAKE TENNIS CLUB. Principal place of business. Salt I-uke City. Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meot-Inp meot-Inp of tho board of directors held on tho 5th day of December, 1013. an assessment assess-ment of ten dollars per shnrc was levied on the capital stock of tho corporation, payable Immediately to K. M. Garnett, secretary of said corporation, at the clubhouse of said corporation on Tenth TCast Htrect. botweon Second and Third South stroets. Salt Lake City. Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment may romnln unpaid on the 7th day of January, Janu-ary, 1 1 1 4 . will be delinquent and advertised adver-tised for sale at public auction, and unless un-less payment Is made before, will be sold on Die 21th day of January. 191-1, nt 12 o'clock noon of snld day, at the clubhouse of said corporation, to pay the delinquent I assessment, together with tho cost of advertising ad-vertising and expenses of sale. v, R ! GARNETT, Secretary. Clubhouse, Tenth ISaat street botween Second and Third South streets. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dated at Salt Lake City, thla 8th day of December, 1013. klOnu |