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Show WANTED Wanted Male Kelp Life Insurance company of St. Louis Mo., hair opened offices for iho Pacifli coast. 323 First Nuiional Lianl; bldg., Sar j Franclr.eo, a.nd will otter liberal induce-warns induce-warns to successful au.esmon, with op-portun'tloa op-portun'tloa io become manager:! In elthr: California, Utah or Oregon. Superib: romructs 10 loiial ropres ontullvcs for Sal! Lake, Ogdou and other purm of Utah "Yc Issue an exceptionally aiimctlvc !ln ; of policies and pay high commissions, il you have no experience, are -arc. yoi i possess ability and arc alive ami anxious ( to succeed, write us. h.Sli? ' WANTED FIRST-CLASS REVERBER-i REVERBER-i atory furnace skimmer; onu expert- ; onced In on tiring preferred; muse bi competent to take, charge of shift; nc I boozer need apply; permanent position ; for the nght man; wages $1.U0 per a : hours. Apply io OU.N'S. ARIZONA : SMELTING CO. HUMBOLDT. AR1-i AR1-i ZONA, stating experience tully and ajv-lug ajv-lug references. 1:112!j i WANTED FOR U. KS. ARMY, ABLE-I ABLE-I bodied, unmarried men between ages of IS and 36. citizens of United Stales, i of good character and temperate habits, I wl o can speak, read and write English language. For Information apply to re-H re-H cnntlng officer, old Walker Bunk bldg., i W. Second Soutli street, Salt Lako City. ) WANTED. YOUNG MAN BOOKIOSEPEl; ; and stenographer who Is alive and wants to stun with a manufacturing con-1 con-1 rcrn at Woods Cross, Utah, and learn the , business that has a good permanent future for tho right party. In reply give date of birth, experience and reference. Address Hj H-4S. Salt .Lako Tribune. klolT HI WANTED BASIC-LINED CONVERTER 1 skimmer. Wages, $4.00 per 8 hours, day fhlft entirely. Only thoroughly competent and experienced man wanted. No boozer need apply. Addrcsa Cons. Arizona Smelt-Ing Smelt-Ing Co., Humboldt, Ariz., stating experi-once experi-once fully and giving references. 1:1527 Hj STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Hotel, restaurant and housohold help. Headquarters for laborers. 65 West Second South. Phono 454. H C. R. HANSEN & CO.. EMPLOYMENT agonts, 36 E. 1st So. Phono Was. 53-1. H f 1507 H BOYS IF YOU DON'T BUY FROM US wo both loso monoy. ROWB'S Clothes Shop for boys Walker Bank building. H 01729 H FREE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. BASE- 1 ment First Congregational church. Wc get you a position free of charge. Tel-1 Tel-1 ephone Was. 5322. t3C5 H you can make more money j fanning than you can lvorklng for 1 someone else. See the Pacific Land & H Water Co., lath floor Walker Bank bldg.. for exceptional opportunities. g31S6 H CO UNCALLED-FOR SUITS AND H overcoats; 53 to $10. 265 State st. I h'JSOG H MEN IS TO 3D BECOME GOERN- ment railway mall clerks. Sample ex-amlnatlon ex-amlnatlon questions freo. Franklin ln- H ttUute. Dept. 432-H. Rochostor, N. Y. STUDY MECHANICAL DRAWING THIS winter. Evening class. Utah Business College, Boston building. h99S H 100 MISFIT SUITS FOR SALE AT J cost. Nobby Sullorlum. 219 Stato st. el093 I BOYS, GET YOUR HAIR CUT AND shave at tho "Rex" Earbcr Shop. 426 So. State st. Oluf Halvorsen. proprietor. h2872 I SALT LAKE COOKS ASSOCIATION. First-class restaumnt and hotel cookL ' furnished free. h2370 YOUNG MAN WHO HAS HAD SOME experience operating multlgraph ma- lhlne and stenogmphy. Address In own, handwriting, stating age and experience. to F-4S, Tribune office. k21 I MEN FOR MINING jVND LOADING coal. Apply to D. G. Thomas, Rock Springs, Wyo. lt34S I AMBITIOUS PERSON MAY EARN $115 to ?2C weekly during eparu time at home, writing for newspapers. Send for jiarllculars. Press Bureau M-1S7, Wash- ington, D. C. k574 I FRONT DOOP. TALKER, ALL-DAY grinder. Panama Canal Exhibit, Kolth- O'Brien Bldg., Main St.. kl487 I IF VOU WRITE PLAIN ENGLISH YOU may, cam steady Income writing for H newspapers; exnerlenoo not required. Capital Press Syndicate, Washington. D. C. koSO I i STUDY MECHANICAL DRAWING AND plan reading evenings this winter. Ex- porlcnced Instructor. Utah Business Col- lege. Boston Bldg. kl027 I WANTED, FIRST-CLASS COAT MAK-' or, pants, vest maker, at once. A. K. Dahlen, American Falls, Idaho. kl347 I WANTED IDEAS FOR MOVING PIC- tnro plays: M'f'i-s pay from $10 to $100 I for slnglo plot; cxporlcnco unnecessary; to show you how. Send for booklet. .Man- hattan Motion Picture Iiistitute, 150 Nas- yau St., N. Y. City. 1:1520 I 20 UNCALLED-FOR OVERCOATS FOR sale, from ?2 up. Nobby Sullorlum. 219 State. k!775 I BOY ABOUT IS YEARS OF AGE TO solicit and deliver orders part of time and work on Inside the balance; Home experience necessary. Call Monday, 7S0 No. 2nd West. U1S45 I WANTED BARBER. 141 WEST SEC- end South. 1:1969 I ! WANTED A YOUNG MAN THAT doesn't attend school to work around jiews stand. Call Walsh News Co., Bam- bcrger depot, nfter 10 ju in. kl977 I v:OOD DELIVERY BOY, CROMEENK'S grocery store. kl97S Wanted Acrents "aeJtnei big commission specialty. Call between be-tween 8 and 9.30 a. in., at 1026 Kearns bldg. M823 MONEY INTO POCKETS OF EVERY agent, crew and stato manager; "clear-cut.'' "clear-cut.'' clean, attractive work; any stato or town. If you can prove "up to snuff." call or write 522 .Ncwhousc bldg. h 1421 Wanted Situation (Male) yTungTiaTviTJ or clerical work evenings; best of references. ref-erences. Address C-40, Tribune. hl973 YOUNG. EXPERIENCED OFFICE MAN and bookkeeper wishes to c-hunxc position; posi-tion; have boon hed bookkeeper In a well-known concrrn for tho last 8 years: best of references; wide acquaintance In city. Address 11-25, Tribune. kl4S0 MAN AND WIFE WANT IIOUSE-worl; IIOUSE-worl; or Janitor work. Address'. II-7. Tribune. 1:10-1 S YOUNG, RELIABLE BOOKKEEPER wnntH position: reforonces given. Address Ad-dress J -19, Tribune. kll33 JAPANESE COOK WANTS VOSITION In family. Address H-41. Tribune. kl434 FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER AND C-couniant C-couniant wishes position: high-class city references. Address K-J, Tribune. k 1683 BOY. ICi YEARS OLD. WANTS TO get work. Mylnnd K'4-M. kl790 JAPANESE BOY W'ANTS POSITION, cook or housework. Address K-lfi, i Tribune. klOSO Wanted To Buy TvovTirrEvN goatsT to drive double. Address G-54, Tribune. k7S3 TRIBUNE WANT ADS PULL WANTED Wanted Female Help 1 GIRLS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. AP- - PLY READY FOR WORK AT S A. M. r AND J V. M. DAILY", TROY' LAUNDRY, r 3-'l SOUTH 6TH EAST, t f H350 j FREE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. BASI2- " ment First Congregational church. W e - get you a position freo of charge. Telo- - phono C822. f27iJ ! ! GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; J no washing or Ironing; good wage.;, i i Givo references. Telephone llyland 76.i. i 113732 : SCHOOLQIIiLS. THE BELL SAMPLE ; Shoe Parlors. 403 Boyd Park Bldg.., to ' examine low heel and imported guaranteed guaran-teed satin pumps; $2.50; no more, no less. h-uoa i COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply forenoon, 23 Caithness Caith-ness apt. h-I29S A GI11L WANTED FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 119 12th East. 1:6 WANTED STUDENT T(D LEARN hair work; good position when through. 566 So. State. Was. C51L kSO COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; two In family. Phono Wasatch Wa-satch 133S. Oil D St. klC9 GOOD GIRL; REFERENCES. CALL afternoons. 22L W. 4th South. 1:606 GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK IN SMALL family; must bo good cook; $5 per week; references. Address G-GS, Tribune. kS60 GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT HOf'SE-work: HOf'SE-work: two In family. Call Mr. Webb. Grand theater, between 10 and 11. 1:971 COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; good wages. S32 E. 2nd South. kl2S2 COMPETENT MIDDLE-AGED. WOMAN to assist with housework and care for children; comfortable homo for responsible responsi-ble party. 279 10th ave. kl.'14S GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: reference required. Apply 145 South 4th East, kl35'J COMPETENT, AMBITIOUS SALES-ladlcs SALES-ladlcs to sell Barcley corsets. $5.00 per day guaranteed. Anna M, Good, No. 40 Wood,ruff apts. klK77 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work. HOUSE-work. 157 So. 7th East. kl6Sl COMPETENT GIRL FOR IIOUSE-work; IIOUSE-work; must understand cooking; small family. Phone Wasatch 14S4. 1259 E. 2nd South. kl6S0 GOOD GIRL FOR COOKING AND downstair work: no laundry work: small family. G66 E. So. Temple. kl679 COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Good wagee. No washing. 161 North State. kln20 GOOD LAUNDRESS. PHONE WAS. 2067. 1:1553 WANTED WOMAN AS HOUSEKEEP-cr HOUSEKEEP-cr for small family. Address K-12. Tribune. klS33 WOULD YOU LIKE ANOTHER HAT. If it Isn't to cost you $12 or $15? See the $5 special every Thursday and Friday Fri-day at the Brown School of Millinery. 475 East Broadway. kl755 IT IS TRUE. THE COMPLETE course of 2 months In the Brown School of Millinery WItX QUALIFY YOU FOR A POSITION. Enroll now, and be ready for spring business. Day and evening classes. Hyland 74. 475 E. Broadway. U1754 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: small family. Phone Wasatch 865-W. or call 953 Sth ave. kl756 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work; HOUSE-work; nloe homo for rlsrht party. 274 So. 12th East. Phone Hyland 2846. kl712 10 UNCALLED-FOR LADIES' SUITS for sale, $3 to $5 each. Nobby Sultorl-um, Sultorl-um, 219 Stato. kl777 WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL; washing, Ironing and cleaning: room and board furnished. 607 2nd ave. Was. 4252. 1:1796 1 WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: good wages; no washing. W. C. Orem, 668 3rd ave. klSlil WANTED A WAITRESS. 211 SOUTH 6th W. klS-14 WOMAN 'FOR BEDMAKING AND cleaning from S to 6, $9 per week, Lincoln Lin-coln house. kl9S2 A FEW GOOD LADY SOLICITORS. Good proposition. Apply today, Monday, Mon-day, between 11 a. m. and 1 p. m. Mvers, 111-116 E. Broadway. kl979 WANTED GIRL FOR RESTAURANT. 121 So. 3rd West. kl98S Wanted Situation (Female) miCeiplyerS thTremIinton typewriter company's emPLOYMENT em-PLOYMENT DEPARTMENT at the new address. 59 EaBt 1st South St., will be better prepared than ever to furnish you with experienced or Inexperienced stenographers stenog-raphers for permanent or temporary positions. No chargo to employer or employee. em-ployee. Wasatch 77, h-1436 WANTED BY WIDOW. POSITION AS housekeeper for widower or bachelor. Address 11-24, Tribune. 1:1255 COMPETENT TEACHER WILL GIVE los-sons In English; foreigners especially. espe-cially. Call Was. 5664-W, bcL 1:30 and 6.30 p. m. kS74 PARK'S HAND LAUNDRY". Laundry washing done bv the dozen: reasonable prices. Was. 65S2-J. h29Sl PARTICULAR PEOPLE PLEASED. Laco curtains made to look llko new. 35c a pair; rates to rooming houses: work called for and delivered. Was. 187S-M. kl-137 WANTED WORK BY THE DAY OR washing at home. Phone Was. 2S17-M kl971 Wanted Money fo1sal1 10 per cent per annum; real estate security: se-curity: value $2000. Act promptly. Address Ad-dress K-5. Tribune. kl780 WantedTo Rent ulshed house, preferably on east side. .1. T. Strong, room 6, Fifth East hotel. 1:17117 WANTED, FURNISHED ROOM ON north bench by gentleman of good habit. Address K-l I, Tribune. klSC2 Wanted To Trade TRa3eNEV $650 PIANO OTHER high-grade household goods, for team u:id wagon or automobile. Address F-40. Tribune. h4435 WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR A fruit farm, southeast? Address H-50. Tribune. klC23 PIANO TUNING FACTORY EXpliimENCE TUNInC and player repairing. Piano & Player Rebuilding Co.. 139 E. 1st South. Wan. 4294. G. S. Eardley. Mgr. hl771 PIANO AND ORGAN TUNER. PHONE Wasatch 19S7-W. h6S4 ROOF REPAIRING REPAjlTYmjRolDRO bad weather. E. 1L Telert ilnglor. Was.. 4002-J, hiJal WANTED Wanted Miscellaneous FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS WANTED. Will pay you nr.l-elais:i prices. FIshe' & Bobbins Co.. 60 W. 2nd South. Wasatch Wa-satch 5171. c253 UTAH JUNK CO HIGHEST PRICE paid for Iron, brass, rags, bottles, rubber, rub-ber, copper, etc, 640 So. 4th West. Phone Wasatch 229. mlS73 TO DO YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND mattress remaking. Utoh Bedding .V: Mfg. Co. Phono 3S3. b20i YOUR OLD CLOTHING; WILL CALL. Salvation Army. Phone. t219l SANITARY" BARBER CHaIR; MUST BE In good condition; state prlpe wanted. Addiess 0-52, Tribune. e274C 2ND-IIAND CLOTHING BOUGHT AND sold. Call Wasatch 5235. f33S0 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of men's- clothing Was. 2176. hr.151 WE PAY BEST PRICES FOR SECOND-hand SECOND-hand clothing, trunks, suit cases and tools. Was. 3-123. kl89 MEN'S SECOND-HAND CLOTHING; best prices paid. 2S Commercial st. Wasatch 3771. kS7 WANTED AN IDEA! WHO CAN think of some simple- thing to patent? Protect your Ideas, they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co.. Patent Attorneys. Attor-neys. Washington. D. C. b4216 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND-hand SECOND-hand furniture. Wasatch Furniture Co.. 357 State. Wns. S96. 1:739 YOUNG. EXPERIENCED OFFICE MAN and bookkeeper want to ehangn position. posi-tion. Have been In present position, a well-known concern, for the last 8 years. Employed as bookkeeper. Good reference, refer-ence, with acquaintance "In city. Address Ad-dress H-25, Tribune. 1:125-1 WANTED BABY TOR ADOPTION AD-dress AD-dress H-23. Tribune. 1U250 REFINED COUPLE WITH REFER-ences REFER-ences to share beautiful up-to-date 10-room 10-room home; 113 4th East. kl236 EXPERT FUR CLEANING; ALL kinds of furs: nny color; sots, coats: low price; work guaranteed. Call up Hyland I16S-J, after 6 p. in. k093 THE LATEST NEWS. Santa Clans will visit our shop No. 1 Christmas eve to have his shoes repaired, re-paired, ready for his long journey. MONARCH SHOE REPAIRING CO.. Shop No. 121 E. 2nd South. Was. 35S3. Shop No. 2 US So. State. Was. 313S. h3921 HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR new and used furniture. Axelrad Furn. Co.. 62 W. 3rd So. 1:1073 IRISH SETTER. YOUNG MALE. Sporting editor Tribune, klG62 STOP INTEREST. We glvo borrowers from us the privilege privi-lege of making partial payments at any time, stopping Interest. Oldest and largest real cstato loan company In "Utah. HOME INV. & SAVINGS COMPANY. Glen Miller, Prest., C W. First South St. d601 COULD WE MA ICE MORE LOANS upon real estate than any five competitors com-petitors combined unless our methods were right? Twenty years' experience with only one forcclosure. TRACY LOAN & TRUST CO.. 11 E 1st South. m2Gfil MONEY" FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. Andrews An-drews & Co., room 339, Atlas bldg. el200 SALARIED PEOPLE ACCOMMODATED without delay or publicity. D. D. Drake, 403 Scott bldg. f32GI OJ7 UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS; liberal options. Miller & Vlelc, 803 Kearns bldg. allG SALARY LOANS NEGOTIATED FOR persons permanently employed; business busi-ness confidential. 717 Walker Bank bldg. dl575 MONEY" TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Pomeroy, 30 West First North. pSSl MORTGAGE LOANS WITHOUT DELAY". FR1TSCH, 201-202 Frtt bldg. clS23 AT LOWEST RATES. A RICHTER, 73 Main. FOR REAL ESTATE LOANS, SEE TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY. Investment Bankers. 15'J Main Street. c267 $1000 OR MORE, REAL ESTATE MORT-gage. MORT-gage. Burt & Carlqulst Co., 40 Main street. READY AT ALL TIMES ON FIRST mortgages, 7 per cent; no delay. Alliance Al-liance Investment Co., 11 So. Main sL Was. 44-13. f886 PLENTY OF MONEY AT LOWEST rates. A. Rlchter. 73 Main st. Phone Was. 641. g2735 CARPET CLEANING CLEAN AND RESRECOlTJrTN rugs and carpets. Hand work; will remove re-move oil, grease or any stain. Imported rugs a specialty; 9x12, $1.50. Frank Martin, Mar-tin, Was. 2266. 56 West First South St. ol893 F. C. GROENDYK. & CO. Carpets steam cleaned. Our superior work Insures satisfaction. Remodeling a specialty. Hyland 3220-J. h2954 NATIONAL HOUSE ft CARPET Cleaning Co.; 9x12, $1; vacuum cleaning clean-ing and house cleaning. Wasatch 4256, 215 Tcmpleton bldg. b2182 Vacuum Cleaners EVERYTHING "iN THE VACUUM cleaner line. Call Stewart-Gleoson Co.. Was. 290 or 430. r23S Vacuum Cleaners Rented. former business at half price. "Bates." Hyland 2635. g-3465 "STORAGE, MOVING, PACK ING, SHIPPING WE SHIP HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO any part of the United States. Cut rates. Kimball Van & Storago Co., 75 South Main. m2663 CHRISTMAS TREES XMAS TREES! BEAUTIES. AT 60c and 75c; n nice bunch of holly, 15c; mistletoe, 25o a bunch; rope greens, etc. 25 W. 1st So., opp. Richards st. 1:1811 BUTTON FACTORY ALLKINDlPANrT'BlZE your own material. H. Babbcl, ladles' tailor. 120 East Broadway, opp. Auer-bach's. Auer-bach's. h!850 PRESSING AND CLEANING mGlcLAinr"'HN cleaning: all work guaranteed. Flax Cleaning Co., 1021 E. 4th So. Hy. 2629. h4110 SAFES AND VAULTS 'COIPLETE LINE OCFES ON hand. Shealy Safe Si Vault Co., 315 So. West Temple. o264'J FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF. SOME second-hand, dicttll. JVJ. Siicalv, 313 FOR RENT For Rent Mouses Unfurnished 547 1TH EAST. 1 ROOMS MODERN; $22 per month. 6 rooms. 603 5th ave.; 20. i rooms, r. 726 So. 1st West; $2u per month; newly built. 280 11 stroot, (' rooms, modern; $10 per month. BETTILYON HOME BUILDERS CO.. Was. 2030 or 2031 3 10-3 12 So. Main St. Salt Lake Cltv. Utah. 1:1556 S ROOMS. 32 COMMERCIAL ST. ...525.00 3 rooms, 11(15 Kensington avo. .. . 10.00 7-room mod.; 730 Windsor ave.... IS. uo 7-room mod. brick; 130 P st 25.00 5- room mod.; 1046 Lincoln avo 25.00 7-room strbHly mod.; 230 1th ave. 27. Ou Mod. store room; 60 E. 1th Souih. Mod. stole room; 58 E. 4th South. PETERSON IlKAL ESTATE & INV. CO., 54 IO. 4th South. Was. 3320. 1:1675 A STRICTLY MODERN. 9-ROOM HOME on the north bench, within easy walking walk-ing distance. Large, sunny, cheerful rooms, hardwood floors, hot water heat, excellent neighborhood. 306 Newhouso Bldg. Call Was. 904 or C60-J. g3415 23 HOUSES, ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Tuttle Bros. XJo.. 159 Main st. nl410 MODERN. 8 ROOMS. 144 SO. CTH EAST, J30 uer month. Apply 124 So. 0th East. C4344 CLOSE IN. SAVE CAR FARE. 6-ROOM modern. .Inquire 35 W. Sth So. c4036 UNFURNISHED. MODERN 7-ROOM house for reni. Inquire next door. 438 So. r.th East. flS-1 CLOSE IN. 5 AND 6-ROOM HOUSE. Geezy-Walkor Co., 711 Kearns Bldg. g722 UPPER APT. OF 7 ROOMS IN DUPLEX ' house, modern; sleeping porch; garage; S55 month. 163 Sixth East. g3365 322 SO. DTII EAST. 7-ROOM MODERN: close in; paved street; $40. h2S2 G-ROOM BRICK, STRICTLY MODERN. with furnace. 444 South 4th East. Phone Was. 6501. h2113 3 OR 6-ROOM COTTAGE; CLOSET, pantry, bath. 264 So. 7th East. h238S 5 OR 7-ROOM MOUSE. MODERN, 446 Elm ave.. or phone Was. 2314. h3471 3, 4, 5 AND 6-ROOM MOD. BRICK cottnees. Inquire S23 East 2nd So. Phono Wns. 64S6. h3710 5 NICE ROOMS WITH NICE BIG YARD. a snap for 513; very close In, between 2nd and 3rd West on 5th South. Phone Wasatch 6126-R. h3925 6- ROOM MODERN BRICK IN GOOD condition, $20. 472 North Main. Wasatch Wa-satch 699-J. h-1029 7- ROOM MODERN HOUSE; CLOSE IN-Inquire IN-Inquire next door north. 138 So. Sth East. h4289 5- ROOM MOD. COTTAGE, 341 SO. 1ST WesL h4428 7-ROOM BR., E. L.. HALLS. CLOSETS In all rooms, pantries, basement, hot blast stove; chcao rent, 321 11th East. Inquire 529 11th East. Phono Hy. 3095-J. k96 i 10-ROOM MODERN: CLEAN. NEWLY" papered; for two families or boarders: $2S. Call Hy. 2419-W. 1-470 4-ROOM MODERN; BUFFET KITCHEN and laundry. 518 0th avo. 1:690 3 ROOMS; GAS STOVE; PARTLY MOD-orn; MOD-orn; $12 mo. 426 So. 6th E. Was. 5145. kOSO 6- ROOM MODERN HOUSE. REAR 351 Soutli State. Inquire Wasatch 6012. kl029 7- ROOM BRICK. HALLS. CLOSETS IN all rooms, pantries, etc.; cheap water rent. 521 11th East. Inquire 559 11th East. Phone. Hyland 3095-J. kl066 MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, CLOSE IN. Apply 420 E. 3rd South. Hyland 3181. 1:1129 4 ROOMS. STRICTLY" MODERN. "WAS. 3343-J. 573 W. No. Temple. kl0S2 4- ROOM HOUSE, 14S0 LINCOLN, $S.00 per month. Inquire E. C. Adams, 1475 Lincoln. kl253 5- ROOM MODERN HOME. WASATCH 2260. Goddard Inv. Co. kl355 NEW, STRICTLY MODERN, 3-ROOM and sleeping porch: large basement and grate: $20. 220 So. 11th East. kl542 4-ROOM COTTAGE, MODERN; GAS rango and coke heater. 1084 So. 9th East. kl631 HOUSE. 7 ROOMS AND BATH; HOT water, etc.; close In. Call Was. 1427-J. k!536 NEAR UNIVERSITY", STRICTLY modern; sleeping porch, gas range, laundry, furnace, etc.; freshly decorated. D. C. Dart, Hyland 3464-M. kl763 NEAR UNIVERSITY, MODERN COT-tage, COT-tage, 6 rooms, rent $22.50. E. J. WILLS. 15 West 2nd South. Phono Was. 2141. 1:1760 i-RM. BRICK, 1276 E. GTH SO $8.00 FRT.TSCH, 201-3 Felt Bldg. kl757 WE WILL RENT OUR HOUSE AT 1109 1st avo. to right party for $25, best bargain In the city. Phone earlv. W. 419. Mr. Walker. kl5S0 STRICTLY MOD. 5-ROOM BRICK cottage. Inquire 829 So. 5th E. Hyland Hy-land 744-R. kl828 4-ROOM HOUSE. NO. 8 CITY AVE., ?1000 per month. Call Was. 1639-W. klSOl 7-ROOM MODERN: FURNACE. 173 N st. Apply Sol 3rd ave. kl792 For Rent Houses Furnished 7roomm3drnT740 BEraTsoT h2346 A. 7-ROOM HOME IN FEDERAL Heights, completely furnished; above tho emoko. Was. 545S. kl65 4-ROOM, WITH SLEEPING PORCH. on north bouch, the be3t residence district dis-trict In city; rent reasonable. 524 9th ave. k-139 SEVEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. ALL or partly furnished. For particulars Call Wasatch 7073-J. 4-ROOM MODERN, CLOSE IN. APPLY 149 So. Sth E. $30. k975 ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. lSH SO. Temple. Hyland 3565-W. or 323 South Main. klOSl 4-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT; PRIVATE home; excellent furniture. Address K-8, Tribune. klS2." MODERN COTTAGE 4 ROOMS. TOILET and bath, elec, light, gns range. 178 C street. 1:1717 For Rent Lodge Rooms Fori rentI lodge ROOwrrH hardwood floor. Apply room 1 Mackintosh Mackin-tosh block. h3401 HALL FOR SOCIALS AND LODGES. Inqulr 38J West Broadway. e4414 JAPANESE GOODS fX1?cTA?ANESE ANT) CHINESE goods, and doll hospital. Hop Wo & Co.. 359 So. Stato at. k69 OPTICIANS . well"tupT!icvte minutes. Columbian Optical Co., 337 Main aU (HOI.) PLUM KING, STEAM FITTING X" SL LUCeT PLtMBElT WORK promptly uAlnndctl UJt Mi JL'cuii avo. UyuinilJaC?, biliO FOR RENT Furnished Apartments eVerThincPu ment Is entirely new and tho houso has Just been nowly tinted and painted throughout. If you are looking for something some-thing for rent furnished you shuuld not full to call at the ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS, 209 East Broadway, or apply Monday at Salt Uiko Security & Trust Company, 32 .Main street. Exchange Ex-change 39. kS17 BRANSFORD APARTMENTS. (Near Eagle Gale.) Location best In city; furnished and un-furnSihcd un-furnSihcd suites; furnished suites with or without board; American plan. Cafo In connection; open to the public x76o THE COVEY. Now. elegantly furnished housekeeping apartments; elevator servtco: fireproof building, pneu reasonable, East South i'emple: finest locution in city. Phono Wasatch 5671. dl723 THE COLONIAL. Elegantly furnished, two and throo-room throo-room apartments, with 'reduced rates from 20 and up; slnglo rooms, with or without bath. $10 and up. Phono Ex. 42. f2056 SHUBRICK HOTEL APTS., Cor. 4th So. and West Temple. Elegantly furnished and unfurnished housekeeping suites finest m city largo lobby Janitor service. Phone Was. 4482. g3178 HOTEL PLANDOME NEWEST, COZI-est. COZI-est. most homelike; best location in tho city; 4th South and State streets. Wo serve breakfasts. g2937 $35 00 SWELL, MODERN 4-ROOM apartment: all the comforts of a private home. IS E. 4th So. Wasatch 5613. h2402 THE ANNEX, NICELY FURNISHED. Finest location, 150 E. So. Temple. Phone Wasatch 2352-J. 1H301 THE WOOD, 653 E. BROADWAY. No children. Cozy 3-room apt. with bath, . ' kl99 ELEGANTLY" FURNISHED TWO-room TWO-room apartment, $35. The Alexandria, 330 So. W. Tcmplo. Was. 6432-J. kouO STRICTLY MOD. 3-RM. FLAT, NICE-ly NICE-ly furnished; 666 E 2nd So. k7U0 HOUSEKEEPING APT.; ALSO SLEEP-lng SLEEP-lng room; rent reasonable. 23 Wesi 6th So. k97S 4-R. MOD. FLAT, ELEGANTLY FUR-nlshed. FUR-nlshed. new, $30. Hyland 2577-R. kJL439 FOUR-ROOM FURNISHED APTS.; NO children. 875 W. 2nd So. Apt. 3. 1:1535 WARREN APT.. 505 S. 2ND EAST 3-room mod. furnished housekeeping apt.; heat. 1:1599 STRICTLY" MODERN APARTMENT. 2 rooms, private bath, gas, linen and light Included In rent. Luxor hotel, 641 Main st. klSOO 3 OR 4 ROO.MS, MOD.; HEAT, PIANO; nicely furnished; reasonable. 125 H trcet. klS02 3- ROOM APARTMENT, FURNISHED. Inquire 435 So. W. Temple. kl981 4- ROOM MODERN FURNISHED, IN Kensington apta. Was. 3221-M. klOS6 Unfurnished Apartments doyu'avan ly furnished apartment? Jf bo, call and see the ST. FRANCIS, 269 EAST (3RD SO.) BROADWAY. SALT LAKE SECURITY & TRUST CO.. Ex. 39. 32 Main St. kl402 MOZART APTS., G50 EAST THIRD South, 4-roora steam heated flat, with porches; best in city; $35. Hyland 2468. kl83 4-ROOM FLAT. CLUFF APTS.. 13TH East and 2nd South. Hyand 359-M or apply to Janitor. hlOC2 SPLENDIDLY ARRANGED. MODERN. 5-room, duplex apartment, on first rioor. Inquire 325 F st. Was. 5566. h2S66 NEW, MOD. 4-ROOM FLAT. GAS, porches. lOf West 1st North. h44S2 NICE 3-ROOM MODERN APARTMENT. with sleeping porch. Sorendo apts., 255 East Sth So. McKellar Real Estato &. Inv. Co., 402 Walker Bank Bids. kl62 4 ROOMS, MOD.. WITH STEAM HEAT. 564 So. 6th East Phone Hyland 941-R. kl70 5 ROOMS. MODERN; SEPARATE front and rear porches; $40. 243 3rd East. Phono Was. 3050-W. kl033 TUCK APTS., 449 SO. 2ND EAST; threo rooms. Apply house rear of apts. kll63 $20.00 3-ROOMS. MODERN. EXCEPT heat, 250 2nd East. Phone 4035-W. kS39 THE DUKE APTS.. 4 ROOMS' AND bath; strictly modern. Inquire 448 So. Sth East. kll31 4-ROOMS. DISAPPEARING BED, TWO china closets, one book case, gas range, lights, heat and hot water furnished, $30. 710 So. State. kl234 ROSEWAY APARTMENTS. " 3 rooms, Btrlctly modern; every room an outside one; bright and cheerful; 530 per month. A. RICHTER, 78 SO. MAIN. Wasatch 041. kl204 2 ROOMS AND BATH, STEAM. GAS, Janitor, disappearing bed. etc.; 53 N. State; $22.50. LITTLE &. LITTLE. No. 1 W. 2nd So. kl707 HOUSE CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING, FLOORPOLISH Ing, by reliable man. Call Was. 6S60-W. 1:1330 GROCERY SPECIALS A. F. HOPPER. GROCERIES AND meats. Was. 97 or 06. 370 Main. c979 KODAK DEVELOPING WEV'B7ri3XPERT Utah Photo Matorlals Co.. 423 Main sL h2796 CARPENTERS and JOBBERS " rxvBTONr " 149 East 2nd South. Was. 4438-W. h391l WHERE TO STOP 250 rooms; rales. 35c, 40c and 50c; modern; mod-ern; baths, 15c. nl339 ACCORDION PLEATING BVSBUHS'FAtiD SIDE !pl!3aT1NO 608 East 3rd South. Phono Hyland 787-J. b4571 PIANO LESSONS PIANO TAUGHT BY EXPERIENCED European teacher; also all band Instru-ments. Instru-ments. 661 So. 2nd EasL k!059 CUSHIONS, UPHOLSTERING MATTluSsTHHii AND SRINGSRE paired. Salt Lake Mattrct3 z Mfg, Co. Phone 3299. pl555 MANICURING, SHAMPOOING FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT our parlor, 62 East 4th South, or at your Jifluiu, Phone Wttitcli 3536, eUIS FOR RENT Housekeeping Rooms HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NoVB0L housekeeping apartments at tho luiy-mond luiy-mond hotel 7 One room, with disappear-Ing disappear-Ing bed. disappearing gas range, folding tables, ota; all outside room3. Kates 3.oii per woek and up. 04 So. Main. l3hne exchange 3S5. 80a 3-ROOM SUITE; PRIVATE BATH. GAS rango. e. L, steam heat; $30 per month. Savoy hotel. 26 East 1st South. hl-.J3 SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS-67 ROOMS-67 So. Stato. nion TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; electric lights and bath: 364 W. 3rd So. Kj: TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; lights and water; $10. One large front room, lights, uroumi floor, $10. 404 So. 4th West. "t3 ONE OR TWO ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; 545 West 2nd No. NICELY FURNISHED II. IC ROOMS, modern, steam heat. Phone as, o57.!; 1:9 1 1 . x 2 FRONT (ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE-keeplng; HOUSE-keeplng; gas range. C10 So. Malm FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE-keeplng, HOUSE-keeplng, with gas. 20a. W. 1st So., room 2. Call evenings or Sunday, KlloS 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE-kecping, HOUSE-kecping, modem. 323 E. 4th So. k!310 TWO NICE CLEAN HOUSEKEEPING rooms, strictly modem, with heat. Address Ad-dress H-35, Tribune. kl3i6 $10 A MONTH AND UP. STEAM HEAT, also housekeeping rooms. 106 North Main. K9S7 TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping. 137 W. 3rd South. kll3G LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH BAY; hot and cold water and bath connecting. connect-ing. 35S E. Sth South. kll30 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; o. 1., bath and phone; near D. & R. G. shops. 457 W. 5th So. Was. 2791-.T. kl465 LARGE, FRONT. MODERN HOUSE-keeplng HOUSE-keeplng rooms; very desirable. In-qulro In-qulro 352 E. 1st So. Was. 7043-J. kl-163 NICE, CLEAN, COZY SUITES OF TWO rooms, $10 and $16: modern. No. S Kendall Square kl-136 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms with everything; rent reasonable. 23 N, 1st West. Helvetia. ' kl629 NICE, CLEAN HOUSEKEEPING rooms: cooking gas; no children. 319 So. 1st West. kl551 3 NICELY FURNIfJHED ROOMS. MOD., ground floor, hot water Inc., $16.00. 64 W. 4th No. 1:1840 NEAT, CLEAN ROOMS; GAS RANGE. hot and cold water, heat and light. 55 So. 3rd E. klS27 TWO MODERN ROOMS. WITH HEAT, light and gas range, 314 East 5th So. klSO NICELY FURNISHED ROOM AND closet; gas, light; h. k. ; modern home. 28 F st. klS07 2 NICE H. K. ROOMS AT 212 SOUTH State, rhone Was. 3S19-R1 k1S08 3 LARGE, NICE. CLEAN ROOMS, bath, gas and coal range. 124 W. 7ih South. klSIO ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM, FUR-nlshpd, FUR-nlshpd, for housekeeping: hot and cold water in room; no children. 25 So. 5th East. kl726 A WELL STEAM HEATED, NICELY furnished front suite, Inc. gas to cook, e. 1., bath, $30.00 per month. 24 E. Brig-ham, Brig-ham, opp. Hotel Utah. kl727 A SUITE OF TWO NICE. LARGE. clean housekeeping rooms, 515.00. 321 East 1st So. kl793 ONE OR TWO ROOMS, CLEAN. CALL at 6S So. 2nd WcsL 1US20 ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR housekeeping: nicely furnished; cheap to right party. 14-1 6th East. 1US23 TWO FURNISHED H. K ROOMS' strictly modern; price reasonable. 35S East 1st South. 1:1851 2 OR 3 VERY DESIRABLE IT. K. RMS modern homo. 741 So. Main. 1:1855 TWO NICE, CLEAN, COZY ROOMS; $10 and $12; modem. No. 8 Kendall sq. 1:1856 ONE, TWO OR THREE ROOMS' ratc3 very reasonable. 612 South Main street. UiOtJS For Rent Stores and Offices X?TN?61MILLINErR JEW-elers. JEW-elers. Part of tho NelBon Piano Co.'s store for rent; good location and flno display dis-play windows. Call 105 E. 2nd South. Phono Was. 6271. hl768 OFFICE ROOMS. TRIBUNE BUILDING Inquire F. J. Westcott, 1003 Kearns building. m33 IRON WAREHOUSE. 50 BY 115 FEET. and hrlck warehouse, 20 by 50, both on track. Phone Wasatch 1290-W. X312 FOR RENT ROOM SUITABLE FOR restaurant. Location is splendid, and tho building nearly new. Telephone Exchange Ex-change 7L g-1495 PART OF STORE TO RENT. 61 WEST Broadway. cl060 THE BEAUTIFUL STORE ROOM Occupied Oc-cupied by the Shoe Market, No. 2.18 Main street. Best location In the cltv Tracy Loan &. Trust Co.. 11 E. 1st South. k!235 BASEMENT, NO. 3 W. 2ND SOUTH' 330 Little & Little, No. 1 W. 2nd South. ' kI768 For Rent Miscellaneous VAaXJTL?rrTT and shed: good location for coal yard G71 So. Main. h3715 FURRIERS FURS REPAIRED AND IIEMODeIlED; also complete line of furs at reasonable reason-able prices; best workmanship. Geneva C. Hicks Fur Co., 68 South 6th East. Wasatch 3707. 373 FURS .REPAIRED, CLEANED, RE-rnodelcd RE-rnodelcd summer prices; expert furriers. fur-riers. Hudson Bay Fur Co., 122 Main st. Was. 1161. f3if WALLPAPER CLEANING hoaIlT'paper' clal prices tail and winter work. Was-31B4- d3179 UTAH PAPER CLEANING CO. OFFICE Salt Lake Glass & Paint Co. Ex 400 Rob.. Hyland 2313-W J 740 BOWLING ALLEYS WNDSRplSo Main. Prizes each week for ladles' hlKh BCOreB- m551 HAIRDRESSING ALIDOFHiAljTWRK Done In your own homo. Call Wasatch 3536. yl44S SIGNS AND SCENERY CyAsTpEn3 wS"vchrft?ca slaSB and Pointed. Phone Wasatch 1503. CHIROPODIST L. ZAMBLVTIO Yv aEiitch. u064. r3928 ! FOR RENT Jlf For Rent Furnished RoomsJi ELSGANTFJRNR gle or double; bath, phone. WasutcWMf. 276-W. 4IE So. W. Temple. IDAHO. NEW MANAGEMENT. STEAlSil heat; $2.50 to $4.60 week. 2011 R uBSm Soutli. gl0lS N1CELY FURNISHED AND CLEAJM&it1 rooms for gentlemen, above Royal caffMRk Inquire at office, 232 So. Main. rAlwm NEWLY FURNISHED UUUMB; FUttU nace heat; rent reasonable, & blaclflK from county building. 560 So, State. IN PRIVATE FAMILY. COMFORTABf.iKt! and modern. 144 S. 2nd V. Waa. 676s!B" nw. THE HYLAND. MODERN. $10 jK month and up; board If desired. flnKji location, free from smoke. 1310 East 2nqHi So. .f"SWf STEAM-HEATED ROOM. BATH ANfc'' phone; close in; breakfast if dcslredM 132 B street. hlllfM: COMFORTABLE STEAM - HEATIjfaiBC rooms, weekly $2.50 up. Savoy hotelTB 26 E. 1st South. MOD., WELL-FURN.; STEAM HUATW 1 hot and cold water, clothes eloietjp" phone in each room, public ladiH' andMP gents' bath on each ltoor. On account oftflp reduction on rent, wo are making EpcclanK lew rates by week or month Luke HoSuk tel. 4S Postofflco place. hSiOiH, FRONT ROOM. NEWLY FU RNISHED.'jft? with use of bath, phono and piano; sult?HtL able for two gentlemen. 410 E. 2d So. kiWr?. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS l$mt private apartment, sultablo for gentle-jBT man; modern; also parlor suitable forjB-business forjB-business room; rent reasonable. 566 SokT-State. SokT-State. Phono Was. 6511. 'Hr' THREE ROOMS', $5. INQUIRE S59; Lake st. hiKmg NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM FORM; gentleman, In private family; sleanrW heat. Wasatch 347S-W. lt353W FURNISHED ROOMS, STEAM HEAT-fc ed, $2 a week and up. 131 E. 1st SoJW Was. 257S-W. k37'f ONE OR TWO NICELY Fl.'RNISHED j rooms. 615 E. 3rd South Hyland 1250.V km. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM.-j rent reasonable. 303 Belmont ave., So.' 4th E.. car. kC47j ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT.! room, all modern. 520 So. State. 1:592 SLEEPING ROOMS: COZY AND UOME-i like; $2 up. 13S E. 1st South. 1.10711 STRICTLY' MODERN FURNISHED; rooms: special rale. $2.50 per wcelu Ap-t ply 732 W. 2nd South. klj.lf? WARM ROOMS. HOT AND OOLlj' water, bath, heat, telephone, every convenience, $7.50. SI2. 515; nice walking distance; private family. S5G E. 1st SoA street. Wasatch 6373-P.. kloJi" NICE LY FURNISHED ROOMS. 218 WJ Sth South, ?2.00 to 53.00 per week. J- w5; EXCELLENT FURNISHED ROOM;' strictly modern, for iwo. 146 So. 2ml west. kisasfv ONE FURNISHED ROOM IN" MODERN M home. $2.00 per month. 6J West 6th 8 South. ItlSUj ROOMS FOR RENT. INQUIRE I OR 12? Kendall s.q.. bet. 4th :ai I it!: feouth off W. Temple. ' 1:1722a ONE NICELY FURNISHED FRONTS room, suitable for one or two pcrona;P nice location; walking distance: reuson- able. Inquire 751 E. 2nd ojt'i st. :W:jf NICELY" FURNISHED ROOM. CLOSE- In: steam heat: reasonable, ill II So.r Temple. I;1U7j1 For Kent Unfurnished Room? six R)OMljr",A7iTv'7n With cas. C20 iJo. lsi West Was. ilSa.'.l 2 LARGE. MOD. ROOMS. )i Y.:013-M.' 3 ROOMS UNFURNISHED. 151 WEST-? Sth South. ;V2o2. BOARD AND ROOMS WANTED CHILDREN 'IO BOARD;.; mod. home where, they can gel tbe-' best of care and board; close to good; school: price o0u day and up. Hyland1-' 29S7-W. 707 Wilson ave. h3327i BOARD AND ROOM. $5 A WGEK.3 Rooms SI. 50 up. Hear Ut East 2nd So.; bl9SI- ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMS, witli board; also lable board; modern.; ?42 E. So. Temple. Was. 4345-J. 1515 LARGE. MOD.. FURNISHED ROOM'.'j furnace heat; breakfast and dinner. 321.' South 6th East. f33tf; FIRST-CLASS ROOMS WITH BOARD: steam heat, hot and cold water n each, room; near tempi-. 1: YV. N Temple. 4 ' S136S1 COZYc WELL-FURNISHED ROOJJj modern home. $8. for gentleman with; reference. 142 Quince st. g250;f FINE FRONT ROOM: PRIVATE FAM-' ily; best board. 343 E. So. Ternpj03j-jBl "THE STANCOMBE," FIRST-CLASS boarding house. 327 East 1st sjjj(!w STEAM-HEATED ROOM; board If Ie- sired; closo In. 71 North Stale. hl47Q, ROOM AND BOARD FOR 'rw?,iim steam heat. 15 Grace apts. 2 VERY" PLEASANT ROOMS: HOUSE Wft "Btrlctly modern; board if de-slred. w0 E. 2nd So- 'Mi NICE ROOMS. WITH FIRST-CLASS Sjj home cooking; good heat. -112 East 2ndjp South. k!4a0;m NICE STEAM-HEATED ROOMS. WITI or without board; rates reasonable. 31 So. 2nd East. kl365i - jBp GOOD HOME BOARD AND NICE ROOM.I for 2; $25 per mouth. Was. 5 l8-y;) KHoSS- BOARD AND ROOM FOR GENTLErWj mon only, good home cooking. West -lth So. at. kS NICELY" FURNISHED. STRICTLY MOEK crn. 21S So. -lth Easl. Wasatch GOSO-RjMj LARGE. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED-M room, with lavatory, for 1 or 2 K?"' men: breakfast and evening dinner !!&B sired. No. 1 Louise. i'iK NEWLY" FURNISHED STEAM in0AT:W ed rooms with first-class board, ,"V'BP reasonable. 125 W. 4 th So. klS5 im. BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO .GMS tlomen In modern home; closo In; jml per week. 11 Vernon ave. Hy. 'kiiMZ $15.00 "CAMEO LAVA UER H2 $50.00 diamond locket -Mim? $50.00 solid gold lady's watch nnWk. $35 00 raro elk tooth 15'?.- Cllnea Jewelry & Loan Co. (Eat. 25 yri' 11 E. Broadway. EICTRJCAI ALL KINDS ELECTRIC I00I'iK also new and second-hand macniner armature winding. Thomas Electric i" k pairing. Co.. 311 So. W. TompleJMfj CHINAJDE MISS BERTHA WAGENI'jR'S STUP&jMfc 77 East Third South China sultab for gifts and prizes. Class and Vr,v?g5K Ieasona. CJgiBI |