Show of the peculiar medicinal merits of ain w s sarsaparilla Sirsa parilla Is fully confirmed by the olun tiry t iry testimony ol 01 thousands who have tried it peculiar in the combination proportion and preparation 0 its ingredients peculiar in the extreme care with it is put up hoods accomplishes cures w hero other preparations entirely fall peculiar in the unequalled unequal led good name it lias made at which Is a tower of strength abroad peculiar in the phenomenal sales it lias attained Is the most popular and successful medicine before the public today for purifying tha blood giving strength creating an appetite 1 I buffered from wakefulness ind low pirl ts and also had eczema on the back of my head and which was t cry annoying I 1 took one bottlo of hoods and I 1 have so much benefit eliat I 1 am cry and 1 am ahwai s glad to speak a word tor this medicine lies J S SNYDER spottsville pottsville Potts ville renn purifies tho blood henry biggs campbell Campb sll street kansas city had scrofulous sores all over his body for fifteen ears hoods completely cured him wallace buck of north N Y suffered eleven 5 ears nith a terrible ulcer on ills leg so bad that he had to give up business he was cured of the ulcer and also of catarrh by hoods by C I 1 A lowell moss ono dollar ALICK G bUTH KULAND A formerly of kansas sutherland attorneys and counselors at law will in lt the court of ho territory office up flatcher building wain sired provo atah BW jr ATTORNEY AT LA W collection tOL LECTION AGENCY ROOM 9 bank Binl dint prevo city utah SAMUEL R AT LAW OFFICE roam no 3 bank building CITY UTAH WALTER R PI E M D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PROVO amoe AT 2 blocks north of depot DR G E from london BOTA IOA L A S cures saint vitus dance epileptic fits all seminal weakness and impotency by ibe london treatment agent for uterine m all adone at the lowest JETie ures gold and platina amalgam filling a specialty all work warr anted to alt or tha money will be refunded the lowest figures for dental work ever given anywhere J W over koom centre street amm AND the treatment of CA and chronic diseases in which he has had upwards of 40 years successful experience a specialty CITY UTAH EXCELSIOR BEAN s PROP RS BEEF PORK ETC THE AND choicest iu towa delivered at the couben of our promptly OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE T ac aP JESS AT THE IB boins a lare family trade and continues to keep on hand the choicest BEEF MS AND shop on block opposite meeting house free delivery t any part of provo IN THE LEAD always on hand the BEST AND MEATS OF EVERY leave or send your orders ani we will promptly fill them ayery day we have fresh the nicest in the market COOK SCOTT CO 4 boora west of post office EXCELS I 1 OB NEA its location between the court house cantrist Can troSt and the depot makes t particularly ticul arly convenient to tora FIEST GLASS TABLE AND KOOM accommodations tha hotel isa for its comfort and arrangements Arrange menta can bo made for board either BY THE DAY or WEEK S D ROBERTS HOUSE two blocks south of first national Nation nl baal PROVO CITY UTAH ams is NOW COMPLETED j furnished throughout and supplied with large sample rooms etc AT reasonable RATES evory train is canad hy lactic acid in the blood which sarsaparilla Sarsa neutralizes and thas cares t K ofa lav always ube ackers soother at land it is the only safo medicine yet made hint wai remove all infantile disorders it contains no opium or but nivea the child ease fum pain price 25 centa kulil by prove co op chiv and aro J i to depend upon blood elixir has been prescribed for 5 cars for all im ulous syphilitic or mercurial diseases it is invaluable for rhe las no equal sold by prove coop co op C aou enjoy your dannor J 3 and are prevented by dyspepsia anso ackers D tablets they aro a positive curo for dyspepsia indigestion flatulency and constipation we them ia and W contor old by provo coop co op THE LARGEST WATCHES CLOCKS T AND ane t of Silv rare SOUTH OF SALT LAKE AT JENSEN TAYLORS eat next door to taylor bros furn iture store provo MOWERS STAKE LINE ot BETWEEN to THISTLE AND FAIRVIEW U T aage epaves for thistle station on the U all G railway every tuesday and friday at 5 amanat aman rt arrives at thistle at 1 p m in time for trains leaves thistle lor deiy and m at 5 P ni in almeto connect with the stage at HENRY MOWER prop bawo Brone hit 1 LUNG 5 r hoidn circular VOT stilts by all 1 rii elita POT asale by 3 T h B ru NEW ARRIVALS IK iwa CLOTHING HATS BOOTS AND SHOES new styles t A T I 1 CITY ladies will find there splendid lines of COATS NEW MARKETS all glasses of woolen goods suitable for the winter season AT and main street salt lake WELLS WELLS esy 1 am prepared to sink and finish artesian wells in the best cheap and on short notice have a full yet of tools for my new steam power machine and I 1 can sink a well sa CHEAPER mn alny ONE ELSE J E armitstead brovo COFFINS CASKETS manufactured of the best and most durable material and of ROSEWOOD ANO FRENCH BURL agency for abs E homemade coffins 5 s im m s to suit orders by mail telegraph or telephone promptly attended to ah BERG one block north of depot provo OF have always on hand M 0 N U T S MARBLE and SANDSTONE GRAVE STONES HOME AND SEE US WE ABE Ue ettine our at first anat and we want the to ho benefited by it all work amm amm AT sil G Vin LIuE headquarters FOR THE 11 RECORD oft ho apostles temples of jesus christ kofl OUR REDUCED OS ALL STYLES we leave alie uneit best and cheapest furniture in utah and keep constantly on hand an line of organs and other musical goods BROS provo this breed of cattle are alie oldest in the world and the only breed that combines bulls weigh from 1800 to 2800 pounds at maturity cows weigh from 1100 to 1600 pounds at maturity cows give from 50 to 90 pounds of milk per day cows make from 2 to 3 pounds of butter per day if sufficient inducement offers I 1 will bring these 2 car loads to provo I 1 will sell for an average of and credit given at 6 per cent on endorsed notes all cows are in calf and 2 and 3 years old if parties desire any they will please write me at ogden utah I 1 sold 80 of these last season these holsteins are extra choice and I 1 make the price low in order to save expense and time aisis it costs no more to feed a good animal than a scrub figure it 10 cows y in calf will cost 2250 1 bull will cost total cost 2475 returns are 10 calves ill give for each at 10 months 10 cows will average 16 pounds of butter per week estimated at for one year 2450 and another crop of calves growing and bull for extra service how is that for profit now YOU figure it on common cattle for yourself holstein cows will give more milk in pounds than their weight every month DK BOTANIC BITTERS the health restorer and life Ero loneer in A ernei ica DR SHOE BRIDGES VEGETABLE COMPOUND A certain cure ifor CHOLERA FLUX AND DIARRHEA DR SHOE BRIDGES mm mm mm A specific for gravel G ravel and all ki finer and A JP ernale complaints OFFICE E B Shoe bridges drug store centre st provo m TT ta amo pm asb dai bonss KEEPS AN AD CHOICE assortment OF ready mixed paint PAINT BRUSHES OILS diamond wall finish etc ALSO A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AND NOTIONS proprietor etoi JAMES whitebead jr MANUFACTURE Il uy STOCKING YARNS JEANS and FLANNELS DEALER IN general merchandise CASH PAID FOB WO OL PEOPLES OPERATIVE cooperative CO institution lefel UTAH CO r I 1 general merchandise agricultural lumber doors windows ETC ETO T B OUT LEEl sapt r and everything elee as cheap best assortment of stationer in town centre street this space belongs TO T E DANIELS photographer S PETERSON undertaker SPANISH FORK CITY UTAH has on hand a full stock of goods coffins and caskets of all alze of superior quality and in walnut roso woo Jand french burl also homemade home made coffins on liand lia nd to order on short notice all at prices that defy competition olita toed and til patent conducted lor moderate beeg our ii opposite TJ S patent of alco wa have no enli all bu aineta direct hence can transact patent in less alnie and at lea cost than those remote from washington send model drawing or floto with uon wa advise II 11 or not free of charge cefai fee not cue ull patent Is afook bow to obtain with refea encee to actual client in your state county ox tawn sent tree addreal Addre aa C A SNOW ca 1 6 FRESH at any time can be obtained from second ward provo gop are dmit td to be abo largest Seeds men in the world UT end priced SEED applicants and to boet loet seasons customers without ordering it person ansin SS C S it Adi 0 aa FERRY GUIDE is issued march and sept each year it is aa encyclopedia otha clo of useful information for all who pur chaab the luxuries or the necessities of afe va can clothe you and furnish you all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ri dewallE dance adeep eat fiah hunt work go to church or stay at home and in various sizes md quantities just figure out what is required to do all things comfortably and you can make a fair estimate of tha valus of tho BUYERS GUIDE which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage montgomery WARD CO ah ua michigan avenue chicago h lake VIEW yi 50 acres proprietor located on the hall central and D B G hallways one fourth ot a mile from the lly limits ol 01 provo city utah county after twenty tour years of observation and experience in hie peculiar in utah walh fruit and ornamental trees I 1 nm now prepared to offer to the rub lie a selection a the very best varieties thai will giva the greatest I 1 have also for sale a collection of the latest improved ot applean rears plums peaches cherries apricots grapes gooseberries Goose berries currant rasp 3 berret s trees shrubs and Flower ln giants AT remarkably LOW PRICES mulberry trees for silk culture a specialty X 0 J grovu alty utah co utah great english remedy specific MAKE A guaranteed cure for all nervous as wea losa of brain power HT Sterli Heau acher pain in the ack nervous lion wakefulness vw weakness impotency and general loss of rower of tt ottaus in either se caused 07 indiscretion or over exertion and which nin lead to old age insanity and consumption a box MAK or six boxes for sent by mall essl on receipt of price full particular s jam in pamphlet sent free to every ap AJ j pl leant we guarantee siv boxes ti cure any case for every order received we send six boies a written ka aalee to refund the money if our specific dei not effect a cure address all communications to the J manufacturers THE MURRAY CO kansa in froio by da 0 E |