Show helping the right side to help the right side is not only commendable in a general point of view but is judicious and prudent when that help is enlisted in behalf of the right side of the body just over aba lower ribs in alie region of the liver the most efficient help is afforded by Ho stomach bitters an anti bilious medicine of incomparable efficacy inaction ot the liver is accompanied by constipation sick headache furred tongue nausea occasional vertigo nn unpleasant breath yellowness of the skin and ball of the eye alie author of these symptoms liver complaint routed by tho bitters is accompanied by them in its flight fever and ague which always involves the liver dyspepsia rheumatism debility and kidney troubles are all maladies to alie early relief and final cure of which this standard medicine is adapted dont ue it by fits and starts but systematically that its full effects may result in a perfect restoration of health |