Show california cat R cure the only guaranteed cure for catarrh cold iii the head hay fever rose cold catarrhal deafness and sore eyes he stores the sense of laate and unpleasant breath resulting from catarrh easy and pleasant to use follow directions and a cure ia warranted by all druggists send for circular to MEDICAL COMPANY oroville cal six months treatment for 1 sent by mail for sale by all an absolute care the ORIGINAL OINTMENT is only put up in large two ounce boxes and is an absolute cure for old sores burns wounds chapped hands and all ekin eruptions will positively cure all kinds of piles ask for the ORIGINAL OINTMENT sold by all at 25 cents per box by mail 30 cents the new york observer calendar for 1888 is now ready designed and printed in beautiful colors by marcus ward co of london expressly for the new york observer it contains a calendar for the year list of legal holidays list of church days rates of domestic and foreign postage on letters newspapers books etc price 10 cents buckless Buc klens arnica salve THE BEST SALVE in the world for cuts bruises sores ulcers salt rheum fever sores setter chapped hands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 cents per box for sale by smoot co SPECIAL NOTICES real estate several good bargains in city property vacant lots houses and lota and farms call and see list of property for sale those having property for sale will find a more ready market by putting it in the hands of agents B W DRIGGS JR no 7 bank building Buil dinc provo merchants take notice I 1 have now on hand one ton of the finest peas ever seen in utah and will sell them both wholesale and retail bricea given on application J R the cemetery in pursuance of a resolution of the city council tho citizens of provo city i are hereby requested to go eu masse to the city cemetery on saturday february 1888 at 8 a m and appropriate said day to the completion of the work commenced last summer on the grounds the sexton will be in attendance to direct said labor W H mayor notice the annual meeting of alie owners in the union irrigation company will be held in the courthouse provo city on saturday february 25 at 7 p m for the transaction of such business as may be brought before it A B HOLDWAY HOLD WAY secretary FEBRUARY look I 1 look look east coop co op can undersell everybody in fine velvet Pl ashes braids buttons and astrakhan trimmings immenga bargains in ladies coats ilsters Ul colmans dolmans Dol mans and jackets etc large stock of rubber goods till soon arrive CALL AND SEE the season opens W H gray co have now on hand a large and varied supply of garden seeders cultivators drills harrows plows clippers etc A carload of wagons is expected in daily anything in the way of farming implements clements ts can now be obtained at W H gray gos Centre treet provo notice all latter day saints knowing themselves indebted to me will do well to cash up immediately otherwise I 1 will notify them through the local papers f 17 lm ALEX SHAW baker the best cheapest and most cloth saving tailor shop in provo is H C ambroseno Amb have houses and a lot for sale 1 m the east coop co op are making a specialty of mens shoes prices for laced buttoned and congress from to the highest price paid for fat hogs weighing pounds and over at the WEST co OP A carload of wire just received and selling at salt lake prices ut EAST coor co or bug yarns assorted colors at EAST coor co or the east coop co op w paying the highest price for lubern aeed calland call and see cheap cools and notions 3 doors west of the bank at T H JONES cash paid for fat calves by W cox batcher provo Is the oriental salutation knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy liver when the L vor is torpid the bow elre sluggish and con sti the food lies in the stomach undigested poisoning the bloo 1 frequent headache ansu s a feeling of lassitude despondency and nen asness indicate how the r hole system is de 1 liver giai been the acan of restoring more people to health and happiness happ ness by giving them a heathy liver than any agency known on erth it acts with extraordinary power and efficacy NEVER BEEN disappointed As n general remedy for dyspepsia orald etc etc I 1 hardly ver use ele anil have fien in t depins sepins to if lindst li a curf all t ani tani icci and bowels V J maui noy lacoa ga cartwright KRAMER 1 G N T 1 T f TEETH BY A NEW PROCESS We malica si fine gold fillings etc etc osice and 11 II W second south sl upp op ri ous salt lake city doctors will visit the following plaats lehi flohl monday and ol 01 each house Amerl cin Firk the following wednesday 11 ili ini pr adny and at the ri loue lou e rai aw will please call dt mt M t terian Te rinN SPANISH foak C 0 OPERATIVE W 5 EKS da i GRAIN A U FUR TURE or ia boot slices Y Y 7 X A A A FAMILY FLOUR ALWAYS OH US vi R merchandise hour or grain FILLED ON SHORT NOTICE JOHN JONES bupt supt C 7 1 A if el 3 PI sk 9 9 D aca EOPLE S at our new store rooms will bo found as complete a stock of and at as as prevail at any establishment south of lake A SPECIALTY fair dealing and satisfaction guaranteed KILNS STEAM SAW MILL at miu fork and M M jones hicl el miu fork kisr mar posts W hay in gar send orders to S S jonea PROVO know all ken ty tte presents M WB provo book stationery go not only keep an unlimited stock of constantly on hand but we have the agency for the gam and household sewing machines also a laree stock of novels poems gift books autograph albums photograph albums stationery legal blanks pocket cutlery parses hand satchels accordions etc etc etc we are also prepared to receive subscriptions for all foreign and local newspapers and periodicals CALL AND SEE US B p S SIM WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FINE DRUGS CHEMICALS FANCY i TOILET ARTICLES AUTOGRAPH PHOTO ALBUMS AN ENDLESS VARIETY TOILET AND ODOR CASES ALL AT EASTERN PRICES our display of holiday goods is unsurpassed in variety and cheapness in price TRUSSES homeopathic REMEDIES and a full and complete line of goods as can be found in any drug store at the lowest market rates store and office opposite meetinghouse meeting house provo city a asbeek eil WATER WHEEL defined Des ined for all purposes where limited quantities or water and high heads are to give more power with less water than any other wheel made being placed on horizontal shaft the power is transmitted direct to shafting by belts and all gearing dispensed with estimates furnished on application for wheels built and adapted in capacity to suit any particular case further information can be obtained of this form of construction as well as the ordinary vertical turbines for wooden penstocks pen stocks and in iron globe basea free of cost bv applying to the manufacturers JAMES LAFFEL CO springfield ohio or liberty st N Y city please mention this paper the only place in utah and adjoining territories that is prepared to fill orders for CROCKERY SY AU orders by mail will receive prompt attention P 0 box 78 CITY E C SST two T wo or three potters wanted BROWNS COUCH BALSAM and tar troches are invaluable in every family for coughs colds sore throat and consumption BROWNS ARNICA SALVE Is every box warranted for cuts bums bruises old sores piles and sore eyes no cure no pay every family should keep a bos in their house only 25 cents fatt T A has no equal stands alone as the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and cure for rheumatism no sarsaparilla now sold is BO fully endorsed by physicians and formula printed oa each bottle gk for BROWNS SAB use no other Is |