Show BILL KILLED ITS AUTHOR ESTERS A MOST SOLEMN bill laff bounties for jack rabbit scalps THIRTY SIXTH DAY FEB 13 coronil co rociL after the usual preliminaries business opened by the reception of a communication from hon john T caine notifying the council that the memorials in regard to the alien land law and an extra judge had dented to congress and thanking the council for courtesies extended the council received a tion from the house notifying tho council of the passage of H P 37 a release odthe right of ower referred to the committee on judiciary woolley Wb olley of the judiciary committee reported on C F 25 a bill amending the civil procedure act and recommending it be put upon its passage adopted the bill was read the first time and filed for second reading 0 at 25 was then called for second reading and under suspension of the rules was read the third time and passed H F 25 a bill to amend title 12 chapter 2 section of an act revising the code of civil procedure of utah territory relating to appeals from justices courts to the district court was called for third reading and on motion of smoot passed H P 41 a bill for an act to amend section of the code of civil procedure was passed marshall presented C F 26 a bill amending an act pertaining to highways bead the first time and referred to the committee on highways the council adjourned HOUSE mr creer presented the petition signed by a committee in behalf of residents of spanish fork salem and other towns as published in the ENQUIRES on tuesday referred to the committee on agriculture mr hoge from the committee on penitentiary and reform school reported on H F 53 for the benefit of from the penitentiary and on a bill which acs passed the council to the same purport the report recommends the rejection of the H F and that the council bill be put upon its passage communications were received from the council to the effect that it had concurred in the house amendments to the title of several bills and had passed C F 21 a bill providing for banking and 0 F 2 a bill providing for insolvency mr king presented a bill for an act forbidding the selling giving or furnishing of cigarettes or tobacco in any form to minors under fifteen years of age and providing heavy penalty referred to the committee on judiciary mr king also presented a bill providing for the destruction of certain animals it provides a bounty of 2 on wolves 5 on wildcats and 5 cents apiece on rabbits over in number referred to committee on agriculture mr king next offered H F 58 a bill for an act to provide for a scientific survey of the territory of utah it provides an appropriation of 2000 to the scientific department of the university of deseret to be drawn and expended during tho years 1888 and 1889 under the direction of tho board of regents that said board shall elect a competent person to take charge of and conduct such survey the object and purpose is to afford an opportunity for the students of said scientific department to obtain practical knowledge upon the subjects treated in said department and to furnish the territory accurate and complete information concerning the following subjects topographical and geographical description and physical geography of the territory with full and correct maps of the same descriptive statistical graphical and economic geology of the territory together with an account of the ores coal sulphur saltpeter borax salt iron and all useful and valuable mineral deposits and an analysis of the same agriculture and grazing including flowing wells artesian supplies the best methods of reclaiming desert and alkaline soils the adaptability of certain soils for vari ous products and an analysis of the soils water etc biology including a complete collection and catalogue of the animals and plants of the territory an investigation of useful plants and plants injurious to vegetation and farming such as rusts smuts moulds etc and animals injurious to agriculture such as locusts grasshoppers with recommendations as to the means of exterminating them and such other information as may be deemed of scientific or economic value to the territory the specimens BO obtained shall be deposited in the university museum unless there be duplicates and in this case the latter are to be distributed among the organized institutions of learning in the territory referred to committee on education A communication was received from the council to the effect that it had passed with amendments JEL JP 43 a bill amending an act revising the code 0 civil procedure in relation to attachments the amendments were read and the bill referred to the committee on judiciary mr richards presented a bill for an act providing for a uniform government of counties referred to committee on counties mr thurman introduced a bill for an act to regulate the practice of medicine and the selling of medicines it provides that every person before entering upon the practice of medicine most apply to and receive from the county court of the county in which he intends to locate a license to practice his profession exhibiting his diploma if any he have and shall testify under oath that he is the person named if he has no diploma the court shall cause him to bo examined by qualified physicians and if from such examination the court is satisfied that he is a competent per son a license shall be issued which may be revoked at any time on good cause being shown such license however shall not entitle the person not holding a diploma from a medical college to the title of physician MD or doctor any one not so holding a diploma who advertises himself as a physician doctor or M D shall be guilty of a misdemeanor any person who shall in compounding medicine on a physicians prescription add substitute or omit any ingredient not authorized by the prescription is guilty of a misdemeanor any person who shall sell any medicine except on the prescription of a physician or licensed practitioner without first putting on the bottle box or package containing the medi cine a formula of the contents of the same in plain english language is guilty of a misdemeanor each physician required to give expert testimony shall receive not less than 25 per day Ee forred to committee on public health gilr moyle presented a bill for an act amending section 20 of an act providing for the establishment of district schools it provides that the sum of is hereby appropriated annually to the university of Deseret to be drawn by and expended under the direction of the chancellor and board of regents provided that fifty pupils hall be selected annually subject to the provisions of this section to bo instructed free of charge for two years in the normal department of the university said pupils shall bo selected by the commissioner of schools from persons nominated by the board of examination of the several counties according to tho district school population thereof and his certificate shall entitle the holder to all the benefits of this provision provided further that notification of such appointment of pupils shall be given by the commissioner of schools to each board of examination or to be superintendent of district schools of each conaty on or before the first day of july of each year in case such nominations are not made and reported to said commissioner by the board of examination of any county before the ast 1st day of september of each year said county shall forfeit its privileges under this section each pupil so selected shall sign an oMi gatlon to tho of schools conditional that for such tree tuition he will serve a period as district school teacher in the territory equal to that during which he received such free tuition provided that in case he fail to teach he will refund to said university a sum equal to the tuition fees regularly charged for any pupil in the normal department of the university during the time of his attendance thereat committee on education mr dark A bill for an act providing for assignments by insolvent debtors committee on judiciary C P no 9 a bill in relation to county recorders was referred to the committee on judiciary H F 10 a bill to establish a reform school was made the special order for the H P 51 a bill for an act amending section 1105 title 71 of eminent domain was passed hoges marriage bill came up on its third reading and its author offered an amendment providing that no minister or priest should solemnize a marriage until he had taken the oath in reference to bigamy polygamy etc there is no doubt he thought but that a clergyman was a public officer and this being BO it was absolutely necessary that he should take the oath mr creer did not view the matter in the same light at all it seemed to him a great stretch of imagination he believed in the utmost freedom consistent with the laws of congress and thought the amendment would bo drenching trenching tren ching upon the rights of religious bodies I 1 before the vote was taken mr i alien called for the ayes and noes and after some little discussion as to whether they could be called the speaker ruled that they could be called on consent of one fifth and the motion to amend being put it was last alien hoge and mclaughlin voting in the affirmative only the bill was then made special order for tuesday adjourned THIRTY SEVENTH DAY FEB 14 COUNCIL the following communication was read the undersigner undersigned under signed duly elected ers to locate university lands in ac with the provisions of an act approved jan nary her leave to report to your honorable body that the status of the lands lo 10 cat d upon remain as they were february 23 estt the data ot our last report the commissioners hive devoted some time and expense in themselves with sundry adverse claims which should have attention and final action in order to place abo lands in a satisfactory and proper condition but we have not been abla to sat lafy the in the cases for the reason that there have been no paeans placed at our disposal to enable ui to do so we would that an appropriation 1 l should be made by conr body for this purpose we also desire to call your attention to the act that no compensation lias been received tor rendered durine the past two yara F A mitchall MiTCH SLL ISAAC M WADD felA B to locate university lands tor utah the council was notified that the houam had passed H F 51 a bill revising the code of civil procedure in relation to eminent domain the boffl was read for the jerst time and referred to the committee on judiciary the committee on enrollment reported that 0 F 14 and 0 P 15 had been properly enrolled etc and sent to the governor for his action thereon i the committee on judiciary to 1 whom wassef erred H F 35 a bill providing for tho selection of jurors recommended that tho bill be placed upon its 3 adopted the on agriculture to whom wa wai i i ferrad H P 27 a bill for an act r bating to tho construction and maintenance of barb wire fences pio anted a majority report ig that the bill be placed upon its passage mr hoe presented a minority report recommending that tho bill be rejected the majority report was adopted the committee on public health to whom was 0 o alred 0 F 33 a bill in relation to lie burial of dead animals recommended that the bill be put upon its passage deport adopted and the bill filed for second reading the committee on judiciary to whom was deferred lef erred IL P 17 an act revising proceedings in justices courts recommended that the bill bo put upon its passage the report was adopted and the bill filed for second reading the committee on elections to whom was referred H F 21 a bill to prevent crimes against the elective franchise recommended that the bill be put upon its passage the bill filed for second reading the same committee to whom was referred BL F 37 a bill providing for release of right of dower offered an amendment to he bill and becom mended that the amendment bo adopted and iha bill put upon its passage adopted and the bill filed for second rending the amendment is as follows SECTION 1 artt ti tiny conveyance of or i upon rel property by deed of the husband may join in such deed and her so joining hiir husband in such deed shall transfer and convey any and all right of lowers be tay h ive in the property conveyed cr Inc in or by such to be valid the signature of the wile must be witnessed and she tins acknowledge tue execution thereof before some officer authorized to take such in the same manner as an unmarried woman the committee on counties to whom was referred 0 F 38 a bill defining the manner of determining the disputed county boundary lines recommended that tho bill be put upon it passage the report was adopted and the bill filed for second reading the committee on highways to whom was jef erred CF 26 a bill in relation to highways recommended that the bill be rejected report adopted and the bill rejected mr woolboy introduced H F 27 a bill for an act regulating the fees of clerks of the district court the bill was read for the first time and referred to the committee on judiciary H F 24 a bill for an act to prevent crimes against the elective franchise was then taken up and passed under a suspension of the rules BL F 17 was read for tho second time and filed for third reading H P 27 the house bill in relation to barb wire fences mr arvan spoke in favor of it mr woolley moved that section 1 of the bill be stricken out tho motion was lost after some further discussion the council adjourned HOUSE H F 48 in reference to animals running at largo was re committed to the committee on judiciary communications were received to the effect that the council had passed C F 25 a bill amending section 1175 of the code of civil procedure H F 25 a bill amending title 12 chapter 2 section of an act revising the code of civil procedure of utah territory relating to appeals from justices courts also with amendments H F 41 a bill amending chapter 1 title 12 0 the code of civil procedure the amendments were concurred in save one and the council BO notified mr hoge presented a petition in the shape cf a letter from the utah penitentiary signed by charles F blandin and calling attention to the defect in our laws which deprives persons of a speedy trial and citing his own case in argument referred to committee on judiciary mr jones presented a petition of joseph bobbins and others residents of box elder county praying for a bounty for the extermination of the pestiferous jack rabbit and complaining of tho damage done by the song eared thieves referred to the committee on agriculture mr creer presented several more petitions from the citizens of ogden salt and other places praying for the passage of a local option law the petitions he said contained names committee on elections mr creer from the committee on elections reported back H F 3 a bill providing for the registration of voters and the conduct of elections and recommended that it bo rejected adopted mr thurman from the committee on judiciary reported as follows the committee on judiciary to whom was referred 12 bill in relation to divorce and for the more effectual protection of tho wife and 10 aid in the suppression of polygamy and polygamous practices herewith return the same and recommend that it be rejected in the judgment of a majority of the the bill does not create any caus for divorce not already a sufficient grounds under existing laws As to that provision the duty of a court a division of ahe property after the parties are divorced the committee deem it safer to leave that question entirely to ahe discretion of the court unhampered by simalu tory enles which mut mu t in tha nature of things be arbitrary and oftentimes unjust and offensive abe committee do noi believe that the toll will in any manner tend to accomplish com the object set forth in the title hence the above mr hoge submitted tho following the majority of the committee to whom was referred the II 11 V U known as the divorce |