Show SALE whereas mary tr ellason and by their certain deed of trust made and executed by them on tie fifteenth adny of sep A JD 1885 and to the undersigner undersigned under signed delivered on the seventeenth day of said month and in the recorders office of the counte of utah in the territory of utah in V on pages and did sell and convey to the und Tined the parties of the second part ill said led the described real properly to wit HI a point eighty one ifil ro s of lie south east corner f the north eart quarter of section eight 8 in six 6 booth ot ranee two 2 eist E of the salt late meridian and thence barly thence west eighty 0 rd thence south alve 35 rods thence east rods to the place of ix and and one hil aerosol land all water incident or pertaining thereto but subject to the right of way or the utah central ballway through said land which said conveyance was la trust 10 secure the payment 01 a cart ilu promissory note bearing date september 14 1885 and iu words and figures following to wit salt city utah slit 14 1885 six months afier date we promise to pay to the ardc r ol 01 S 1 I conr hundred and twelve 7 i v giue received payable ak at lia office salt lake sif er maturity a the rat of one percent aptt mouth until paid both before and at signed M aita L J L and whereas no part eicher ol 01 the principal or 0 bad ante has been paid excepting the bam of dollars paid and credited ou said mt on january M A D 1887 and the reni iseler nf saad note both ard ar d remains now wholly ne and unpaid now re WP sidney V darke and william B baicou the trustees as at abc request ol 01 the payee owner and hold raid note by virtue of the power and authority given usan said deed or trust and in accordance with the provisions ot slid deed will on abe eighth day of march AD A D 1883 betge i abe hours odst pm 10 p m of that day at the north front door of the county court house of utah county in proto ity in said county in utah territory proceed to sell and sell the above described real estate at public auction to the highest bidder fora forpah Ah in band in order to pay said nuie and interest or so much as may remain unpaid thereof and costa of this and upon such sale belne nade belne thereunto duly authorized by said deed we will make execute and deliver to abe purchaser of said property a good and 1 bcd conveying nil the interest which said mary L liR sou and J L bad lu and to said real estate on said september lath and which we have or hold theren as trustees W 1 B bartoy f trustees bait lae city imra |