Show FATAL CAR DISASTER A FALLS CRUSHES A four people killed and four seriously wounded col bins the committee philadelphia peb 15 the congressional committee appointed to investigate tho heading strike met hero alus morning and examined austin corbin corbin said ho was president of alie beading railroad Eail road but not ot the reading coal and iron company he admitted that the reading road was engaged in antor bbate commerce and that the reading railroad company owned all tho stock of tho reading coal and iron company he gave a history of the present strike he said that tho whole trouble arose from the refusal of tho knights of labor to handle freight sent to tho reading system from the mines where there ws a strike in progress the region and in which strike their or was engaged or to move goods which como from firma which employed noc union labor corbin explained that the company was bound as a common carrier to accept and move all freight offered to it for transportation and could not keep anon in its employ who refused to move such freight in speaking of alio strikers who refused to come back when they were given an opportunity corbin said in this way there were about 2600 men laid off the rolls and none of them shall come back while I 1 am president of the road corbin read a long ing the nature of coal mining operations to prove that coal was really a manufactured product in answer to tho question was there not an agreement with the men that no one should bo discharged unless the matter was submitted to arbitration or their case could bo heard corbin said that he believed there was some sort of an agreement to this but it was never intended to cover such an act as tho refusal of the men handling goods which the company were bound to take as common carriers merely because the maker of the goods was objectionable to the knights of the agreement referred to such matters as could in reason bo subject to arbitration corbes attention was called to the statement that superintendent had agreed to take the men back and submit tho question to arbitration he said ho did not believe it there never was any intention to arbitrate this matter on his part proceeding to the question of the miners strike corbin said they had DO reason or disposition to complain and would not have struck but for the pressure upon them by the philadelphia knights of labor he denied there had been any private agreement with the minors which was not in their written contract to the effect that if the lehigh strike went on the 8 per cent advance would bo paid the company had refused to pay this advance after january ast 1st and the miners had refused to work corbin added we arp and have been willing to take up the question of a readjustment of wages if the men will return to work but wo will not treat with them while they are out wo will make the basis as high as any other company but wo cant make it higher and compete with them and another thing we can fill the places of tho striking miners in ten days it tho new men can bo protected tip in the mining districts big men with clubs and pistols aro keeping not only other men but boys who desire to earn a living and keep from starving away from the mines and breakers we dont care whether tho men belong to the labor organizations or not wo will put to work all alie men who apply at our collieries colli eries and ask no questions but if thero is no more coat mined from tho schuylkill region until wo are compelled to mine it by discharging men who have come to us in our trouble and stood by us to make way for strikers no more shall wo mine whilo I 1 have in to prevent it the witness pronounced tho stories of a combination of coal companies all over the country to keep up prices a pure romance in reply to a question regarding the assertion that the railroad company have made money nac alie of the consumer and of the minors and laborers corbin said tho best answer I 1 can make to ahat is that the reading railroad company with a paid capital of 40 has been twice a bankrupt in twelve years why do you keep on mining coal it you have lost since 1878 was asked 1 I hardly know myself but think we can ultimately make money out of our coal lands dont you it bad policy for your company to bo in tho mining business yes sir and I 1 wish somebody would buy out tho coal lands wo would be better off but who will do it wo have them and must do tbt best wo can with them A accident NEW YORK feb 14 A frightful accident occurred in brooklyn this morning which caused tho dolth of three persons and tho injury of a dozen others along broadway a section of tho union elevated road is now in course of construction A kiugo stem derrick which was used issod in building it was pulled along the girders as each section was com lil eted this morning the derrick was started and had been pulled out a short distance when the girders be gan to spread outward just at that moment a street car was approaching the section but the driver did not no tico what was going overboard the derrick pressed through the girders and to tho ground striking the horse car and cutting it in two the fire department was called out and an ambulance sent for but owing to the escaping steam and heat of the boiler it was some time before anything could be done finally the debris was cleared away and the dead and the wounded released the killed were frederick thompson street car driver charles kirchner and patrick dark two of the injured will probably die the others are resting comfortably NEW feb 15 special to he tribune an investigation of the cause of the accident on the elevated road in brooklyn this afternoon shows there was gross carelessness on the part of ahe workmen the columns and transverse girders are erected by derricks standing on the ground then the traveling derrick moves forward on longitudinal girders and raises those for the next span it is clamped fast to the girders it rests upon to lift those to be put in place the girder about to bo lifted weighed six tons and was sixty feet long the girders on which the derrick rented which had been put up monday were fastened in their places only by four rivets each at the top alie lower alango being unsecured to the transverse girders the upright columns had not been permanently fastened in their sockets but were held in place only by steel wedges these had not been driven securely and the columns tottered with the weight of the moving engine and derrick and this caused the girders to move so as to snap the rivets and pitch everything into the street U with two wivel NEW special to the tribune boston date bev H bernard carpenter one of the most prominent in this city who for several years had been pastor of hollis street unitarian church resigned that pastorate last fall when the hollis street and fourth congregational churches united carpenter is now accused of bigamy by a scandal monger and ho admits the crime in the eyes of the law but claims lie is innocent morally as he supposed he was leading a correct life he went to europe six weeks ago two years ago dav brook herford pastor of tho arlington street church revisited his old home in england A lady was introduced as mrs carpenter when she learned that herford was from boston she remarked that her husband bev H bernard carpenter was also preaching in boston this was startling intelligence telli gence to herford and ho consulted carpenter immediately on his return 0 o this city carpenters story was 0 the effect that when a young man ie was urged by his family to marry a young woman of their choice he engaged to her but subsequent information led the family to oppose the match carpenter considered himself bound and married but the woman made his home a place of orra ent and boasted of her unfaithfulness ful ness finally his brother now aishor of advised a legal separation and papers were signed but detoro putting the articles of separation into effect his brother urged hiim to make one more effort to live with his wife to take her to america and if necessary separate there with a view of avoiding the scandal of an english separation carpenter consented and about fourteen years ago landed in new york with his wife and children troubles began again almost immediately in less than throe months they separated forever carpenter believed and was advised that ho was as free as if never married he preached in bridgetown bridgeton Brid geton maine three years and there married his present wife after the interview with herford carpenter told his story to a few influential friends who employed tyler B king buo went to england and quickly obtained a full divorce and complete release from the first wife in six months the final decree was issued carpenter and his boston wife then went to montreal and were then remarried on british soil the massachusetts law forbidding the remarriage of a divorced person until two years after the granting of the final decree if mr and mrs carpen tor should return to massachusetts to live they will bo remarried here when tho two years limit shall have expired carpenters friends deny that his retirement ti from the hollis street pulpit was in any way caused by these developments elop ments the hollis street church is the one over which thomas starr king was pastor before going to california euion monn LONDON feb 15 A fearful snow storm prevails on the continent in some parts of switzerland the snow is seven meters deep and numerous avalanches have occurred attended by loss of life one outlet of the st brothard Gro thard railway tunnel was blocked by the sno wand the train was detained inside the tunnel for an hour the channel of alie river ache at bastein Ga stein austria has been filled with snow by an avalanche which destroyed several houses Si accidents have oc curre djin the and valleys in tyrol and elsewhere |