Show A FRIEND OF MINE tha law which the entire globe travelers who have gone far countries for to see say that they find human nature pretty much the same all the world over they find wide variance in color of skin in physical contour in mental characteristics but in the essential elements that control social conduct the human family is a brotherhood the law unwritten found in no statute book enforced by no court decrees but having an influence circumscribed only by tho limits of earthly space is the law of kindness among peoples where cruelty to human kind is almost a fixed habit who are relentless lent less foes and as friends scarcely leaa to be dreaded whose savage natures revel in fiendish atrocities there yet lingers the spark of divinity which lifts man above the beasts sorrow melts the enman heart wherever found and sympathy mingles its tears with grief all the world over where pity does not dwell there lives no thing of human kind it is the touch of nature that makes the whole world kin what a terrible world this would be to live in were it not for the sympathy and loving kindness shown us when borrow comes for it is decreed that in all lives some days most be dark and dreary the and more voluntary testimonials the proprietors of camers bafo cure have received in regard to the efficacy of that remedy reveal this touch of nature in a peculiar manner the great majority of them acknowledge that it was through some kind friend who in pity for their suffering bad made known to them the wonderful merits of this great remedy the testimonials of capt geo B wiltbank of philadelphia is a fair sample he was put ashore from his ship to die of a fever resulting from kidney and liver trouble and as physicians could not help him there seemed no hope for him but he says A friend of mine who happened into port camo to see me and urged me to begin the use of camers safe cure he began to use it as his friend advised and was cured in a very short time how many men there are today to day in the world rounding out lives of usefulness making the world happier and better who would have long since passed to the other shore had it not been for the loving kindness of friends hown in this practical way as these testimonials from all quarters of the globe afford ample evidence |