Show back from eureka wednesday evening mr robert J dugdale returned from his trip to eureka w here he has been on business busi nebs connected with alie he reports the camp in a flourishing condition and as paying out every month for wages to the hands employed in the eureka and bullion beck and california mining companies the sum of there being men on the pay roll of the eureka and nearly 70 on the bullion beck exclusive of the wood and ore haulers the output of the eureka mine is tons per day this mine is constructed on the most improved plans there are two safety cageao on the and feet level they are now at work on the feet level aliis mine is lit up bv the electric light and the output is thirty tons per day there is one horse power engine tor hoisting and one compressed engine for drilling purposes the bullion beck was never more flourishing than at the present work is still progressing on the and GOO feet levels and the output per day averages twenty five tons of good paying ore this is a much better showing than that of the eureka whose output is but five tons more per day with nearly twice as many men As soon as the present litigation is decided it is the intention of the management to increase their force for which preparations are already in progress one of IQ kllc of their boarding house capacities each of these companies have well stocked stores both of do a rushing business eureka boasts of eleven ea loona all of which judging by their thriving surroundings roun dings anre well patronized by the miners there are two barber shops two millinery stores four or five meat markets three hotels three livery stables one district school two churches and numerous other appendages the population of eureka now numbers about people our agent was informed that the Es quiner took the lead in papers patronized by alie people and that the recent improvements in alie paper were well appreciated and admired |