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Show GOLDEN VICTORIOUS. Defeats University of Wyoming by a Scoro of 35 to 0. Special to Tho Tribune. LARAMIE, Wyo., Oct. 13. In tho game of football this afternoon between the Colorado School of Mines of Golden, Colo., and the University of Wyoming, the lormer team won hnnds down, the score being 35 to 0. The Golden team averaged .175 pounds to 1-10 for Wyoming. Wyo-ming. The new rules worked to bettor ad vantage for Wyoming than for the visitors. Wyoming tried the forward pass but once and failed. Golden used it three times, with very little gain. Football Scores. Ai Middletown Conn. 'tt'eslcyan, 0; Bow-doin, Bow-doin, 0. . . At Andover Tnlo freshmen, 11; Phillips Over, 0. At Vill!auistovn Williams, 1C: Middle-bury, Middle-bury, 0. ... At Lancaster, Pa. Western Maryland tor-foltod tor-foltod today's game to Franklin and Marshall, Mar-shall, becauso of a decision nuinst them. At Bellcfont, I'.i State College. 0; Got tysburg, 0. At Easton, Pa. Lafayette, 34, Medic Chicago-Surgical College, 0. At Columbus Ohio Medical University, 30; Denison University, 0. Al Marietta, 0. Marietta College, 15; Buchanan. Bu-chanan. W. Vo., 0. At Exolcr, N. H. Harvard Second, 4; Phillips Exeter. 0. . At Cincinnati University of Cincinnati. 0; Miami University. 0. At Philadelphia Swarthmore, 4; Pennsylvania, Pennsyl-vania, 0. , At Annapolis Princeton, n; Midshipmen, Midship-men, 0. At New Hnven Yalo. IT; Holy Cross. 0. At Lawrence, Kau. University of Kau sss, 37: University of Arkansas, 5. At Biillcvuo, Nob. Bcllevue, 2; Tnrklo, 0. At Lincoln Nobrasko. 5; Drake, 0. At Champaign, III. Illinois University, 0; Wabash, 0. At Ithaca. N. V. Cornell, 24; Buck-nell. Buck-nell. 0. At Madison Madison, 0; St. Lawrence, 0. At Princeton Prlncotou, 29; Pratt Institute, Insti-tute, 0. At Amos, la. Ames. 32; Morniugside, 0. At Terro Haute Earlh.im, 6; Rose Polvtoe.hnic, 0. At Cedar Rapids Dos Moines, 0; Coe, 0. At Missoula, Mont. University of Mon-Una. Mon-Una. 32: Fort Shavr Indlftus. 6. J 1 |