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Show LADIES' AUXILIARY Organization Is Perfected at Murray on Friday Evening. Ladies' Auxiliary of Alnericau Party at Murray was completed Friday night, and the following permanent officers elected: President, Mrs. P. J. McDonough; Vice-President. Mrs. Winchester; Win-chester; Secretary, Mrs. John Wrens. An advisory board provided for by thd constitution adopted was appointed by tho President., consisting of J. W. Cuhoon and Jos. Stratlon. Arrangements Arrange-ments aro being martc for a rally and dance, to be given by tho Auxiliary in the near future. Mrs. H. Warren Smith and R. Fl Christiansen will go to Ogden tomorrow tomor-row to malco arrangements for an organization or-ganization there, and thenco to Brig-liam Brig-liam City and' Corimic, whero thore aro many Americans ready to welcome lliem. |