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Show I ROADMASTBR CRM i RESIGNS PROM D.1 From si reliable 60!JB I- al ion was obtained FnfM I' thnt John Cronin, Se?JH v masier of the DcnVSjB Grande from Grand JM Snlt Lake, has.tcndcrtfM v ignatiou to Sitpcnm 4 Stonger, tho snmc to V I- as soon ns hu can he JJ While no coufirinaUJfB report could bo obt3ine v night it is bclieyJftjH r Cronin has severed u i tion with the roan. Mr. Cronin has bc"M 4 with .the Denver S gm ns roadmnstor for f jB i' years. He has -ai,rB J tho track on various lM 'I' tho line and nboiit jm v was appointed fi'.B v master by Superintend' Wolbv. IIo is considers I tho b'ost trackmen .M j and his depart uro 'JH f tinct loss to rho r03"jB |