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Show NEVADA PArBVIEW. Supt. Williams Writes That Property Look Better Everywhere. rjfittcrB from Superintendent A. H. Williams of tho Novadn Fairviow com pany of Fairvicw, continue to bring confirmation of the finds of rich ore now boing mado upon this property. Tho oro in the north drift, for instance, where the hii-h assays wore secured as roportcd in thcao columns Friday, there arc twelve inches of ore that show horn silver in profusion. Tho management is sacking this rock. All tho drifts from the wiuso driven from tho No. 4 tunnel aro picking up rapidly, the average aver-age of all being over $20 to the ton, while tho face of No. A. tunnel itseli is breaking into pre again. Tho whole property is showing unusual cvidoncoa of being a big property, and local stockholders are very much pleased. |