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Show REUNION WITH FAMILY. Pardoned Man Too Happy to Think of Plans for Future. KANSAS CITY, July 19. Charles W. Anderson reached Kansas City this morning, a fow hours after his feleaso from the ponitontiary at Leavenworth, and wont directly to his home, where a family reunion was hold. Later, when a newspaper man callod, he found tho little croup radiant with happiness. With his four-year-old child on his knee, Anderson talked of himself. "I have no plans for the future," said he, "save that J. will remain in Kansas City. I am just glad to get back to m' wifo and oaby " "We'ro going to build that swing this afternoon, aren't we, daddy?" interrupted in-terrupted tho child, and A'nderson smiled and said: " Vou bet, wo are." "Tho wife aud tho baby aro so glad to sco mo back and its like getting acquainted ngain," snid he to the reporter. re-porter. Asked about the report that he would ongngo in tho pool hull business, Anderson said it was without foundation. founda-tion. "1 would not," he said, "bo so ungrateful un-grateful to tho many who sigued for me." ! During the day the following message, mes-sage, signed by Anderson's littlo girl, was forwarded to Washington: "Theodore Roosevelt, President of the Unitod States 'Pupa has come home to stay with mammu and me. I'm so glad, and papa says he is, too. Ho says he will be a good papa now. Lucille Anderson," |