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Show OLD FOLKS OF PROVO 10 UTAH COUNTY Peter Madsen Wins Prize for Largest Number of Children Chil-dren Thirty-Five. TROVO, July 10. Old Folks' day at tho Geneva resort Thursday was a pleasant event. The work of tho coni-mitteo coni-mitteo having the matter in hand wus perfect. About 250 of the old people left Provo for tho resort early in tho morning over tho 3v. G. W., nnd they were ,ioinecl at Geneva by a numbor of others from adjoining settlements. Before JO o'clock Micro were :i00 aged pcoplo in attendance. Tho day was pleasantly passed in music and song, dancing and feasting. And tho old hearts were mado glad by the happy reminiscences given and tho old-fashioned socinl recreation entored into The singing of the day was under the direction of J. K. Twelves, ono of tho old-time choristers. Judge J. 13. iLil-ncr iLil-ncr acted as chaplain. Bishop O. JI. Berg of tho Provo First ward delivered a pleasant speech of welcome, to which Warren N. Duson-bcrry Duson-bcrry responded. Sentiments were expressed ex-pressed lry President C. R- Savago of Salt Lake nnd Thomas Jefferson Patton of Provo Bench. Mr. Savago spoke feelingly of the inauguration of tho "Old folks' day" in Utah, which was in the year 1S75, a day that has beconio memorable and' most praiseworthy in our State. During the afternoon the following programme was given: Singing by the company of old folks; music by the band; sentiment by S. S. .loncs of Provo and Andrew Jensen of Salt Lake; singing by tho Farrer sislers of Provo; recitation by Ascha ISggortson; song," 'Tho Sword of Bunker Bun-ker llill," by John ft. Twelves of Provo. Prizes were awardod the old people as follows: The oldest man on- the grounds, Charles 'Vincent of Provo, aged 87. The oldest woman on tho grounds, Jano James of Provo, aged 03. The two having been married tho longest, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc-Adnm Mc-Adnm of Provo; time, 62 years. Parent of tho largest family, Peter Madsen: number of children, 35. Tho oldest resident of Provo and vicinity, vi-cinity, Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Pace. They camo here in 3849. Tho best siugor and reciter, Mr. Lake. There were live pioneers of 1S-17 in the company. Tho old people thoroughly enjoyed the day and they are looking forward to the gathering together again next year with fond anticipation. |