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Show Better Oard Than Ever, Special to The Tribune. OGDEN, July 19 Cyclone Thompson, who will go into a twenty-round glovo contest with Pete Sullivan at. Glen wood on Wednesday, July 24. Is the most Industrious In-dustrious man In the ring today. Blessed with the best of health and physical and moral courage, Johnny spares neither his erfort or his body. During the limited period he has left for his training ho is not punishing hlmsolf, but each day he docs a stunt that would wear out a llghliir In a heavier class. He runs six to eight miles up and down over the mountains, together with an hour on the hag and the pulleys, then six Btlrf rounds with Terry Kelley, known as young Fltzslmmons. Kelley. who with his long reach has been feared by lighters, finds that Thompson Thomp-son is not alone getting stronger, but is gaining rlngshlp knowledge, and Ja now a better lighter than ever before. Cyclone and Pete Sullivan will have a great reeoptlon on next Wednesday night and whichever way the contest terminate.; termi-nate.; it will give a great Impetus to legitimate sport, or which this city Is tho most liberal patron. A splendid set of preliminaries are being be-ing arranged and Tom Painter of Evans-ton Evans-ton will bo tho referee of tho main event. Tho preliminaries will he handled by Billy Hughes. |