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Show NATIONAL LEAGUE. Standing of the Clubs. P. W. L. P C. KW Tork 67 4S 19 .71 Philadelphia 4 39 IS &.t Plttdburg 65 40 .60$ 'hlrago $3 37 2 .f68 lnrlnnatl M .U 30 .fit SU Loula 64 2 39 .391 Boston Q 2() 45 .jjj Brooklyn . 67 18 49 .;9 Yesterday's Games. Boston. 9; Philadelphia. 5. Chicago, 13. Cincinnati, J. NTW S'ork. 7. Brooklyn. 5 PMtburg-St. Louis game postponed; vet grounds. Today's Games. Chicago at St. Louis Pittsburg at Cincinnati Boston u, i.-ti.nles 5. PHILADELPHIA, .luiv 1. Boston de-fepted de-fepted Philadelphia In the final game of the series by hatting the ball to all corners cor-ners of the ft-ld. Attendance. 7000. Score: R. H K. Boston . . nin 043 001 9 20 2 Philadelphia Oil OIOUIO 5 9 3 Batteries Fraser and Mornn, Duggleby. Sudhoff Caldwell and Dooln Two-base hits (llnnson. Cnnnell. Abbatachlo. Dolan 2. Tennev. Three-base hits Titus and Dcoln. Homo run Gleason. Struck out Bv Caldwell 1. by Duggleby 1, by Sudhoff 1 ' Base on balls Off Duggleby 1, by ( aid well , by Praeer 2 Umpire Johnstone. John-stone. Chicago 13, Cincinnati 5. CHICAGO. July 1 Chicago today batted Walker OUt of the box In the seventh and hit Overall for two singles, a doubls and a triple In the same Inning scoring seven ri.ns. Attendance. 6200 Score H H K Chicago 000 111 73-13 17 2 Cincinnati ..008 110 001- 6 11 3 Batteries Welmer. Brown and Kllng, Walker. Overall and Schlel Two-base hlta Ever, Casey. Three-base hit Bchlel Struck out Bv Welmer 1. by Brown 2. t. Walker 1. by Overall 4. Base on balls Off Wolmer 2. off Brown 1. off W;.lker I off Overall 2 I"mplr: O'Day. New York 7, Brooklyn 5. BROOKLYN. July 1. The New forks took the gjime from Brooklyn at Washington Wash-ington park today with comparative ease, although the locals hit WlltSS hard and aften. Attendance, 34t0. Score: B- 11 New York f20 fyj 0007 10 4 Brooklvn 100 031 000-5 12 2 Batteries -WlltSS und Bow rman, Jones BcanlOU and Rltter Two-base hlts-Mc- aim Strang, Hall, Babb. Thro, hits Browne Lumb' Base on balls Off Bcanlon s. off wntse ?.. stru.-k out By Jones 1, by Scanlon 4, by Wlltsc 7 I m-plre m-plre Emsllc. San Francisco 8. Los Angeles 2. SAN FRANCISCO Jul) 1 Baum was apparently In want of his usual effective-tod. effective-tod. iv and the locals f . b.-l his de. llverv in 'a lively maMiier in a coupb' of Innings. The game ws a one-sided af- fslr after the third Inning. , Score 11 "J Los Angeles 000 001 OOt-j 5 4 San Francisco 042 101 00 J HatterU-s Haum and Spies; llltt and Vllson Unmlre Davis. |