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Show RUSSIAN SIDE SHOWS. The reluctance which Russia displays to enter Into direct negotiation with Japan for peace is painfully evident M. V.'ltte's idea that it was Impossible for Russians to treat with an ' Inferior race" for peace, save on the vktorous side, has evidently permeated the whole Russian polity But still, lhat Idea, adhered to, would prevent any negotiations nego-tiations at all, and so It has to be set aside But to "save her face," Russia is actively plotting to bring In some element that will salve her wounded amour propre, and prevent the direct aoknowiement that she has been whipped. True, Russia has all along declared that when the peace negotiations negotia-tions came on, they must be between Russia and Japan direct, and no other power would be permitted lo Interfere. But that was when Russia expected to have Japan at her mercy, and to dictate dic-tate peace on her own terms. Japan, however, was not slow to recognize the advantage which Russia's insistence upon this point gives to herself, and now Insists upon It, while Russia begins be-gins to squirm and would be glad of relief, It would be quite an agreeable thing for Russia as conqueror to dictate dic-tate terms to prostrate Japan, but it is quite another thing for triumphant Japan to dictate terms to prostrate Russia, and the Czar is eagerly seeking a buffer. From St. Petersburg, accordingly, comes the announcement that China wants to be represented In tho peace conference Tn other times, probably Peking would back this up by insisting lit. n re . rem ntatlon. Bui now Japan s Influence at the Chinese court is probably prob-ably sufficient to smother any aspirations aspira-tions China might have In this respect, Japan, it will be said, will take care of China's interests; In fact. It was to protect pro-tect Chinese Interests that Japan undertook un-dertook the war; and Japan will treat separately with China as to these Interests In-terests w hen the war is oer. The natural natu-ral fear would be that If China Is called Into the conference, other powers also would be called In, and this Is distinctly against Japanese plans and Interests. There is. In fact, no more reason why-China why-China should come In on these negotiations negotia-tions than that Korea should. And with Korea and China in, the door would be open for all. It Is not in tho least likely that Japan would consent to anything else than direct negotiation with Russia, all other nations barred. |