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Show Mining Notes. An ft'mnt Of 3 eents a sher has ben C&lltd for by the Nalldrlver at Park Cltj When the mining exchange adjourned yesterday yes-terday It wo unlll next Wednesday morning harK-H f . Harts eama In from ninjrham v iterday morning, to return io the tripod again tbniOITOW Henry Krum of the T tzh Copper company came In from camp ydMsrday morning to confer wllh Manager Jiukllne C H. Rcheu. one of tho foundero of the company, com-pany, will leave for thu Honerlne mines and mill at Stockton this morning Gideon Snyder has returned from Gold mountain, much pleaeed wllh conditions at th Annie Iurle HnJ the Apex, of uhlch latter lat-ter he Is tho secretary Frank Wll.-on manager of the Johnnie Mining Min-ing company, ho icturned from f'allfemla. whither hn went to examine property In behalf be-half of his organization ICeesrs H. G. Moynahen end J. T MoCmrthy, who are operating In the gold camps of Nevada, Neva-da, cume In from tho west, yemerday morning to repeat the jtory Of that country's wealth Practically ull of the larger mlnn through-nut through-nut tho ''tatn suspend operations tonight, that those employed within them may have nppor-tunltv nppor-tunltv to c-lebrote the Nation' birthday unrestrained. un-restrained. Crescent Times- P J. Qualley. n mining expert of Kemnicrer. Wyo. has been at Nlp-peno Nlp-peno looking the ground oer. He has no hesitancy hes-itancy In Haying lhat In oil his exierlneo h never saw anything equal tho iiroapecto of tho Creseunt district. Statu Journal, Reno James Gorman and a Mr Kesenthal are tho latest to make a big strlko In tin- new WhltshOTSI dlslrlet At n depth of twelve feet th.-y havo uncovered eighteen Inches of frce-rnllling ore that u-i.avs u-i.avs t26 In gold to the ton. Manager Weir of the AJnx says thit whllo the change for which he has been driving hn.s not yet been developed, the condition along the route Is a very highly mineralized one. and that he expects to be able lo report an Important Import-ant disclosure at any hour William lJaey. formerly superintendent of tho Vampa mines, Klngham. has arrived from amp. and will remain Indefinitely In Zlon It Is the Intention of Mr Davey to give his attention at-tention lo peroonal Interests and tnose of a largo list of clients throughout the country The return of Wlllnrd K Snyder from California Cali-fornia Ir scheduled fi-r today Mr. Snyder hiu been conducting an examination Of the Weet- rn Exploration company's Interests In Shasta county, and undoubtedly returns with a fund of Information affecting lta splendid development. develop-ment. Manacer D P Rohlflng of the Frisco Contact Con-tact and LUlU Mining eomponles has returned from his camps In Heaver county, much pleased with the progress of development, and that he Will have added two mor to tho list of produeers before tho close of the season appears ap-pears quite well assured. Hon Newton J. Catro-w, the largest Individual Indi-vidual shareholder In tho Ohio Topper company com-pany of Blnghnm camo In from the Fast during dur-ing tho afternoon and will remain ten dayn or more. At the mine thcro awaits him a number of surprises, while the mill will show him a new record for June. Ooldfleld Run- I. O Southey of T.endllle, nnd ?nn Juan, fnln returned f., OoMtk-Id terdoj from tho new Quartz Mountain district In yiithern Nye county, which Is about flfiv miles southeast of Ooldfleld He report great n.op Itj nnd ray that conditions are combining combin-ing to bring the section to the front In rapid otrldee. |