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Show f pSNG W THE WHUD) IF I?AS3N K"thi ,n;mv Mi- k.s ...II for Pterin h'"' wirt of fin" lRWn' gored at IB1 1 VviV With .!..-, ,h hip in:,-v be m:ul K tll, well lik'-l. hiH .nips of unlf-m- "'"'-i "'"'-i ','Kt i for each r"1"'- "" ' ""' ' H (op;, to v.hbh :irp Joined deep cirtfutar flounces, the joining betas eled by trimming repeated upon flounce and top that the effect Is Of B piece skirt, rather than of a floum ed skirt, are seen in some of the French models but these are not easily hung and fitted, are prone t -ag and are sure to lose their shapeliness In "nr- h..Kh fnr th ,t ,n..M..r th-dne th-dne lingerie frock of tndav seldom falls into the hands of the laundress Openwork embroidery, blind embroider embroi-der dne hand embrolderv and valen-clennes valen-clennes lace are the trimmings oj the summer frock. Add tn these the many forma of handiwork shirring tucking smocking, openwork stitchory, etc and one has a chanre for Infinite variety va-riety ..f .1. tall Intricate- Insetting of valenclennes insertion In combination J . . r:Aj;i ii silk Hcmlrc cown of preen Rajah s Ilk. appropriate for day wear, Is pat-jEter pat-jEter ihf- a Nov " .1- mu'ii Th" k rt i - w alklnp length and finished nt hnt-Br)rc? hnt-Br)rc? tli.;. knit' i I 1 1 1 - I rufil.- Th. draped I.. in- Is filled In Kb a y.'.k" ,'m; -' "i n broldered cream batiste and lace Insertion. buttons nr. I .-. r 1 1 1 :1 . i -ilk. matching those on skirt trim th waist. Hitter Is used on th. . lt..iw si r-.-v s .t pr.- st taw brail v. ith i arr.-i wings . ..irpb-t., the stylish cos- ' U lY j I V TB.K FASHIONABLE LINEN SUIT m' . .vn than this season and the models ati'l num. - I .. ,,tK. I hrrc-nu: it I .ml H l.tvnr. d t'oi vvalk- jLtrtn in..!,- . ns li"w "f K'L Our in,,,),. .... ,.,i,., fr .mi a pal- green limn aid 1 If llttl iBt' ls x "i'l i i. save s tit. lied bands of the material down th J p,at round .-..ii ii tind pli e on si -eves ftre also h Hv stlti h d J4t I Pr.-f. N , t;tM ... iti, i ,,, folds of green hlffon loth and ku tl AN UNCOMMON HAT KrktV'n- " '"' sn.M.-lookinu Hats, asal- the h. .p.a,- J'1'"'" - A ' I 1 1 v 1 1 I- I. r.-ation u hi. h may I.. .pled l. Cu ,"' 1 1 turned in front and at one side, with K- Mcrncaih and on lop. vOth multlfu'llnous little turkn running in an directions characterises most of the more elaborate lingerie mod. Is. and tiny sprays and garlands of hand em-prouiery em-prouiery mingled with the lace and tu.klnp. Khe the last touch of smartness smart-ness and daintiness. Very frequently heavy applique moth mo-th of embroidery nre used in small quantities, accentuating the (luffness end airiness of the other trimming Thero Is foi example, one charming lro.-k wl I, louse and short slee es are forme,) entirely of overlapping frills of fine alenclennes la. ie for th polhted yoke of heavy motifs set to-gethei to-gethei with handwork and lace. :,,id th re arc manj model fror ks. made with Bhallow guimpes of transparent valen-clennes valen-clennes ar.d openstltch and with heavy embroidery medallions or applique, bordering the bottom of the Kulmpe and lylnc flat around the shoulders. Often this heavy trlmmlnc Is used on no other part of the frock, but it elves the character to a blouse that might otherwise seem uninteresting, though lovely In detail The yoke or guimpes are more shallow shal-low than those of last year and do not drop off the Bhoulders, thoiigti the bertha which is still popular, gives a long-shoulder effect to some modish frocks In numerous cases a Dutch neck or other eery slight decolletege Is used; and the elbow slepi-e or the sleeve reaching but half way to the elbow Is considered appropriate for the daytime lingerie frock, provided the wearer's aims ran stand the exhibition, or lone ploes are to be orn These little frocks, low of throat and short of sleeve, recall the days of our grandmothers' plrlhood and are quaintly quaint-ly charming in themselves. Burpllce-cut blouses, .leaving the throat hare 01 worn with a transparent gulmpe and collar of lace are liked for Bummer froi ks. but though charming they are not so youthful as the blouse frilled to some sort of yoke and fastening fasten-ing in the back, and they should be re-Bervi re-Bervi d for the older girls Here again we often And very heay embrolderv applique or band Insertion hindering the BUrpllCfe, while the rest of the frock Is trimmed lightly and flufflly In nlen-clennes nlen-clennes insertion and edging Heavy embroidery Insertion scalloped on both edges and with vnlem lennes frills bordering bor-dering the scallops Is liked for the surplice sur-plice borders and may be used, too. upon the sleeve and as heading for skirt Bounces A charming Idea for a frock hullt on these lines has a band of embroidery down the front of skirt from waist to hem. and sides and back are trimmed with horizontal bands of embroidery and with a deep flounce N'arrow puf-flnr: puf-flnr: bands of white ribbon border the bands of openwork embroidery trlm-minr trlm-minr the bodice front and form little cocardes. The slrdle "Is of similar ribbon. AN IDEAL SEASHORE COSTUME. White pongee Is Ideal for seashore wear, and a dalntv model Is here shown. Th- skirt Is laid In fine tucks over the hip--', falling loose and full to the bottom. The Jaunty little Jacket has pointed fronts, and Is edged with fine white batiste ba-tiste embroidered ruffles, which also edge the elbow sleeves. The collar Is pale violet chiffon velvet. READY FOR HER FIRST DIP. The bathing girl Is again with us and more attractive than ever Whits suits predominate with the early bathers and a delightful suggestion Is white mohair, with trimmings as above noted, of brown surah silk. The combination combina-tion Is most pleasing and picturesque, as our study proves. A YOUTHFUL HAT. This Is a pretty and attractive hat for a young girl It Is simple In construction con-struction hut exceedingly stylish A wreath of American Beauty roses en-cjrcles en-cjrcles the crown and a bunch of black velvei ribbon loops fastens wheie the brim turns at left ald. The model Is white cljjp. . |